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Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator Video

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  • Great Stuff Inquorate

    I once took my scope to work
    Will be pulsing my EarthCoil soon,I think we are coming to the end of the first chapter

    Try pulsing to Earth for a set time then switch it off and wait for the energy to bounce back.
    What Im saying is read the potenical difference of the earth before you start then pulse for a time,Stop,read the potenical difference again and monitor it for a bit.
    Once you get postive reading pulse the energy back again.BUT be careful if you Pulse it back too must you may get a shock or two!!
    Remember Tesla fryed a power station?


    • Interesting experiments you guys got going there....quite odd with the large cap.....

      I thought i better clarify what i meant by radio interference just in case people want to replicate completely knocks out radio reception....all that you can hear is noise.....nothing from the radio.....then when you turn the system goes back to normal......


      • ''the earth in all it s appalling immensity is nothing more than a small steel ball'' - I know what you mean re waiting, but I'd also like to vary actual individual pulse times as well: I think energy aback is instant. But might take time to impressively accumulate. Days even, according to the earth arial article someone posted on stubblefield thread. The caps are sometimes in the microwaves, they are screwed onto housing next to transformer. I can spot them now by screws on the outside. I also have 55farad 2.5v caps.. Etc. Lots of toys to play with.
        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


        • I had no luck with the mircowaves at the dumpsite But I pop in to see a friend last night and his Mircowave has just broken down How lucky is that

          Yes energy back is instant but only with a sink you have somethin going on with the back to positive on the video. Hopefuly you can do.
          Keep the videos coming it all helps

          @nat my sphere are cracking the insultion dropping off yours ok?


          • my spheres are problems with insulation...did you do 3 coats?


            • Achieving resonance with sea of energy

              Hi guys, been reading t moray's sea of energy book. Looks like when our imhotep oscillators start spontaneously developing voltage (pos or neg), or cfl's start glowing unconnected, we are doing what moray did. Here's the link. I've read this before, but it's making more sense to me now I've built stuff and seen it.


              ps the site itself is a great resource and his info on chapter 5 an enlightening read.
              Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


              • high self inductance

                old capacitors and bi-filar wound coils have high self inductance. Vibrate them just right, and they will continue to oscillate and draw energy from aether. So home made old style caps and coils, here we come! No wonder they've been phased out.

                Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                • Thanks for all your info about current and batteries, it is great!

                  I wish someone summarized it to those not so fortunate with enough time and money on their hands. About the current definition let us assume we would like to isolate the magnetic field impulse from the electric field impulse as is indicated in the Sephon paper. We have some options at our hands to achieve a longitudinal, dielectric and MAGNETIC pulse:

                  1) pulse the potential very quickly so the electrons have not enough time to react.

                  2) Pulse unidirectional to achieve the longitudinal, oscillating wave

                  3) Spark gap with a magnetic field to "blow off" the electric field, this needs consideration about geometry.

                  4) Use a spark gap with a layered anode and a high dielectric constant in the spark gap(best is vacuum, distilled water should be very good too).

                  5) Use loads with magnets included, a battery for ion attraction, finally connect to earth for safety.

                  Suggestion: Has someone tested the following route: magnetically squenched spark gap, load(s), battery neg; battery pos, earth?

                  Suggestion 2: has someone tried using helices instead of pancake coils as secondaries, just do it and you might be surprised.

                  Being interested in cooling it is no hasard magnetic cooling is a big thing these days, a MAGNETIC FIELD has a cooling effect, the stronger the better. Hence "cold current".


                  • Inverter driven CFL & Charger

                    Originally posted by theremart View Post
                    A simple inverter for flourescent lamps

                    This adds an transformer to the light, Looks very simple and lots of light...

                    Have not tried it yet, but wanted to pass it along.

                    I made a version of the above inverter CFL driver and made a video of it. It is a combination of things from other people and things that I have learned so far. The heart of this device is the coil. It took me days of failures before I got it right . It is a very simple three wire coil but the trick was that the wire layers have to be neat and insulated from one another just right or it either shorts out or the induction will not happen right. When I finally got it running I figured that there might be a way to catch the BEMF from the primary coil and use that to charge. It worked but I still haven't got it to do it and run the light at the same time. Its one or the other.
                    Interesting little project. I did not try the earth ground on it nor the transmitter. A project for another day.

                    YouTube - Inverter CFL Light & Battery Charger




                    • @gauss

                      I think this will take a bit of time to develop this into a full blown gray system...will have to make a proper conversion tube.....


                      • my charger has evolved, meter now reads 10 percent of voltage, adding magnets to relay is sooo touchy and time consuming to 'tune' but I am getting 1500 volts reliably at 15v in, sometimes over 2000. Before magnets, range was 200v to 600v. Now I'm charging battery. It doesn't like being put neg of charge to pos of source.. I put it to neg of source. Ground (kitchen tap) still coming to dual diodes, then to single backwards diode to pos of relay. I'm not pulsing ground today, but it still effects voltage reading with respect to ground. Without diodes, it reads a measly 30v from pos of secondary. With diodes to pos of relay, reads 300 to over 2000v depending on input voltage. If input voltage is below 10 volts, and relay barely running, secondary reads negative 10 to 30 volts.

