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T. Boone Pickens announces new energy campaign

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  • T. Boone Pickens announces new energy campaign

    Today while watching MSNBC prime-time, i saw the first ad spot of a new campaign started personally by the famous Billionaire oil man and financier T. Boone Pickens for energy sustainability. He stated in the ad that over the next few weeks' he would roll out his plan which includes renewable and alternative energy technologies....

    In the spot he mentioned how our dependence on foreign oil is "the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world".

    Is he turning coat? An oil man ends-up embracing free energy technologies and getting it into the mainstream ?? To strange, lol.

    And too soon to see. Will certainly keep watching this one

    If he is "off the reservation"... It'll be very interesting to see what happens to him and the campaign.

    OK i found his website for this endeavor: PickensPlan

    It is pretty "conventional" in tone... But if he is actually serious about this... Who know maybe there is a chance... So i left him a message on his sign-up page:

    Mr. Pickens,

    I have no idea how much you know about the subject of "Free Energy" - meaning alternative sources of power not accepted by the mainstream. But i can assure you there are many new devices and inventions utilizing new forms of energy that WORK. Within 2 years of effort; many of these technologies could be in mass production. This is no joke or scam... It sir, is scientific fact.

    "Water Gas" (also called "HHO", or "Brown's Gas") has extremely good promise in providing "Hydrogen-on-demand" energy from water to fuel vehicles and heat homes. Plasma ignition of a mix of water and HHO gas within the cylinders of existing modified internal combustion engines can eliminate gasoline or Diesel fuels. A small modification to the car's ignition circuit can provide the large plasma spark to do it. It sounds "wild"... But it does work and can be demonstrated. Water is a potent fuel.

    Another very important invention along this line is from Mr. Gene Krupa, who has the "FireStorm Spark Plug" invention: I am presently interviewing him for an article, and can tell you his device alone, could lower gasoline usage by over 30%.. Simply by applying plasma spark to the cylinders and leaning-out the air/fuel ration. His main problem is that he made it "too good", and the spark plug manufacturers have refused to buy or build it because it won't wear out. This is fact, Mr. Krupa, and honest and honorable man, can provide you with independent test results.

    "Magnetic Motors" can generate power without any fuel., There are many working designs out there that utilize magnets to generate electricity. I can provide you with several working examples that are now trying to get into the market place.

    "Cold Fusion" (LENR) is real, and the original experiments of Pons and Fleischmann of 1989 have been successfully replicated at over 100 Universities all over the world. This could be developed into a power generation source within 5 years... One much safer and cheaper to develop than nuclear fission or "hot" fusion; which has wasted billions and has a track record of over 50 years of unending failure.

    Sir... I would strongly recommend you contact a man after your own heart... And a true American hero, by the name of Col. Tom Beardon. He is the most recognized expert in this field in our country.... And a very good man. He knows exactly where to start and who to fund to get the best results soonest. He is elderly and ill, so please do it soon ( He and his partner in invention, John Bedini, know exactly which technologies are ready for manufacturing today, and which others would be ready within the shortest time period for the least R&D money.

    For more info on this and many links, please see my articles on this subject: "Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement" (parts 1 and 2, with #3 to publish this week). I am a former electronics engineer who worked for F500 corps for over 25 years; now a free lance writer promoting alternative energy.

    Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement

    Free Energy and the Open Source Energy Movement (Part 2)

    You sir, have a unique opportunity to change the world here. Free Energy is for real. And it can achieve everything you are working for. If you were the man to end the reliance on oil... End any possible danger of global warming... End our pending economic collapse... Your name would be beloved by billions and ring in History forever! That is no exaggeration, either. The free energy movement has done the science, all they have been lacking is the means to breakout into the mainstream. You could be that means.

    I would be willing and honored to help in this endeavor in any way possible.

    Best Regards,


    Maybe if more of us sign up there and do the same... Who knows? Could it hurt?

  • #2

    "A goal is a dream with a deadline" - N. Hill


    • #3
      Very Interesting

      This is good news!

      Hope it is for real in the sense that he is not pushing the ethanol related thing. If its the same ad I saw it looks wind energy related which should be good!

      Great post..
      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4
        I have heard someone talking about this not too long ago and from what I understood it is about wind.

        Keep your mind on the aether


        • #5
          Hey Jibbguy;

          Totally impressive post, glad your here and in our camp.

          I just saw Mr. Boone's announcement/commercial while watching CBS evening news. He said he is interested in all forms of alternative energy to get us off foreign oil. Seems to be genuine, let,s hope. If he responds to you that would be a good sign he is. As he has a record of being a straight shooter chances are he will, once he gets to you among the thousands of replies his website will no doubt generate.



