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Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator Video

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  • The ELECTRET Sphere?

    Is it the intention of using a sphere as an "antenna" or more specifically an electrized dialectric?

    If so production of the material suggest certain specific production techniques.

    The reason that this article peaked my interest was the reference to wax. I believe that Tesla made specific reference to "wax" as a component of the production of his device.

    .................................................. ......................

    On the Permanent Electret by Mototaro EGUCHI, Professor of Physics, Higher Naval College, Tokyo, Japan.¹ From "Philosophical Magazine" Vol 49 (1925) pp178.


    "ELECTRET" is the name given to the dielectric which is electrized² permanently by a special treatment due to the author. Some waxes and resinous materials have moderate conductivity in their liquid state, while they are very good insulators in the solid state. The electrical conductivity of these materials varies gradually with the degree of solidification, and when the materials get moderately hard the conductivity becomes practically nil. The author let solidify a mixture of these materials in a strong electric field applied through all the time in which the solidification went on. The dielectric taken out of the field, after having been cooled sufficiently, showed very strong polarities on its two surfaces which were kept in contact with the electrode plates during the preparation. The electrization of such a dielectric could not he destroyed by several treatments, such as touching by Bunsen flame, exposure to X-rays, planing with knife, washing with some solvents, &c. Nor did it die away after the lapse of many years. From several subsequent studies, it has become evident that the electrical change of the dielectric is not of a superficial nature, but that it is a permanent internal change within the material.

    The name "Permanent Electret" or simply " Electret" was given to the special dielectric at the ordinary meeting of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan, February 21, 1920³. Later, I found in Oliver Heaviside's ' Electrical Papers' the section with the title "Electrization and Electrification - Natural Electret" 4. In this paper he proposed for the first time to use the term "Electret" to fill the want for describing an intrinsically electrized body, and some possibilities of electrets were discussed on the theoretical point of view. The present method of preparation was, [p179] however, obtained independently and also in a way utterly different from his discussions.

    The electret shows so great an intensity of electrization that the electric force exerted in front of the surface of the electret may attain the greatest sustainable value in the atmosphere. The permanency is also so good that we have detected no sensible decaying for these three or more years since the preparation.

    Ch.1 - Preparation of the Permanently Electrized Dielectric

    From the study of the variation of conductivity with the solidification of waxes and some other materials5, I came to think it possible to get a permanently electrified or more correctly electrized dielectric by allowing some kind of waxes to solidify in a strong electric field. After many trials, it has been ascertained that the disk-shaped electret of a certain size is one of the most convenient forms for several reasons, except for the cases in which special studies are wanted. The method of preparation of the disk-electret is, therefore, briefly described here.

    A shallow circular metal basin B (fig. 1), depth 1 cm., diameter 20 cm., is put on a pole-plate P1, a little larger in diameter than the basin. The plate itself is placed on three sulphur insulators S1, S2, S3, which are laid on a wooden tripod stand T capable of levelling by the three screws f1, f2, f3.
    As the other electrode, a hollow metal disk P2 is suspended by three insulating cords, t1, t2, t3. These cords are made of Japanese fishing-lines, Tegusu (a kind of thick silk thread), whose surfaces have been treated with a mixture of some waxes and resin to get rid of the surface leakage. The basin and the disk-electrode are coated with tin-foils (not shown in the figure). The lead sheet L is used as a weight to cause the foil tightly to attach itself to the disk.
    As the preparatory adjustment, the levelling of the basin B is first effected by three screws f1, f2, f3; secondly, the hook at the end of the cord C is transferred from the arrester h1 to another h2, and the plate P2 is so regulated by three screws Sc', Sc’’, Sc’’’ that its lower surface comes [p180] just up to the margin of B. Another cord C’ stretched through a hole perforated near the end of the guider g serves to prevent the oscillation of the electrode P2.

    After raising the disk-electrode P2 up to a sufficient height, the material melted at a temperature far above its melting-point (about 130º C.) is poured in to fill up the basin B, and then P2 is put on the melted dielectric so that it rests just on the surface of the dielectric. The air bubbles, if any, on the surface of the melted material may [p181] be easily taken off by touching with a small Bunsen flame.
    Care was taken to adjust the voltage of the high tension source in order to prevent any undesirable effect such as brush discharges between the electrodes along the surface of the dielectric when it solidified partially. Tin-foils were applied on the electrodes, so that not only did the dielectric not adhere directly to the metal surface, but it might also contract freely as it cooled, and when the dielectric solidified completely the disk-shaped material might be easily taken off from the basin. Moreover, with the disk-electret thus obtained, both surfaces upper (Up) and lower (Lo) might be studied at will.