                        YouTube - Inquorate 9
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • @Nat: you are right and when you do it you could try the golden ratio between the concentric cylinders.

                          I have thought about it and to summarize 4 interesting patents I would like to go with the following:

                          1) Tesla radiant energy(Wardenclyffe, one-wire system, conical secondary, magnetically squenched spark gap with 2 permanent magnets, receiver by a Ratchett wheel(?)).

                          2) Stan Meyer - here I have my doubts about what is reall yhappening, in my opinion he is resonating the water molecule back and forth with the longitudinal wave from his 2 inductors, no spark gap is included so the cold current is far from clean, progress can easily be made with his circuit and it is straight forward and simple.

                          3) Edwin Gray - the most advanced concept in my mind, spark gap, cold current, safety spark gap, magnetic receiver motor and charge battery included, no grounding of the cold current - mistake(?)

                          4) The Patterson cell - receiver circuit only with thousands of small coated beads with dielectric and conducting layers. Shows that if you work hard on the receiver side you can fetch the really fast neutrinos and get extreme OU despite not tinkering with HF and HV. Very scarce information about this one means it is extremely interesting(!). Probably that is why the inventor disappeared.

                          All in all. Same energy(only different types of neutrinos) is used in all patents and harvested in different ways. You can work in so many ways to get at the neutrinos, some ways are obvious and some are less obvious.

                          Key question for a stable system should be: why is a strike of lightning looking for trees(dielectric constant high) with root system deep into ground, animals, people, charged batteries, coils or other high metallic/building objects before striking ground? Sometimes it strikes hard, sometimes lightly, hence regulation of power level will be central.

                          Why does lightning look for ground at all?

                          If we assume lightning is a magnetic pulse it should close some sort of a loop, the earth magnetic field goes through the center of earth. HHO is magnetic and when ignited it becomes electric energy if in contact with a metal; it can melt any material. Hence magnetic energy is more basic than electric energy, the electric energy is a consequence of the magnetic pulse.

                          So if we assume the cold current(as lighning) needs dielectric objects and/or metallic objects and/or EM creatures like all living creatures - how should we design a good receiver? Probably by including all of those features in the receiver circuit! Imitate the tree geometry, the coil geometry, helix geometry, battery, dielectric material - and always go to ground as our last step! Lightning will strike in many different ways depending on the local conditions at that moment.


                          • @gauss

                            You raise some interesting questions which hopefully we will soon have some answers.

                            your comment 3 about grays system ....i think he was using the negative of the battery as a ground...Tesla mentions this in the radiant energy patent....
                            I think to understand this better one must look at all the patents that you suggest and even more so the Tesla's patents. And look for the similarities. Even morays patent it is quite obvious that we have a cylinder within a cylinder. Grays system we have a cylinder within a cyclinder. Teslas one wire transmission (the flat pancake coil) is a cylinder within a cylinder many times. So to summarise electrostatic energy gets magnified when we have a cyclinder within a cylinder..Tesla took it to the next level by having flat coils as they appear to electrostatic energy as cylinders within cylinders many times over. It is so simple. But unless a substantial amount of research has been done. It is very easy to overlook it.


                            • Copper cylinders produced remarkable volumes of white discharges. The discharges from certain sized cylinders were actually larger than those being applied. This inferred that an energy transformation effect was taking place within the cylinder. This reminded him of his initial observation with the shock-excited wires. Those which did not explode gave forth far greater volt*ages than were initially used. He had never understood why this was occur*ring. Here was another instance in which applied energy was seemingly mag*nified by a conductor. Why was this happening..................Tesla selected a cylinder, which worked very well, and placed sev*eral horizontal "cuts" all around its surface. He was totally surprised when, on testing, the spark discharge from the cut cylinder was notably larger than before. Increased spark length means increased voltage. But why did this diminished conductivity force the voltage up?...........................................The cuts diminished conductivity in the cylinder by forcing the energy into a tighter "squeeze.......................................... ...
                              Tesla extended his idea of the cut copper cylinder to coils. From the viewpoint of electrostatic impulses, flat copper coils appear to be "continuously cut" cylinders. The electrostatic field focuses over the coil as it did with the cylinders, from end to end. A simple magnet coil of specific volume would offer so much resistance that it would be difficult to predict the actual result*ant voltage, which results without an empirical test.

                              Nikola Tesla - The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla - The Man who invented the 20th Century


                              • i aggree Nat
                                Two days or three days ago i had a voltant rise so high it blu out my pot and trany.
                                Its was in resonance. I now understand what happen with the help of braden.
                                Over the next week or so we will have somethin to share.
                                Last edited by Bodkins; 11-19-2008, 12:57 PM.