          • #6

            Hey jibbguy,
            I'd like to put my two cents in, if I may. If you get a response from those people, and I will sign up myself, ask them about starting a company that makes wind turbines and solar panels available, at low cost, to the average homeowner. A simple wind/solar arrangement could produce 1K watts added to just about any rooftop. 1K watts may not sound like much, but it would produce enough to power all the lights in your house, your computers, even a TV, or two. Would not power things like A/C, electric ovens, washers, and other high demand electrical devices. But could easily ease the demand during high peak output times, thus eliminating the need for higher output generators, or the need for so many power stations. If I am correct, the demand for electricity is highest during the working hours of the community, so the design of the generating unit must be designed to accomodate those demands. thereby having gross over-design, an inefficient system. If I am incorrect, please let me know.
            How this fits in with free-energy devices? If you are able to convince communities that it is their responsibility to lower the cost of power, they will be more receptive to other power-saving measures. People aren't dumb, they're just comfortable with their own lifestyle.
            Also, stop using your dryer, electric, or gas. It is the most inefficient machine in your home.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
              So i left him a message on his sign-up page:
              Well done! Let's face it, a lot of us are very technically oriented but lack certain skills when it comes to more traditional forms of communication such as.... WRITING!!

              Having someone like Jibbguy in our corner writing well-versed, well-thought-out articles, letters, messages, etc. really helps lend credibility to everything we are trying to accomplish. Hats off to you, J!


              • #8
                Originally posted by muttdogg View Post
                Hey jibbguy,
                I'd like to put my two cents in, if I may. If you get a response from those people, and I will sign up myself, ask them about starting a company that makes wind turbines and solar panels available, at low cost, to the average homeowner.

                How this fits in with free-energy devices? . . .

                Imo solar panels and wind turbines are free-energy devices.

                (I have a feeling Pickens is more interested in owning the windmills himself. Have you seen the roof tiles that are solar panels? They are not too expensive. I believe the new solar ink stuff is also making harnessing solar less expensive(?))

                Keep your mind on the aether


                • #9
                  Thx for the comments guys, but please don't wait to comment there at Pickens' site; this is the point... More voices the better. Don't worry that you are not "eloquent" enough; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that he gets the message from a greater amount of people. IF he is serious about this (questionable), then it could make a difference. And sometimes the most honest and straightforward appeals are the most effective.

                  It's true his plan pushes Wind power heavily, as well as natural gas. But it could be he doesn't know any better, and those advising him are not telling him everything, either (if he listens to Al Gore, then i'm sure they are not, lol). Col. Beardon would soon set him straight, hehehe. Anyone read his recent correspondences? He tore some new ones in a copper-top professor or two. It was fun to read.

                  I would trade my B-S abilities for a good DSO 'scope, quality DC supply, Keithley bench multi-meter with 0.25% error, a decent variac, a Wavetek waveform gen, and bench drawers full of cool components, lol... So i could get back to doing something with my hands that doesn't require staring at the internet for a change (...common, thats not what i meant lol )

                  When i had all those things available at work, i was too burned-out at the end of the day to want to play. Now that i don't... Well, at least this beats writing electronics manuals (NOBODY likes manuals: They are either "too simplistic and not comprehensive enough" or "too complex and hard to follow, and full of crap I don't need" ; depending on who's dis'ing them atm, lol).

                  The thing that gets me most about this journey i've been on lately is "why can i get away with doing this?" Meaning why haven't REAL journalists been here, done this, wore-out the tee shirt and used it to wax the car already...? What i'm trying to do shouldn't even be needed.... Professional journalists should be covering this subject in depth and in large numbers (if for no other reason, because of the ridiculous cost of oil). This is just sad. And it needs to change somehow.

                  Q: How do we change this? How do we get the mainstream corporate media to start reporting on free energy devices openly and honestly?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                    Thx for the comments guys, but please don't wait to comment there at Pickens' site; this is the point... More voices the better. Don't worry that you are not "eloquent" enough; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that he gets the message from a greater amount of people. IF he is serious about this (questionable), then it could make a difference. And sometimes the most honest and straightforward appeals are the most effective.

                    It's true his plan pushes Wind power heavily, as well as natural gas. But it could be he doesn't know any better, and those advising him are not telling him everything, either (if he listens to Al Gore, then i'm sure they are not, lol). Col. Beardon would soon set him straight, hehehe. Anyone read his recent correspondences? He tore some new ones in a copper-top professor or two. It was fun to read.