    Ch.2 - The Charge of Temporary Nature and the Permanent Electrization of the Electret.

    As the material for the permanent electret, a mixture consisting of equal parts of carnauba-wax and resin with or without a certain amount of bees'-wax was found to be very good as regards the intensity of electrization and the permanency. If we prepare a disk-electret of this material, joining for instance the upper surface (Up) to the positive pole of the high tension source, and the lower surface (Lo) to the negative, we first detect in general a surface charge of negative sign on the upper surface, and one of positive sign on the lower, soon after we take the electret out of the preparing arrangement. But these kinds of charges are of temporary nature, and they die away gradually, in a comparatively short time (in one or two days). After the complete decay of such charges, the surface charges of opposite signs respectively to the above gradually grow up. The positive charge on the upper surface and the negative on the lower, which are respectively of the same signs as those of the applied poles of the source during the preparation, tend to grow to their ultimate values in a few days. The manner of growth of these charges on both surfaces and their values do not vary much even when the method of preparation is modified in some way: for example, when both electrodes are completely insulated from the earth, or when either one of the electrodes is completely earthed and the other insulated. The permanency of these charges is so good that we cannot detect any sensible decay after many years. We shall call these surface charges of the electret the free charges due to its proper electrization.

    1 Communicated by the Author.
    2 The term "Electrization" is used after Heaviside to signify the internal electrical change of a material, which is different from superficial electrification.
    3 Mototaro Eguchi, Phys.-Math. Soc. Japan, ser. 3, vol. ii. no.7(1920).
    4 Oliver Heaviside, ' Electrical Papers,' vol, i. # xii.
    5 Mototaro Eguchi, Phys.-Math. Soc. Japan, ser. 3, vol.i. nos. 10-11 (1919).


    • "Tesla's New Discovery"


      by Nikola Tesla

      The Sun, New York, January 30, 1901

      Capacity of Electrical Conductors is Variable, Not Constant, and Formulas Will Have to Be Rewritten — Capacity Varies With Absolute Height Above Sea Level, Relative Height From Earth and Distance From the Sun

      Nikola Tesla announced yesterday another new discovery in electricity. This time it is a new law and by reason of it, Mr. Tesla asserts, a large part of technical literature will have to be rewritten. Ever since anything has been known about electricity, scientific men have taken for granted that the capacity of an electrical conductor is constant. When Tesla was experimenting in Colorado he found out that this capacity is not constant—but variable. Then he determined to find out the law governing this phenomenon. He did so, and all this he explained to The Sun yesterday. Here is what he said:

      "Since many years scientific men engaged in the study of physics and electrical research have taken it for granted that certain quantities, entering continuously in their estimates and calculations, are fixed and unalterable. The exact determination of these quantities being of particular importance in electrical vibrations, which are engrossing more and more the attention of experimenters all over the world, it seems to be important to acquaint others with some of my observations, which have finally led me to the results now attracting universal attention. These observations, with which I have long been familiar, show that some of the quantities referred to are variable and that, owing to this, a large portion of the technical literature is defective. I shall endeavor to convey the knowledge of the facts I have discovered in plain language, devoid as much as possible of technicalities."

      "It is well known that an electric circuit compacts itself like a spring with a weight attached to it. Such a spring vibrates at a definite rate, which is determined by two quantities, the pliability of the spring and the mass of the weight. Similarly an electric circuit vibrates, and its vibration, too, is dependent on two quantities, designated as electrostatic capacity and inductance. The capacity of the electric circuit corresponds to the pliability of the spring and the inductance to the mass of the weight."

      "Exactly as mechanics and engineers have taken it for granted that the pliability of the spring remains the same, no matter how it be placed or used, so electricians and physicists have assumed that the electrostatic capacity of a conducting body, say of a metallic sphere, which is frequently used in experiments, remains a fixed and unalterable quantity, and many scientific results of the greatest importance are dependent on this assumption. Now, I have discovered that this capacity is not fixed and unalterable at all. On the contrary, it is susceptible to great changes, so that under certain conditions it may amount to many times its theoretical value, or may eventually be smaller. Inasmuch as every electrical conductor, besides possessing an inductance, has also a certain amount of capacity, owing to the variations of the latter, the inductance, too, is seemingly modified by the same causes that tend to modify the capacity. These facts I discovered some time before I gave a technical description of my system of energy transmission and telegraphy without wires, which, I believe, became first known through my Belgian and British patents."

