Another interesting thing; I saw it is claimed Tesla used vacuum tubes instead of SS devices in his Pierce Arrow car. Anyone has details on that one? Remember EM waves travel best in vacuum, air should be the second best.
About the neg pole of the charge battery you are right(earth is a negative pole too) but I see the receiver path coil-cap-negative pole-positive pole - true earth as more attractive. I guess Gray tried that too at least in one of Bedini´s drawings I saw something like it. Anyway you just need to try it.
Another wild idea, try to place a spark gap near a rotating sphere so the sphere is not connected by wire only the spark gap...
@Nat, Bodkins, I think you are making great stuff and soon we will see some serious stuff I am convinced. Imagine in 6 months where you will be!!
I truly hope the best for your experiments, my time for experiments is not yet there.
About the neg pole of the charge battery you are right(earth is a negative pole too) but I see the receiver path coil-cap-negative pole-positive pole - true earth as more attractive. I guess Gray tried that too at least in one of Bedini´s drawings I saw something like it. Anyway you just need to try it.
Another wild idea, try to place a spark gap near a rotating sphere so the sphere is not connected by wire only the spark gap...
@Nat, Bodkins, I think you are making great stuff and soon we will see some serious stuff I am convinced. Imagine in 6 months where you will be!!

I truly hope the best for your experiments, my time for experiments is not yet there.