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Is perpetual motion suppression over?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by The Saint View Post
    I believe I have come up with a new type of perpetual energy production. My idea is using ocean water pressure. The deeper you go into the ocean the higher the water pressure. My idea is quite simple. Put a tube or pipe inside of another pipe in order to keep the inside pipes surface pressure the same as the surface pressure. I image you would have to anchor the pipe to the ocean floor because it will want to float. The purpose of the inside pipe is to be opened at an optimal depth and then open. When the inside pipe is opened the water will rush up the pipe much like an when oil was struck in early versions of oil drills. If a hydro-turbine is put a the surface of the pipe the gushing water can be used to create electricity.

    Does this make sense?

    How am I wrong? or am I correct?
    It will only work once to fill the tube I'm afraid, and placing a lighter-than water tube in water actually costs the amount of energy equal to the weight of the water it displaces, minus its own weight.
    Else, I'm misunderstanding. And frankly, perhaps your idea would have deserved a new thread rather than be placed in a suppression thread. You rock for going open source with any idea that comes up to you though, one might be the key we're looking for.


    • #17
      The Thread

      This is my first post. I don't even know how to start a tread. Should I start a new thread with this idea. Can you tell me how to start a new thread?


      • #19
        Originally posted by The Saint View Post
        This is my first post. I don't even know how to start a tread. Should I start a new thread with this idea. Can you tell me how to start a new thread?
        Button "New Thread" on the Renewable Energy forum page ;-)


        • #20
          Is there really any thing in the universe that's still? Funny how the perpetual motion argument is only a confusion in the case where one is not relating open systems which are SEPARATE to a closed thermodynamic cycle. Look at pressure gradients, newtons 2nd and third law, fluid dynamics, look at the hydro device, that's one model there and another patent of interests here:

          Hidro+™ technology world patents protection:
          PCT-AU2007/906961; AU2008/902488; AU2008/001888; AUS-PATENT2008/338258.
          HidroLinear Patents are published by World Intellectual Property Organisation [WIPO-Geneva]
          Publication number WO2009/0876727.

          Hidro Online
          Is Hidro+ a Perpetual Motion Machine?
          No because the perpetual motion and conservation of energy refers to thermodynamic principles (1st, 2nd and 3rd laws); but not fluid mechanics and dynamics, flow of physics, Archimedes Principles and Newtown's Laws (1st and 2nd Laws of Physics).

          Now to put the above explanation into relevant equations and technically referred to as Energy and Mass Balance:
          * In energy conversion: Ei = Eo - ZL; where Ei= energy input on continuous basis, such as coal, gas, biomass as heat energy, wave and wind as mechanical energy.; Eo= Energy output in electrical energy; ZL=zigma Losses due to energy conversion and frictions, and ambience conditions.

          * In perpetual motion: Ei = Eo + DE; where Ei=a one-time-only energy input, such as movements of filaments due to heat and pressure variants from ambience conditions, and/or mechanical energy.; Eo= energy output in electrical energy; DE= delta energy gained due to whatever (which we concur with you as invalid!).

          * In Hidro+: Ei + EProd = Eo - ZL; where: Ei= electrical energy input on continuous basis; EProd=energy gained due to deep water pressure energy conversion including bouyancy at 1010kg/m3 and deep water pressure at 1bar (100kPa) per meter of water depth; Eo= energy output including gravity and potential energy of freefall object and terminal velocity; ZL=zigma losses due to conversion and frictions, etc.
          Last edited by ashtweth; 07-05-2010, 03:45 AM.


          • #21
            @Saint: I believe that ocean temperature differentials can be tapped to create energy: Look up OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Converter). Unfortunately, a power plant of any size is going to be the million USD range, not exactly in the garage experimenter budget.