                    I would trade my B-S abilities for a good DSO 'scope, quality DC supply, Keithley bench multi-meter with 0.25% error, a decent variac, a Wavetek waveform gen, and bench drawers full of cool components, lol... So i could get back to doing something with my hands that doesn't require staring at the internet for a change (...common, thats not what i meant lol )

                    When i had all those things available at work, i was too burned-out at the end of the day to want to play. Now that i don't... Well, at least this beats writing electronics manuals (NOBODY likes manuals: They are either "too simplistic and not comprehensive enough" or "too complex and hard to follow, and full of crap I don't need" ; depending on who's dis'ing them atm, lol).

                    The thing that gets me most about this journey i've been on lately is "why can i get away with doing this?" Meaning why haven't REAL journalists been here, done this, wore-out the tee shirt and used it to wax the car already...? What i'm trying to do shouldn't even be needed.... Professional journalists should be covering this subject in depth and in large numbers (if for no other reason, because of the ridiculous cost of oil). This is just sad. And it needs to change somehow.

                    Q: How do we change this? How do we get the mainstream corporate media to start reporting on free energy devices openly and honestly?
                    great work !!
                    “Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

                    Nikola Tesla



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
                      Thx for the comments guys, but please don't wait to comment there at Pickens' site; this is the point... More voices the better. Don't worry that you are not "eloquent" enough; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that he gets the message from a greater amount of people. IF he is serious about this (questionable), then it could make a difference. And sometimes the most honest and straightforward appeals are the most effective.

                      It's true his plan pushes Wind power heavily, as well as natural gas. But it could be he doesn't know any better, and those advising him are not telling him everything, either (if he listens to Al Gore, then i'm sure they are not, lol). Col. Beardon would soon set him straight, hehehe. Anyone read his recent correspondences? He tore some new ones in a copper-top professor or two. It was fun to read.

                      I would trade my B-S abilities for a good DSO 'scope, quality DC supply, Keithley bench multi-meter with 0.25% error, a decent variac, a Wavetek waveform gen, and bench drawers full of cool components, lol... So i could get back to doing something with my hands that doesn't require staring at the internet for a change (...common, thats not what i meant lol )

                      When i had all those things available at work, i was too burned-out at the end of the day to want to play. Now that i don't... Well, at least this beats writing electronics manuals (NOBODY likes manuals: They are either "too simplistic and not comprehensive enough" or "too complex and hard to follow, and full of crap I don't need" ; depending on who's dis'ing them atm, lol).

                      The thing that gets me most about this journey i've been on lately is "why can i get away with doing this?" Meaning why haven't REAL journalists been here, done this, wore-out the tee shirt and used it to wax the car already...? What i'm trying to do shouldn't even be needed.... Professional journalists should be covering this subject in depth and in large numbers (if for no other reason, because of the ridiculous cost of oil). This is just sad. And it needs to change somehow.

                      Q: How do we change this? How do we get the mainstream corporate media to start reporting on free energy devices openly and honestly?
                      Hey Jibbguy;

                      I just looked at Pickens He is talking about using wind turbines on a gigantic 440,000 acre "farm" in the Pampa, Texas area to produce 4000 mgw to power 1.3 million homes. This will replace the electric plants using natural gas so that can be diverted for use in vehicles. We all know the many problems with this idea and it still leaves the 50% of power plants using coal untouched.

                      He is spending $2 billion to build the farm plus whatever else to build transmission lines and get Fed. laws changed to enable transmisson across Fed. and private land and across state lines. They are not starting construction on the farm for 2 years, although the turbines (223 of them) have been ordered from G.E. It will take 10 years at best to get it fully operational. He states that he hopes to make 20%-25% from this investment.

                      I think it is another idea to make him and his corporate buddies another fortune.Even if it does eventually reduce oil consumption someone is still paying the price for the electricity that is controlled by greedy corporations.

                      I put a comment on his blog telling them the real answer is HOD now followed shortly by water powered cars with some figures to show how that would save us more in 1 year than his plan will in 10 years. I directed interested people to this forum. Let's see if we have a big influx of guests shortly.



                      • #12
                        Hey he's got his vision, I don't knock him for that. There's nothing wrong with making money, especially when done in harmony with the environment.

                        I mean him doing his thing doesn't stop others from doing theirs and not everyone has to do the same thing.

                        However, I do wonder why solar isn't the better way to go. In Germany they have solar panel fields the size of football fields and they get less sun than the US.

