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Imhotep's Radiant Oscillator Video

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  • YouTube - UPDATE 26 EDWIN GRAY HYBRID CIRCUIT Running at 48volts

    i got distracted and modified my circuit to be more like grays....utilising imhotep fan and lights of course.....interesting effects generated by the spark gap...which make the cfls brighter..runnning at 48volts...

    think i need bigger caps and to add in the conversion tube again


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      Both of these are powered by an Imhotep Radiant Oscillator
      You can read the video details for details - I posted these before Imhotep released his circuit so I didn't want anyone to know. I just replaced the CFL with a spark plug.

      YouTube - Single Wire Capacitor Charge (from battery terminal)
      YouTube - One Wire Tesla Transmission
      Thank you again Arron
      In the setup i have if i use one ground i see the same results as you have,Will be charging a smaller cap then charging a battery from that,With time.

      But with the the secord ground the neon starts to go crazy. If i ad a sphere setup like the harold aspden patent which spark between the lairs the rate of neon intensifies and to a stage i have to switch off. Do you think i have anything like what moray was working with.
      Cheers for you time
      Last edited by Bodkins; 12-23-2008, 02:32 PM.


      • @ Bodkins : How do you realize a second ground? In what way do your grounds differ?

        "rate of neon intensifies to a stage i have two switch off"

        That sounds scary but very promising

        @Aaron : Very genial 2-circuit-setup, to use the battery terminal with one-wire to connect to the other circuit. Shows again that electron flow(technical current direction) etc. is entirely irrelevant for radiant energy applications.
        As Bedini was pointing out that the only way (he found, there might be others)to convert the radiant energy through a chemical process was batteries.
        Last edited by Xenomorph; 12-23-2008, 11:48 AM.


        • I have two copper rods in the ground.


          • Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
            Fried my transistors. Poop. So much for a whole day of experiments.
            fried scr but got some post today


            • That is interesting, so you seem to have an additional earth battery effect with it.
              I have read that people experimented with just sticking two rods into the earth and they got something like 1-3 V potential out of it. Earth is converting radiant energy chemically too. Very interesting. Too bad about your SCR.
              It seems one needs some dozens spare-transistors/rectifiers


              • Currently I'm generating new file for wider range of wave lengths. When I'm done I will post it again. It will take around a week for program to finish counts. Also in my previous file I did mistake with frequency calculations, please disregard it. Sorry for confusion
                So far based on calculations I've got the best frequency to get harmonics is 13865.415047915 Hz (21621.60m)
                Here is a very good link to Moray research
                Free Energy Research Archive.
                Does anybody know, what is the frequency range limits for wire wound antennas?
                Last edited by mlurye; 12-23-2008, 02:14 PM.


                • Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                  That is interesting, so you seem to have an additional earth battery effect with it.
                  I have read that people experimented with just sticking two rods into the earth and they got something like 1-3 V potential out of it. Earth is converting radiant energy chemically too. Very interesting. Too bad about your SCR.
                  It seems one needs some dozens spare-transistors/rectifiers
                  its not a earth battery set up its the sphere that make the difference really
                  got some videos up loading i think this many help.YouTube - Bodkins 48
                  Got some more scr`s I think i now what me need to do with then will get to that when i have time(make a video).Please reread my post to Arron added some stuff.


                  • Hi Bodkins. Could you provide some more specific info on how to build the sphere. Size and materials.
                    Thanks alot,


                    • Phonons conversion to radiant enegry?

                      Originally posted by Xenomorph View Post
                      i have not been able to repeat the last experiment unfortunately.
                      I have then added a spark gap, which produces really weak sparks.
                      Seems like i have to run the circuit with 24 Volts or even 50 Volts like some of you or is this not the determining sole factor?
                      Also i have not been able to get a drawer knob that is 100 % brass, they are all surface-brassed. Maybe in an antique shop ?

                      Made an analysis of the oscillation that is audible coming from the bulbs.
                      With the background of being a professional audio engineer, i have
                      extracted some valuable information from a spectal graphical analysis
                      of the waveform that allows some conclusions about the nature of the
                      oscillation in this circuit.

                      YouTube - FrequencyChange

                      1. What we perceive as a ringing tone is a complex spectrum of individual frequencies.

                      2. The higher frequencies (and that is remarkable) have partially higher amplitudes than the base frequency.

                      For harmonics can be said: "Harmonics are produced by a rapid and abrupt rise in current, either in the positive or negative direction. Square waves and pulse waves produce a rapid and abrupt rise in current. The more rapid and abrupt the current rises, the greater the quantity, amplitude, and frequency range of harmonics produced. The abruptness of current rise is measured in rise time. "

                      I will try to find out if that is actually really harmonics or 6 harmonically independent oscillations. It is hard to make out if the sound is being produced by all the bulbs, i had 4 CFLs and a neon tube in the setup, so it could match the number of frequencies in the spectrum.
                      However when i touch the once CFL, all others light up stronger too.

                      3. Upon touching the bulb, the spectrum behaves strangely, the base frequency rises but the upper frequencies fall
                      See here:

                      This picture shows the waveform where you can see the modulation in the changing amplitude:

                      Assuming that there is a correlation between brightness and audible frequency, that would not explain the spectrum of the "touched state", where
                      only the base frequency rises, but the others fall.
                      Guess i will have to make more experiments with varying CFL quantities.

                      I remember that Bedini spoke about a cancellation of two oppositely phased
                      sine waves in one of the "energy from the vaccum" videos and he said that the hidden information lies in the modulated frequencies !

                      So is it beneficial to the strength of the BEMF to produce as many upper frequencies as possible? That would be the key then and explains why
                      a higher signal frequency to pulse the ignition coil yields in more BEMF.
                      High frequent sine waves would not do that.So let`s try Giga-Hz pulsing soon !

                      "Pure sine waves are not capable of producing harmonics because of the smooth and gradual rise and fall of the current."

                      It remains interesting what Nat and Bodkins will find out in their wave surf experiment.

                      Hope anyone finds something useful in this
                      Interesting. Oscillation that is audible coming from the bulbs... Looks like Phonon non linear emittion effect. EM wave and Phonon (sound) wave, looks like correlation actually between them. Or may be phonon is related somehow for lite and excess energy we are trying to generate?


                      • YouTube - Bodkins 49


                        • @ bodkins

                          Now you're just teasing :-)

                          I'd love to have something to add, maybe after xmas...
                          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                          • uploading video of sphere setup and what Im doing with them in the future.
                            Thank You Braden......
                            Im really busy all the family coming over for xmas so this is my last post apart from the video post. Ive not read all this latest post so if i missing something im sorry.
                            Merry Christmas all
                            The future brighter now

                            shpere or tube its all the same people!!!!!!!!
                            Last edited by Bodkins; 12-24-2008, 03:20 AM.


                            • YouTube - Bodkins 50 spheres

                              may not need the diodes.
                              its all harold aspden stuff


                              • Gentlemen I think it time for us to all get the energy mastermind module.
                                I have been using the Project1World which is great but cash has been a problem for anymore.The time has come for something to give so all my old band stuff is going on ebay.

                                All that Arron has done from this forum is incredible and if I can get anywhere near his knowledge id be happy.

                                I may have something with the sphere or tube but the one wire charging has got a lot of life in it.
                                YouTube - Self Running Bedini Oscillator

