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Stan Deyo

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  • #61
    Cloxxi, yes i was very intrigued by what Marco Rodin says about that; and how the scientists he presented it to years ago were all excited about it because it would be a "totally reactionless drive": Meaning no matter what output comes from it, there is no reaction at all to the "load".

    So far, that has not played out in the empirical testing (there is a reaction, as seen by increased current draw on the supply that pulses the coil): So does that mean it is truly not "reactionless", or that the designs haven't got it right yet? Lol a good question for us to discover i think: A "reactionless coil" IS FREE ENERGY, no question about it.


    • #62
      And into the rabbit hole we go!


      You will find an interesting variant of the Deyo SAC nav, wedding cake coils to play with here. These are to be called The Abominable Snowman's coils. Enjoy what you can do with them!

      YouTube - Snow Labs Future Technology & Space Vision


      • #63

        There is another way of flight through wormholes , but talk of such things is a little too creepy for most and poorly understood. Some things are better left not mentioned.

        ...The ancient name of it, however, means multidimensionally in this order:

        water, chaos, mighty, blood
        head of a man, head, first, beginning, top
        open palm, bend, open, allow, tame
        floor plan, family, house, in
        Man, look, reveal, breathe, breath, sigh

        But, bad things come to those who dabble in or try to drive a chariot that does not belong to them, or when they drive dad's car without His blessing. It has always been the way of unusual priests.

        Ezekiel 1:4-28 --

        "As I looked, a stormwind came from the North, a huge cloud with flashing fire [enveloped in brightness], from the midst of which [the midst of the fire] something gleamed like electrum. Within it were figures resembling four living creatures that looked like this: their form was human, but each had four faces and four wings, and their legs went straight down; the soles of their feet were round. They sparkled with a gleam like burnished bronze.

        Their faces were like this: each of the four had the face of a man, but on the right side was the face of a lion, and on the left side the face of an ox, and finally each had the face of an eagle. Their faces [and their wings] looked out on all their four sides; they did not turn when they moved, but each went straight forward. [Each went straight forward; wherever the spirit wished to go, there they went; they did not turn when they were moved.]

        Human hands were under their wings, and the wings of one touched those of another. Each had two wings spread out above so that they touched one another's, while the other two wings of each covered his body. In among the living creatures something like burning coals of fire could be seen; they seemed like torches, moving to and fro among the living creatures. The fire gleamed, and from it came forth flashes of lightning.

        As I looked at the living creatures, I saw wheels on the ground, one beside each of the four living creatures. The wheels had the sparkling appearance of chrysolite, and all four of them looked the same; they were constructed as though one wheel were within another. They could move in any of the four directions they faced, without veering as they moved. The four of them had rims, and I saw that their rims were full of eyes all around. When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved with them, and when the living creatures were raised from the ground, the wheels also were raised.

        Wherever the spirit wished to go, there the wheels went, and they were raised together with the living creatures; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

        Over the heads of the living creatures, something like a firmament could be seen, seeming like glittering crystal, stretched straight out above their heads.

        Beneath the firmament their wings were stretched out, one toward the other. [Each of them had two covering his body.] Then I heard the sound of their wings, like the roaring of mighty waters, like the voice of the Almighty. When they moved, the sound of the tumult was like the din of an army. [And when they stood still, they lowered their wings.]

        Above the firmament over their heads something like a throne could be seen, looking like sapphire. Upon it was seated, up above, one who had the appearance of a man. Upward from what resembled his waist I saw what looked like fire; he was surrounded with splendor. Like the bow which appears in the clouds on a rainy day was the splendor that surrounded him. Such was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord."
        Last edited by SL3; 10-07-2009, 06:09 AM.


        • #64
          Coral Castle visit

          YouTube - Coral Castle drill #1


          • #65
            solar power

            Mohr Power Solar, Inc., is an established design, service, sales and installation solar contractor, specializing in solar electricity, solar pool / SPA heating, solar hot water heating systems for residential, commercial and industrial applications.

            Mohr power Solar, Inc., was founded in 1982 to promote the public awareness and supply a “ Clean Environmentally Safe Energy ” to the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. In addition, our company offers products, information and expertise to our customers nationwide.

            Mohr Power Solar, Inc., has performed more services and has one of the largest customer base of satisfied solar energy installation customers. Mohr Power is the first solar service and repair company to service 165,000 systems for all manufacturers.

            Mohr Power is the first to have a customer base of over 35,000 solar energy installation customers.

            Solar Power Installation in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, Riverside and More - Mohr Power Solar, Inc. "


            • #66
              Spam Alert!!!
              You can view my vids here



              • #67
                Originally posted by dambit View Post
                Spam Alert!!!
                I second that!
                Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                • #68

                  These posts on antigravity seem to be older. I was wondering why there was
                  no mention of John Searl and his devices for antgravity and free energy. With
                  all the brilliant minds that seem to be on the energetic forum, someone must have figured out his stuff by now (or came close).



