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Is now the time to panic?

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  • #16

    These 2 are totally compatible.

    "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "It is better to light a candle than curse the dark." -- Ancient Proverb

    We have to be constantly proactive in building the world we want.The Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson should be studied by anyone interested in activism in any country in my opinion. I think the revolution already started and it doesn't have a name or identity is slowly building and it is different than anything in history.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #17
      If you wish to get off the grid you need to first break your ties with the opressors by cancelling that contract everyone has with them and becoming a human being again, instead of a (in)corporate entity.

      Here's a woman who went all the way, hats down to her:

      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
      Last edited by amigo; 07-28-2008, 11:13 PM.
      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


      • #18
        No you don't

        When I first stared learning about free energy I had a hard time finding anyone to explain it in a simple and straight forward manner I could understand. As a happenstance, I found your youtube video on the net. Finally, an easy, for me, explanation! I am sure there are others, but for one, even if your electronics were blown at the time, you did inspire me, at least.
        You, Imhotep, Peter, Aaron, The Girls, all inspire me. Plant a fruit bearing tree. Tomatoes. Just keep on keeping on. Remember, unless supeheroes already start out as rich, like Batman, most are like Spiderman. Or, you. Or me.


        • #19
          Sense of Well Being

          As I meet people on the street I put into my mind a sense of goodwill towards them (in my mind I would say "I hope you have a beautiful day"). It makes me smile because they didn't know I was even wishing this thought on them.

          I know it seems stupid but it has given me a great deal of happiness.

          The other great pleasure I've had is with Imhotep's fans. I'm not sure I've cracked it, but I have a great feeling of being in control of my destiny.

          All the best.


          • #20
            Originally posted by WoollyNZ View Post
            As I meet people on the street I put into my mind a sense of goodwill towards them (in my mind I would say "I hope you have a beautiful day"). It makes me smile because they didn't know I was even wishing this thought on them.

            I know it seems stupid but it has given me a great deal of happiness.

            The other great pleasure I've had is with Imhotep's fans. I'm not sure I've cracked it, but I have a great feeling of being in control of my destiny.

            All the best.
            The whole existence deserves our love, so why not give it?
            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


            • #21
              What really amazes me is that a lot of people, including your good folks here, are worried abour energy so much.

              If I may share an insight with you in an effort to re-focus your attention to a more pressing issue of fresh water. Energy, oil, hydrogen and all the rest is utter nonsense because you do not need it to exist. People have lived for eons without it.

              But, without fresh water you will perish in no time and this century will see fresh water become a commodity oil used to be in the past one. There is less and less fresh (clean) water out there yet the demand is ever growing: ~ 6.7 Billion people needing it.

              Farmers are the most struck and if you remember they are the ones providing us with sustenance, which keeps us alive. It is a vicous circle that if broken will literraly cost us existence.

              Couple with all this the fact that clean water means prosperity and sanitation while polluted water means dis-ease and death (recall the history and major plagues and outbreaks due to bad sanitation).

              Lastely, let's not forget our dearest "friends" the corporate fascists running this world who have been buying out fresh springs around the world at such a pace that I doubt there are any left for grabs. They are the ones who control the fresh water supplies and they will be the ones selling it to us at extortion prices when the time comes.

              Incidently, they are the ones preventing abovementioned farmers in many countries around the world from producing food and putting it out on the market, while at the same time peddling their GMO seeds and cramming it down everyone's throat.

              Oh, but why worry so much, as someone mentioned above - Don't Worry Be Happy. What you don't know about can't hurt you, right?
              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


              • #22
                Thats the point of Free Energy...

                This is exactly why free energy is needed so desperatly... So water can be desalinized cheaply, irrigation and deep-well pumps can be run cheaply, and water purification plants can be run cheaply. Then water is not a problem...

                Because even if we tried our hardest it would be virtually impossible for us to desalinize enough water to even keep up with the amount of new fresh water being melted from Greenland glaciers, or from the Antarctic... So using water as fuel will not be a "problem" competing with drinking water... But it will be the solution

                There will be increased rains in arid areas when deserts were turned into farm fields with desalinized water, too... Imagine the Sahara as the new bread basket for Africa and Europe! It is possible.


                • #23
                  water and energy

                  You can "make" water out of thin air.

                  Just use a dehumidifier that takes the water and puts it through filtration.

                  With a self-sustaining energy solution powering it, you get water non-stop as long as their is moisture in the air. Even some solar or wind power would be fine.

                  I agree we don't need all the energy stuff to survive, but I do prefer the luxury and lifestyle that the extra energy provides me.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #24
                    Abundance mentality

                    I haven't been back to this forum for a few days since I made the first reply to Sephiroth's first question about panic...