      "In this system, I then explained, that, in estimating the wave-length of the electrical vibration in the transmitting and receiving circuits, due regard must be had to the velocity with which the vibration is propagated through each of the circuits, this velocity being given by the product of the wave-length and the number of vibrations per second. The rate of vibration being, however, as before stated, dependent on the capacity and inductance in each case, I obtained discordant values."

      "Continuing the investigation of this astonishing phenomenon I observed that the capacity varied with the elevation of the conducting surface above the ground and I soon ascertained the law of this variation. The capacity increased as the conducting surface was elevated, in open space, from one-half to three-quarters of 1 percent per foot of elevation. In buildings, however, or near large structures, this increase often amounted to 50 percent per foot of elevation, and this alone will show to what extent many of the scientific experiments recorded in technical literature are erroneous. In determining the length of the coils or conductors such as I employ in my system of wireless telegraphy, for instance, the rule which I have given is, in view of the above, important to observe."

      "Far more interesting, however, for men of science is the fact I observed later, that the capacity undergoes an annual variation with a maximum in summer, and a minimum in winter. In Colorado, where I continued with improved methods of investigations begun in New York, and where I found the rate of increase slightly greater, I furthermore observed that there was a diurnal variation with a maximum during the night. Further, I found that sunlight causes a slight increase in capacity. The moon also produces an effect, but I do not attribute it to its light."

      "The importance of these observations will be better appreciated when it is stated that owing to these changes of a quantity supposed to be constant an electrical circuit does not vibrate at a uniform rate, but its rate is modified in accordance with the modifications of the capacity. Thus a circuit vibrates a little slower at an elevation than when at a lower level. An oscillating system, as used in telegraphy without wires, vibrates a little quicker when the ship gets into the harbor than when on open sea. Such a circuit oscillates quicker in the winter than in the summer, though it be at the same temperature, and a trifle quicker at night than in daytime, particularly if the sun is shining."

      "Taking together the results of my investigations I find that this variation of the capacity and consequently of the vibration period is evidently dependent, first, on the absolute height above sea level, though in a smaller degree; second, on the relative height of the conducting surface or capacity with respect to the bodies surrounding it; third, on the distance of the earth from the sun, and fourth, on the relative change of the circuit with respect to the sun, caused by the diurnal rotation of the earth. These facts may be of particular interest to meteorologists and astronomers, inasmuch as practical methods of inquiry may result from these observations, which may be useful in their respective fields. It is probable that we shall perfect instruments for indicating the altitude of a place by means of a circuit, properly constructed and arranged, and I have thought of a number of other uses to which this principle may be put."

      "It was in the course of investigations of this kind in Colorado that I first noted certain variations in electrical systems arranged in peculiar ways. These variations I first discovered by calculating over the results I had previously noted, and it was only subsequently that I actually perceived them. It will thus be clear that some who have ventured to attribute the phenomena I have observed to ordinary atmospheric disturbances have made a hasty conclusion."


      • @DAVIDE

        The insulated sphere in Tesla's own words is described as a pump. I dont think it should be thought of as antenna as most common antenna's that i can think of arent insulated - yet i am no expert. He mentions also in the railway patent which i dont have the number handy that the insulation prevents the dissipation of the energy that he was working with. So its important to have heavy insulation on the plate/sphere and the wire leading from the plate/sphere to the circuit. Am starting to wonder whether i should get some coaxil cable. I guess it is similar to an electret (but different shape) but it is being pumped by the oscillating circuit.

        The information is there but scattered everywhere.

        I have been thinking about it in terms of what is the most powerful radiator that i can think of. Well the sun comes to mind. And what shape is the sun? hmm a sphere. Logic would also then kick in and presume that if it is a radiator then it must be an absorber as well. Just as oliver lodge describes it as being a powerful radiator and absorber.

        Whats also interesting is that Tesla mentions that after 1hour 48 minutes there is a powerful discharge. And whats that about?....I havent let my system run that long yet...

        i will put a video together will my understanding of what Tesla was trying to tell us

        Last edited by nat1971a; 10-14-2008, 08:42 PM.


