It is late - or rather early in the morning, so I will go to sleep. In some 6 or 7 hours from now I would have another edited video on line. This might rock some with the radiant voltage spikes and how to get them more - so dense it almost becomes one solid line - 7Khz of which more than 80% has spikes.
An afterthought now while I am typing - so consider this a lab note. I will work on it soon, but maybe some more experienced people can think about this so long.
1: Radiant spikes I get plenty of under certain conditions are 200+ Vdc and -180 Vdc. Together it is AC - which explains why the damn thing kicks so hard!
2: I think we should look at using the Negative resistance
of the 2222A again towards the end of the circuit to break the possitive and negative spikes, into separate lines, then bridge them back in a sine wave and push that through a voltage multiplier, Bedini type bifilar/trifilar coil and eventually a ? transformer/capacitor/battery. Yea I know it sounds crazy/stupid/moronic/lunatic - but so does this whole darn thing.
@Slayer007 - I could not get any charge in a cap with diode in the circuit, with me it just kept on shutting down. Good from you
I will look at that again. Thanks for posting this diagram. If we can charge a cap we are going to get somewhere real quick.
Have also an idea for expansion on the circuit which I will trial out tomorrow and if results as expected, will post it.
It is late - or rather early in the morning, so I will go to sleep. In some 6 or 7 hours from now I would have another edited video on line. This might rock some with the radiant voltage spikes and how to get them more - so dense it almost becomes one solid line - 7Khz of which more than 80% has spikes.
An afterthought now while I am typing - so consider this a lab note. I will work on it soon, but maybe some more experienced people can think about this so long.
1: Radiant spikes I get plenty of under certain conditions are 200+ Vdc and -180 Vdc. Together it is AC - which explains why the damn thing kicks so hard!

2: I think we should look at using the Negative resistance

@Slayer007 - I could not get any charge in a cap with diode in the circuit, with me it just kept on shutting down. Good from you

Have also an idea for expansion on the circuit which I will trial out tomorrow and if results as expected, will post it.