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  • #16
    Nice idea

    Spend over 25 years in the electronics industry, mostly in "Test & Measurement"... Doing marketing, sales, engineering, tech support, and servicing (where i started). Know a whole lot about digital storage oscilloscopes, high speed chart recorders (industrial and medical research versions of "polygraphs"), PC-based data acquisition systems and associated analysis software, and all types of signal conditioners/amplifiers and transducers.

    Later i moved over to working with industrial high-speed bar code printers and RFID ; as well as system integration of production & labeling lines. The RFID stuff gave me a chill... If you're worried about the social implications of them, you should be, imo.

    About a year ago i built a Lawton-type pulser that worked; and a cell of my own design for it... that didn't much work

    Now im just a "hack"... But a happy and certainly less stressed one, lol.

    If anyone has any questions about 'scopes, data aquisition, or that type of thing, i may be able to help.


    • #17
      some info on me

      Hi folks. I am thrilled that there are so many people interested in the hobby I've had for several years now. I started fooling with water fuel (sort of) injection on a 1936 Ford 2 door when I was 17. Put a 2 gallon tank under the hood suspended from the radiator braces and piped into the base of the carb. Hey, it worked. Had more power and it got better mileage. Now some background on me. 72 years old, retired, not stupid, just old. Auto mechanic for near 40 years, then became a computer tech. took courses. A+ certified. Radar tech in the Army of the US. been experimenting with water separation for some years now. Have my own electrolyzers on my two cars, even have one on my riding mower and it too, helps. Retired to southern Louisiana and doing whatever I want too every day (as long as my wife agrees) LOL


      • #18
        What I do

        I am a handy man in Houston, TX. My motto, "If it can be fixed, I'll fix it." Master carpenter, trim, cabinet, and joinery.
        30 years in the fix-it business.
        Junior achiever at motors and windmills. (Got my first windmill going two weeks ago!)
        Good at taking things apart, re-cycling them into usable products, as in the power supplies, and motors of throw away vhs', stereos, refrigerators, etc.
        Good at a computer, not the internet.
        Electronics training limited to 1974 graduation, but have kept an eye, or hand in it since. So not totally stupid. BBROYGBVGW. Electronic humor!
        Currently working on forex.


        • #19
          Well, I am as they say a jack of all trades. I am fortunate to have a father who is an airline pilot who started as a radio technician in the RAAF and then a Flight engineer. He has taught me lots about these fields. I am also learning to fly.

          I have decent handyman skills as most of my relatives are builders. If something is broken, I fix it. I am also a notorious pullit-a-parter. If I am bored and it's sitting there, I pull it apart. I figure this is the best way to learn how things work.

          I have moderate to advanced PC skills. Due to my gaming needs, I have build almost every PC I have owned. I don't tinker too much with overclocking, but I have dabbled.

          I have also spent the better part of 10 years researching various areas of alternative tech. Mostly in the areas of T.T Brown, Tesla, Pacheco and more recently Bedini and Meyer.

          As my official field is Hotel Management, (people on holidays seem to leave there brains at home), I can also whip up a mean espresso.


          You can view my vids here


          • #20
            My expertise is i am among loyal and lovable people here in this forum and i recognize them and value them


            • #21
              Times of Awakening

              Hi there,

              Thanks RedMeanie for starting this thread, interestingly I was watching the Interview of Project Camelot with Michael St Clair: Project Camelot | Michael St Clair
              I highly recommend it.

              Well, I am an embedded systems developer, and I am quite familiar with real-time Linux. I have been also researching the field of Free Energy for about a year.

              Like to hear more of the ECU system of an automobile RedMeanie! It would be quite helpful if we want to modify the car to run on electricity or even Free Energy. I have some ideas.
              Last edited by elias; 07-14-2008, 10:35 AM.
              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • #22
                A brief history of West_beach

                Solver of Problems, a.k.a. Product Support, but officially I'm an Advisory Systems Engineer for a Tampa based global software company (and loving it).

                Formerly a software project lead for San Francisco, City and County of.

                Formerly a Customer Support hero for a Nashville software company.

                Formerly a Personal Computer assembler and repair technician.

                "I'm not where the money is...I'm where my heart I'm here."


                • #23
                  Yet another bio

                  OK, here's my background...
                  High School Guidance Counselor said I should be Architect or Process Engineer

                  So I went to an engineering college and studied biology. Paid for college by roofing and building...

                  Then went to medical school. Paid for that with construction work.

                  MD in 1980...faculty at UT Knoxville...improved every process I could get my hands on...
                  Resident education...improved 1st time board pass rate from 60% to 100%
                  Medical Billing...improved collection rate from unmeasured to measured at 80% to 97% of collectable.
                  ICU information gathering... Redesigned coalescence of all critical care trauma patient data to discreet decision points throughout day so that care decision makers could base decisions on all available current data. (What was hard to believe was how hard it was to get medical IT systems to accommodate this goal)
                  That story went on for the 18 years I was in practice...
                  I guess the guidance counselor was accurate. Now I am retired from medicine and rebuilding and redesigning homes...and trying to improve anything i can get hold of. Like Hemi MPG! I love that vehicle. I can't help myself, I CRAVE horsepower!!!

                  Also pertinent, perhaps...1st job repairing concrete trucks for my Dad's company, age 14...Built first car age 15, second car age 18...have restored MGs, Triumphs, Porsches, old Willys Jeeps, 51 Chevy Pickup, etc. Have steered away from vehicle maintenance recently due to cryptic issues such as these pesky ECUs, but now I guess I'm back in it.

                  I am impressed with this fine group of "energetic" folks. Hope we can get something going, as this old world sure need it...