        • Imhotep's New Relay Charger running a CFL

          This is a side track but I just had to try this. Thanks Imhotep for the new toy. It really works neat. I modified the relay so it would oscillate a simple CFL circuit at the same time that it was charging. I ran the relay off my small 2 watt solar panel. Really cooooollll. I didn't hookup the ground or antenna to it---yet.
          Here is the video:

          YouTube - Imhotep Relay Charger Replication



          • Hey Lid,

            Very nice!



            • Shocking!

              Tonight I was working on conditioning my batteries and decided to throw them a new load (a little 7v hobby motor) versus the led lights I had been using.

              12v 5ah battery (exit light battery)
              7v hobby motor
              I observed marked polarities (+-)
              Starting voltage 12.5v

              Within a few minutes I notice my multi-meter starting to become erratic. 10.2v...16.1v...12.9... and then it went off of the scale (20). So I switched to the (200) scale, 50v... 75v.... 30v... 130v... a few more minutes passed and it went off of the scale again. So I switched to the (600) scale. 350v... 800v... a few more minutes passed and and it went off of that scale. I am really surprised the meter was not cooked. I got a bit concerned and pulled one of the power leads off of the motor... a 1 inch violet spark arced as I pulled it away from the motor.

              Scale 600 HV

              Keep in mind, nothing but motor, battery and meter were connected. As you can see 1958v on the meter. I disconnected the battery, and checked the at rest voltage... it was 12.8v a net gain of .3v after demonstrating the availability of THOUSANDS of volts of potential.

              I have three other batteries that I have been conditioning. The next two batteries did not give the same effect. But the fourth did, again I could reach into the range of 1500-1900v.

              The good news here is that this is a simple set up, and anyone can test if their batteries are conditioned well enough to produce this phenomena.

              Please replicate and post results...

              Note: Be patient to watch for this effect. I have two batteries that demonstrated this, but the second battery took longer to build up the momentum or avalanche effect. If you have run it down to 11.8v and still do not see any voltage instability (up/down), the battery is probably not conditioned well enough to get over the threshold.


              • Nat

                Electret = Capacitor (with polarity)

                I will look forward to your info about this.

                Reviewing the Patent for his transmitter seems more like a toroid with a concentric dome top. Not sure if it is a magic shape, or the "treatment" and the shape.... look at the little nubs drawn on this patent drawing that cover the toroid. Tesla was such a detail and big picture man in the same instant...

                PBS: Tesla - Master of Lightning: Selected Tesla Patents


                • Lidmotor:

                  Thanks for the video. This is very nice, noisy but simplest. What is impressive is its charging capability and this is a winner as i see it. The noise can be muffled in various ways, even placed it inside soundproofed box and then to bigger box and sealed it. Box can be part aluminum that will dissipate build-up of heat.

                  AND the amp draw is amazing. Then radiant energy from the ignition coil can be collected. If we have parallels of this setup, how much radiant energy can be collected? Worth another sleepless nights.

                  Thanks again Lid for sharing your experimentation.



                  • Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                    Tonight I was working on conditioning my batteries and decided to throw them a new load (a little 7v hobby motor) versus the led lights I had been using.

                    12v 5ah battery (exit light battery)
                    7v hobby motor
                    I observed marked polarities (+-)
                    Starting voltage 12.5v

                    Within a few minutes I notice my multi-meter starting to become erratic. 10.2v...16.1v...12.9... and then it went off of the scale (20). So I switched to the (200) scale, 50v... 75v.... 30v... 130v... a few more minutes passed and it went off of the scale again. So I switched to the (600) scale. 350v... 800v... a few more minutes passed and and it went off of that scale. I am really surprised the meter was not cooked. I got a bit concerned and pulled one of the power leads off of the motor... a 1 inch violet spark arced as I pulled it away from the motor.

                    Scale 600 HV

                    Keep in mind, nothing but motor, battery and meter were connected. As you can see 1958v on the meter. I disconnected the battery, and checked the at rest voltage... it was 12.8v a net gain of .3v after demonstrating the availability of THOUSANDS of volts of potential.

                    I have three other batteries that I have been conditioning. The next two batteries did not give the same effect. But the fourth did, again I could reach into the range of 1500-1900v.

                    The good news here is that this is a simple set up, and anyone can test if their batteries are conditioned well enough to produce this phenomena.

                    Please replicate and post results...

                    Note: Be patient to watch for this effect. I have two batteries that demonstrated this, but the second battery took longer to build up the momentum or avalanche effect. If you have run it down to 11.8v and still do not see any voltage instability (up/down), the battery is probably not conditioned well enough to get over the threshold.