                    I have to make the comment that the majority of posts here have been very negative, and kind of depressing. Thanks, Aaron, for your posts, and any others who were positive...

                    I really like the concepts of a really smart fellow named David Hawkins...have you folks read his stuff? One of his central concepts - improve yourself, higher on the scale of consciousness and you will entrain those around you upward...

                    One practical application of this concept is to simply assess your immediate environment and seek to add value to it by whatever means you have at hand, or by using whatever aptitudes and gifts you were endowed with.

                    In my own case I tended to be a perfectionist and, as a medical teacher often and easily gave criticism to others... It is kind of weird what happens when you give this up and focus only on the perfection of your immediate task at hand.

                    And I had heard this before but was not ready to believe net worth started multiplying.

                    So these days I am not trying to correct others anymore...I don't even indulge in political judgments or criticism of international policies, or any of the inflammatory positionalities thrown around the media and the workplace, or even chatrooms. Only thing I focus on is improving my own processes and helping my friends, family and anyone who comes across my path.

                    I will step down off my soapbox after I pass on two more items - The first is a comment from an author I never was able to identify, who said look around you - whatever you see there, wealth or poverty, abundance or scarcity, whatever you see is the product of your belief system. (Aaron's comment about a dehumidifier is a perfect illustration...while some were worried about losing water supplies Aaron pointed out that we are surrounded by it in our immediate environment in extreme abundance.)
                    Which brings us to the second, which is also the title of my post, which is the abundance mentality. It has been around for millenia, but one of its most eloquent proponents is Paul Zane Pilzer, and internationally renowned economist. He has pointed out that throughout history whenever scarcity becomes prominent, innovation and technology fix it. If you read his work it becomes impossible to even mount an argument against this concept...

                    So we have scarcity (real or imagined) of fossil fuels? Don't complain or blame(Hawkins)...innovate (Pilzer).
                    You think the folks at Nanosolar believe in scarcity? With their production line technology they are turning out sheets of solar panels at over a 10X savings over old silicon solar technology. That is one order of magnitude improvement. That is like taking a 10 mpg car and making it run 100 mpg.
                    Or the folks at AFS Trinity, with their extreme hybrid that uses ultracapacitors, can get 150 mpg in an SUV...

                    All I gotta say is edit the negativity completely out of your lives. There is plenty to be hopeful about. Spend your time solving problems instead of swimming in them. We live in one of the coolest times in the history of the planet!


                    • #25
                      Do I hear an echo?

                      That was a great post, samregina. I must say, you precisely echo my own philosophy for living and giving. Lift yourself up, work towards maximizing self reliance while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preserving all that is good for future generations to enjoy, and use the experience and knowledge that you have gained during your lifetime to help family, friends, and others to lift themselves above fear, anxiety, and depression. Extend a hand, light a lamp, and show the way to those who will follow you, and then ask them to do the same for their friends and neighbors. You will be amazed at how effective this philosophy is, and at how many people's lives you influence and transform in a positive way. Don't set out trying to change the world, for you will only fail and your wasted efforts will leave you feeling despondent and useless. Instead, focus on making positive changes, and retaining all the positive things that already exist, in your own little corner of the world. Even that will prove to take great effort and dedication on your part, but it is both a realistic and achievable goal.

                      I hope this didn't sound like preaching to anyone. It is simply stating my own philosophy on life, living, and giving, and I think that most of you who also come here share a similar philosophy. After all, isn't that why we repeatedly come here to learn from, and to share our personal knowledge and experience with, others who pursue a similar quest and outlook?

                      I have been a musician for most of my life, among many other things, and have played with some very talented people. It always gave me great enjoyment to participate with these dedicated individuals in such a harmonius way, but every now and then I would meet and play with an extremely talented guest musician, and it gave me tremendous inspiration and motivation. I often get that same feeling when I come here to this wonderful forum.

                      My very best to all. I can't even begin to say how much I truly appreciate all of you. This forum brings together bright minds and new ideas from across the continents and around the globe, and really does give us the chance to change more than just our own little corner of the world if we all keep working together in positive ways that can ultimately benefit all of mankind - and womankind too.

                      Last edited by rickoff; 07-29-2008, 07:59 AM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • #26
                        We CAN change the world, we have in past and will again.

                        Saying you cannot change the world, so you shouldn't even try... Is just wrong. Not only is it defeatist, but it gives the impression that all is fated (so conveniently there is nothing to be done anyway, so why bother?...). Things are NOT fated. We make our fate, every day. All of us as individuals, and all of us together.

