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T. Boone Pickens announces new energy campaign

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  • #16
    Originally posted by future pather View Post
    Hey he's got his vision, I don't knock him for that. There's nothing wrong with making money, especially when done in harmony with the environment.

    I mean him doing his thing doesn't stop others from doing theirs and not everyone has to do the same thing.

    However, I do wonder why solar isn't the better way to go. In Germany they have solar panel fields the size of football fields and they get less sun than the US.

    The only thing that bothers me about wind mills is that it seems like so many of them would have to have some impact on the environment.

    I've heard the ones now go too slow to kill birds (?) That's good if that's true.

    But I've also heard they can be somehow disruptive, especially when I guess they are put among natural landscape with hills and such rather than in flat areas.

    Hey Jessica;

    Don't worry about thse windmills disrupting anything; there's nothing around Pampa to disrupt. My wife's family is all over that Texas-Okie pan handle area. There's not much there but semi-desert arid scrubland.

    As for wind and solar power i'm all for them but they both require back-up systems when the wind slacks off & the sun goes down.There is also hydro in some areas that could be used for back-up. The biggest problem is the various interests involved will not get together and integrate this stuff as they want to keep on using fossil fuels or nuclear for whatever reason, mostly excessive profits hidden by creative financing, etc.
    So until we can change the government and corporation mindset don't expect big results. Frankly I doubt the world as presently constituted will last that long.



    • #17
      ...And now for this important announcement

      ... Is it still "Hijacking" if you started the thread yourself, lol?

      Since i don't think i should start another thread (im not that bad, lol), here is some good news:

      Part 3 of the "Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement" article series has just published at Op-Ed News (...which has 250,000 weekly readers including dozens of Members of Congress and hundreds of Congressional staff).

      It got "Headline" status (...i will insufferable for days now lol)

      It has sections on Cold Fusion and Dr. Eugen Mallove, Panacea-BOCAF, and a very in-depth interview with our very own Ash

      Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 3)

      Lol i had to delete it and re-submit it twice because it kept getting shuffled into the "diary" section and also cut-off in the middle for some reason. Persistence works and the third time submitting it and brow-beating the Editors was the charm

      ..Now guys and gals, if i could ask a big favor... More for the good of the Movement than for me: Please take the 5 mins needed to sign up at the "Digg" site which is a very important blog-rating system that helps us gain visibility. Once you create an account, then "DIGG" the article (button for Digg is at the top of the article). The more Diggs it gets, the more people will pay attention to it; and hopefully then more good people of conscience will be drawn to the cause.... And this is the point.

      Ash, Panacea, and the world NEED the new R&D Center, there is practically nothing else that could help us all more at this point.

      I have been "added as a friend" at Digg by two nationally-known political figures because of these articles. Yes i am an out-of-control egomaniac (some1 PLEASE stop me! lol), but nonetheless this is important or i wouldn't be saying it

      Also, feel free to comment under the article, it is really all of ours' and links, information about inventions, info for newbies, so forth what ever u want to say would be great.

      Many thanks to Ash for his great answers and for taking all that time out of his busy schedule to help this Open Source project, he ROCKS... And so do all the people here


      • #18
        Haha , man Jib is soon becoming a real spanner in the works
        Even most of his posts/ rantings that he does here are article and note worthy, i am gonna make sure they stay up in the public domain

        I am working on getting Steve as many demos for his work as possible, well it all of our work really. If that grant guy could see the other technology, i think with these technical open source demos we will work on a presentation of that caliber. Thing is allot of his money could be substituted to do real work now until the big alternatives come in.

        Most of the groups boosters would work world wide (mass production of a cheap one for example thats relatives , not ozzie freedoms) or implementation of the GEET. These things still have there place over sun and wind.

        Maybe mass production of EV's is also a good oil killer..that brings me to the new documents coming to your university site EV conversion!...even H2/EV....

        Ps i nearly forgot, Jib don't tell any one but we love you man where have you been all these years.. and i am gonna make sure you get some real hard demos for your articles...more to come.
        Last edited by ashtweth; 07-19-2008, 01:35 AM.


        • #19

          Thanks so much! While I can't take credit for choosing the name, I do the get pleasure of having it

          I don't know why but I was under the impression that it saved water to use a dishwasher(?) Maybe I just made that up to feel better about using it, lol.


          Thanks for letting me know.

          I'm a glass half full type of person, relying on faith when logic shows things looking bad, lol. Imo certain aspects of the government are taking this stuff very seriously and at least are enforcing some caps like with vehicle emissions for company and government fleets and such. I guess it's not big in the news but I happen to know it is going on

          XO Jessica
          Keep your mind on the aether