                        The only thing that bothers me about wind mills is that it seems like so many of them would have to have some impact on the environment.

                        I've heard the ones now go too slow to kill birds (?) That's good if that's true.

                        But I've also heard they can be somehow disruptive, especially when I guess they are put among natural landscape with hills and such rather than in flat areas.

                        Keep your mind on the aether


                        • #13
                          Wind power

                          Hey Jessica,
                          First of all, completely way off topic, I have always thought the name Jessica is most lovable name for a female. Heavy sigh.
                          To the point, solar power, dollar per watt is too expensive for electrical generation. Wind power, while more unreliable, has been adapted usefully for the common household. And, yes I believe T-Bone wants to make money off of the fears a recession the press is using, today to make their news. It is not easy to build your own windmill, but it is simple. Just some PVC, an old motor, a little handyman knowledge, about $15 in electronic parts from Radio Shack, and a little commitment, could save at least 10% on your electric bill. Another way would be stop using your clothes dryer, and your dishwasher, they are the most inefficient devices in your home. Not including the dish or cable that brings so much garbage into your home. Read a book.
                          If you, or anyone wants a simple design for windmill blades, just ask me, I'll give them to you free. Certain tools will be required, but I can figure out how to make the blades using stone knives and bearskins.


                          • #14

                            Hey Jibbguy,
                            Got a name? Where are you getting your information from? Television? TV people are trying to make money. Get used to it and get over it. T-Bone, (he hates that name, but what do I care,) is a businessman, not some saviour of the earth. Turn your TV off, get on the internet, and find what 1950's people don't want you to find out. Here, where you are reading, this forum, these posts are the community you, and future voters will get their information. Not because we agree, but because we disagree. And have arguements, discussion forums, posts about free energy, free discussions about what makes us feel better, live longer, and happier, fuller , and healthier lives.
                            Heck, I feel better by just having this discussion with you. We, while we may never meet, have the chance to do what no other civilisation has ever done: communicate with those afar. It used to be said all politics are local. Now that is balderdash. You, and I, now may affect positively, it is hoped, each others life. And explain to each other why we feel this way. We will not always agree, but we will always have a forum to discuss.


                            • #15
                              Thx for asking

                              Heya Muttdog.

                              "They call me Mr. Jibbers" lol. Seriously, i go by Jib so thx for asking.. Been using the moniker for over 15 years. My real name is Steve but out there i am among millions of other "Steves". In this world we create ourselves, there is only one Jib (thank God, no forum could stand more than one hehehe).

                              I certainly know that the corporate mainstream media is completely controlled, and it daily suppresses very important information that the people should hear and do not. That the popular media, including advertising, TV shows, and movies spew subtle propaganda and mind-numbing drivel at every opportunity. I get my info from the internet, from places like "Op-Ed News" and many others (hundreds, really), and from foreign news organizations. Google "Sibel Edmonds" for starters; and get more depressed every minute after that, lol. Watching MSM is more a question of "checking out the enemy" to try and perceive their next intentions; than of getting accurate news....

                              But they must allow paid advertising or get sued.... And remember this is an paid ad campaign funded by Picken's money, and has not been heavily reported on by the mainstream... this is a GOOD sign: Whatever, and whomever they popularize is automatically suspect. This is why it is quite evident that Repub or Demo, is all the same, all controlled and NOT IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS. The election is a Roman circus, created for the entertainment of the masses, another way of controlling us, polarizing us, fooling us into believing there is a real choice, that our opinions matter.

                              I would put myself in a group of about 2% of Americans politically, socially, opinions-wise... My political beliefs are honed from a long, long journey in the political activism world that has left me nearly completely drained of any hope for the system we now live under. I've worked for Dennis Kucinich, for Impeachment, for 911 Truth, against the war, against destroying the environment, for media reform, for universal healthcare, for honest elections, for a new coalition reform third party where: "We must first make the nation safe to argue in, before continuing the argument"..... But i have come to the conclusion that none of these causes have a dog's chance in hell of ever getting anywhere in this country.... Until some more fundamental things change first.

                              This is where the journey has led me.... To "free energy" and perhaps the last chance to make any difference that i know: The Open Source Energy movement. Because i cannot see another way for us to change the paradigm without violence, which i believe would be utterly stupid and futile.

                              Nevertheless, this Pickens thingie is still an interesting event in that some1 could make a difference... Whether they do or not, some1 like him could. I prefer to judge people by face value until proven otherwise. I will prolly be proved wrong about him, but thats his choice to make not mine. All we can do is TRY to make a difference.

