This circuit (Tesla wireless transmission + edwin Grays circuit) makes the volt meter go off scale.....starting to get scary now....still not seeing sparks though....
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errr... whats going on Nat ?
Originally posted by nat1971a View Post.
"I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -
please try to wire the cold current from the spark gap through a primary coil and then to ground, attach many bulbs(normal should be fine) to the secondary coil(step down transformer) and see what happens. If you get no spark try to minimize the gap or step up the voltage.
The cold current always looks for ground and you should pick up the power on its road to ground. Good luck!
Another idea is to put some simple Savonius wings on an inner sphere on your roof, that one should rotate more quickly than your outer sphere. Get the inner sphere to rotate, that would attract some more energy I believe.
If not possible to solve try to rotate your sphere just as it is, maybe something will happen.
i replaced my antenna wire with coaxil cable.....and it seemed i can only conclude that the cyclinder b/w the bridge rectifier and the acting like a magnifying transmitter of some sort.....
might build grays conversion tube and see what happens....
@gauss....tried connecting direct to ground and the sparks stopped...
thats the Different between blowing hot Air theoretically and sproad Links and practical doing it.
Right /Gauss/darkwizard?
Its anyway 2 Accounts from 1 Person.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
Ok, but you left the battery out and went straight from spark gap to ground?
Now you have sparks and before you had not, which parameter did you change? Maybe you could try a transformer soon?
Well, I am ONE user and I have no idea about those user names...But I am not a builder, merely an interested observer here..
My hot air blowing is max 30C...
Well, if you check all radiant receivers in patents they go through a load to ground or a capacitor to recharge a battery(Gray - that is where Bedini got his idea for charge/load battery, no doubt about it he just reused one of Gray´s discoveries) or power a load, that is how you pick up the radiant charge.
And maybe you will need an extra spark gap like Gray to take care of the surges?
But the main question is whether your spark gap is working or not before grounding the cold current?
from my last circuit i posted... disconnected the cable from the positive of the primary battery to the spark gap and the negative from the primary battery to the negative of the cap ...increased to 36v...then it started sparking
if you then connect the spark gap to stops....if you connect the spark gap to the negative of the cap it stops also....but if you connect it to nothing it i said i have no experience with spark am quite puzzled....
maybe grays circuit works at 36 volts??? i didnt try that....the volt meter went off scale at 12 volts...but no sparking.....maybe have to take it to 36 volts......scary stuff.....
Ok I see. What if you do like this:
Multi-Spark Gap Experiments
Add a capacitor before the spark gap, put the cold pulse through a primary and then over (to a cap) and possibly a battery - voila should work. Add an extra spark gap for safety, Meyl also says in his book the surges can be extremely dangerous and if a thunderstorm approaches...
Cap - spark gap(s) - primary coil - cap - (battery) - no bad idea it seems.