                        There is much you can do for positive change of our world if you will to. Maybe not individually... But certainly collectively. And that is the point of grass roots activism. the voice of many has power. But sitting at home and refusing to help those who would change the world for the better is not helping anything, except to maintain the status quo: Which has been proven to be deadly for our planet and Humanity.

                        Women working together in late 1800 's and early 1900's changed the world by getting the Vote for Women in America... Never would have happened unless they WORKED hard for it.

                        We would still be living with Segregation here in the South if many people of all colors hadn't worked hard for Civil Rights. The "Freedom Riders", and their brothers and sisters, changed the world by their collective actions.

                        The Ecology movement of the 70' and 80's changed the world... Just not enough perhaps (...certainly not enough lol). But change it, it certainly did. This was done via grass roots action, just like the other above examples.

                        Do many of you realize just how bad things have gotten? I realize its easy to ignore, and the mainstream media tries it's best to insure that. But there is tremendous problems and trouble bubbling just behind this hollywood set facade we are living in now...

                        I'm willing to bet most of you here are very much against the war, are deeply disturbed by the immorality of it. Some fewer but still a decent percentage are for Impeachment of bush and cheney as well. There are things you can easily do at home that don't take much time or effort to help these issues. You can sign e-petitions, send Letters to the Editor, letters to your Congresspersons stating your views. These things help, more than many realize.... So does attending rallies and helping organize and sending money (but its ok to start with baby steps ). Just taking the time to study the issues and then discussing these things with your friends and coworkers is also important and helps.

                        Since you are here on the Internet, you are probably "web savvy", this makes you ahead of the game verses the average Joe... Use this savvy to get unfiltered and uncensored news, and to connect with others who are... Collectivly... making a difference. You won't be sorry you did.

                        Years from now, after a major collapse, if your grand kids ask you: "What did you did YOU do to stop it?".... How are you going to answer them?

                        Here's a good place to start: Signing this petition here: - Join Dennis Kucinich & Demand Impeachment Hearings
                        Last edited by jibbguy; 07-29-2008, 05:49 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tarkus View Post
                          Those in the world who thrive on the negative and seek to justify their existence by control of others, making themselves better buy making others worse, and basically trying to control an uncontrollable world, put out a lot of propaganda most all of it negative.

                          When we buy into the fear and despair of that we play their game, by their rules.
                          When we stay focused on the positives in our lives and working towards solutions, we play Gods game by its rules (not pushing religion just the universal energies).

                          I personally see the world heading for a paradine shift to the positive.
                          This I don't think will happen easily, those focused on the negative will fight tooth and nail every step of the way to keep what they think is theirs.

                          We have choices in our everyday lives that steer us as individuals and as a world, if we choose to focus on the negative guess what we bring about, if we focus on the positives (no matter how small) we push the energy on the planet that direction.

                          Many of us on this forum are working towards things that may free us from the slavery to the world power brokers, as well as clean up our planet. The best of luck and Gods speed to all of us.

                          Transform yourself into loving, so that we may transform the world into loving.


                          you took the words right from my heart.
                          It is NEVER the time to panic.
                          Assess the situation calmly, make whatever preparations you deem suitable, then buckle in for the ride.

                          I agree a paradigm shift is coming, and coming soon. Great change can be uncomfortable, but only for those who choose not to embrace the process and see what happens on the other side.
                          Worry will most certainly not help.

                          I ask the good people on this board to hold three word in their mind:
                          "New Human Renaissance"
                          These words can have whatever meaning you assign to them, I find strength in this idea as a mantra.

                          Know that the ugliness is upon us, but by moving through this period of uncertainty, a new way will be born. So rejoice rather than despair!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            These 2 are totally compatible.

                            "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson

                            "It is better to light a candle than curse the dark." -- Ancient Proverb

                            We have to be constantly proactive in building the world we want.The Wisdom of Thomas Jefferson should be studied by anyone interested in activism in any country in my opinion. I think the revolution already started and it doesn't have a name or identity is slowly building and it is different than anything in history.
                            Jefferson is my hero Aaron,
                            The letters sent between him and John Adams are simply amazing and really give readers today a window into the spirit of the Republic.
                            All that is happening today was anticipated long, long ago.
                            We have chosen not to heed the warnings.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                              Hi folks,

                              For years now, I have had the same concerns as Sephiroth. Hundreds of times, I have asked this question in my meditations "is it time to worry, now?" The answer is ALWAYS "no". I finally quit asking!

                              Here's my new "theme song"......enjoy

                              YouTube - Bobby Mcferrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy



                              peter do you know he committed suicide after singing that song .



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Samemf View Post

                                peter do you know he committed suicide after singing that song .

                                You're joking right? He's still alive, whistling away, at 58 years of age!
                                "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                                “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                                Nikola Tesla