                    Unfortunately this is one of the problems with digital multimeters DavidE Sparking of the commutator inside the hobby motor can make your meter erratic. If you want to rule this possibility out buy a simple panel meter or analogue gauge and place it in parallel with your digital meter. If you still get erratic readings you could be onto something. Or if your DC motor is brushless then this is a different story. Remember a commutator is like a simple switch, in a way it is similar to the single relay circuit shown recently by Imhotep. So the make and breaks of the commutator inside the hobby motor causes the inductive spike, in this case it doesnt have anywhere to go, its not directed anywhere upon coil collapse. You will probably find that your meters continue to become more erratic the more you try to measure this type of electricity, I have about 8 cheap DVMs sitting here which all do the same thing.

                    Makes you realise just how inefficient the common DC motor is, none of this inductive spike is taken into account. If you are unsure of the design of a commutator check this page out.

                    By the way Lid, your amp draw on the single relay unit is directly related to the resistance of the coil inside. Measure the resistance, it will most likely be highish (over 100 ohms likely) , and probably doesnt draw much more than 30ma when shorted (switched on closed loop). They are designed that way for efficiencies, and can be duplicated by using a high resistance gauge for your coil. But good work nonetheless, just goes to show how little amount of current is needed to create the inductive spike. And how simple it can be with available parts.
                    Last edited by ren; 10-15-2008, 08:06 AM.
                    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson





                      • nice relay charger

                        I was wondering if anybody had tried using the 400v radiant spikes to power an electrolysis cell for producing hho and if so how was your output? I haven't made the buzz charger yet, but plan to. Thank you Imhotep.


                        • Nat

                          Thank you for passing along the link.

                          I think that we have to exercise some care to separate respective efforts of tapping radiant energy fields, and duplicating Tesla's apparatus for transmitting electrical power (experimentally).

                          It would seem prudent to be able to produce the egg (source force), before we try and make the omelet (transmittance of the same).

                          My belief for the moment is that Bedini has mastered the access of aetheric gas... through a lead acid battery (properly conditioned).

                          Telsa mastered access of the same through coils, capacitors, etc.

                          As to my "battery" test. I am NOT convinced that we have proper instruments to measure some of the new properties of energies being produced by some set ups. What I am convinced of is that faster newer instruments do tend to react much quicker to show phenomena that older analog meters simply ignore.

                          I have abandoned my analog meter based on its inability to detect the voltage of periodic significant electrical discharges. I have also first hand (pun intended) been on the receiving end of this high voltage... always hoping that it doesn't interrupt the rhythm of an old heart.

                          I am not asking you or anyone else for a specific belief of what I reported. What I am asking is for additional efforts to be made to determine what part of such a simple set up, produces such unique phenomena.

                          I tested four batteries with the same equipment. Two of four produced unique notable phenomena. This morning I added a single lead of a prepared cfl to the negative side of the motor lead, voltage on the meter significantly increased (the light didn't light).

                          One other note. All I have to acquire data is two meters. One analog, one digital. When I set up the test set up with the analog... the meter did not even read the load. Only the standing voltage of the battery. When I laid down the digital meter it happened to be on the leads going to the motor. Almost instantly the meter was showing high voltage dc. The leads were not connected to anything.

                          What does this prove? Surely we are playing cat and mouse, with some kind of new phenomena.
                          Last edited by DavidE; 10-15-2008, 04:43 PM.


                          • NAT!

                            Question... and quick comment.


                            In the notes that you were reading from... did you say 2 (two) copper spheres?

                            Secondly, Tesla emphasizes the importance of grounding connections as part of the Wardenclyffe Tower. "Several" grounding attachments hundreds of feet into the ground.

                            Keep the videos coming!

                            Sorry for the errant post to you (Bodkins), I thought you were sounding way to coherent in that video. : )
                            Last edited by DavidE; 10-15-2008, 04:45 PM.


                            • Got some video coming the next one is just copper wire stuff
                              DavidE thats Nat with the last video Not me!
                              Last edited by Bodkins; 10-16-2008, 09:19 PM.


                              • For theory and interesting experiments please read the book "Scalar waves" by Konstantin Meyl. In short the key to success is rotating vortices in a spherical setting with dielectric materials included. The neutrino can be made to release an electron this way. If you read the book you will make even greater strides I believe.

                                Meyl is the only one with theory and practice of the new theory included in the same book. Tesla is his main focus.