                  • #69
                    Back to the top.


                    • #70
                      Allow me to bump this Thread again, since I saw his video a couple of weeks ago, it directed me to this very Forum! Yai

                      I have a strong interest for Alternative Energy and after learning about Tesla, it have evolved into various technologies, and the more I 'learn' about it, the harder it is to know about the suppression/conspiracy against it..

                      Anyways, I'm really excited about this Anti-Gravity topic, I watched Thrive & the opposite clearing some facts out: "Exposing Thrive"
                      This led me to find Dan Deyo & John Hutchison's videos through some minor googeling.
                      So I'm all hooked for learning more about Electricity, Electronics, Magnetism, Anti-Gravity ... Physics etc. :-)

                      Sadly I only know the basics when it comes to electricity, since it was my second choice towards a education - Electrician, but I never achieved to finish it, cause of personal and political issues & views.
                      Within '10th Grade' though, I completed my exams with 'above average' in most classes, except my own Language -Danish.
                      However, I believe that what I have been taught, is very untrue at many points.
                      So, here I am, eager to learn and be taught about 'The Real Deal' eventually!

                      I consider my self, unintentionally stupid when it comes down to all this, so much to grab onto, refresh & learn.
                      Also, I'm having a personal feelings similar to this: "You cant teach a old dog new tricks!" I'm 22 years old
                      Even though, I often learn pretty quickly after a couple of bumps.
                      I have a easier learning curve if I get to see what I am to do, physically.
                      And I ask loooooads of questions for better understanding, which is what everyone would do, towards something at which they are new!
                      This makes it tough for me to actually learn anything in a regular school, and I'm not exactly the biggest fan when it comes to the educational system: Replicate, Replicate, Replicate (Not that replicating is bad, its the idea that it have been stuck for too long!)

                      I would appreciate if someone could guide, tell or show me a great educational site, or something similar which could help me get started from bottom and up ... Towards The Skies, one day.

                      Now I'm also curious as of what equipment I would need, or if I principally could construct my own? My thought here is "What did Tesla have to start out, as equipment? Did he construct his own parts? etc"

                      When making your own equipment, I'm seeking to avoid planned obsolesence, if thats possible however?

                      I have sooooo many questions marching through my mind as you might have noticed, so I apologise if my whole post here seems messed up.
                      Since I lost my brother back in August, I more or less dedicated my life to make a change, without seeking fame and fortune, but instead, Independency, and Freedom for everyone!

                      Hope your all enjoying the weekend.

                      PS: Have anyone of you watched This Documentary before?
                      The description is kinda miss-leading
                      Last edited by Thane; 04-22-2012, 12:23 AM.


                      • #71
                        Dear Mike,

                        My interest in electrical science was rekindled via a utube lecture from Stan Deyo. This website is packed with information and you can leisurely browse it and pick up alot of basic stuff here in a playful way. If you start watching some of the videos you will see that many of the experimenters are using commercial components like voltmeters ammeters oscilloscopes and function generators in their experiments. The most important piece of equipment you have to experiment with is that thing that resides between your ears.

                        Once you get your imagination cooking you are well on your way. Best of serendipity to you.
                        Last edited by wyndbag; 04-23-2012, 04:00 AM. Reason: mispelling


                        • #72
                          no entries about gravity modifications or control here since 2009? It is now 2015 we need hoverboards like yesterday! wtf Marty what did you do in 1985 to screw it up?
                          On a more serious note, I have some pet ideas and an experiment I did in 2013 around my embodiment of a "gravitator". I plan on redoing the experiment and posting it on youtube under "EnergyTechMedia" which is my channel name.
                          I am interested in resurrecting this thread or starting a new one.


                          • #73
                            on the peswiki page (Directory:Antigravity for Dummies -- Stan Deyo Lecture - PESWiki) it says that it is necessary to create a resonant circuit, and to contain the back-EMF so it is absorbed by the subsequent pulse to the other circuit before it develops a voltage. Does this mean putting a capacitor and diode (separately) parallel to the inductor circuit? Is it also possible to use just a diode (or resistor) parallel to the inductor for the back-EMF? because i think for testing just one inductor with inductance on the order of tens of microhenries the cap must have high capacitance (expensive) if the resonant frequency is to be kept between 50-150Hz (as described on the page). Anyone with more experience care to comment?


                            • #74
                              it won't work unless you have 3 opposing levels. If you watch Stan's film, he explains why you need opposite spins to make it work. The middle is one way, then the next level is the opposite, then again the outside is opposite again. The rods in the middle are Mumetal, as is the firing cores, which are split mumetal "hollow" cores. The wires are copper, and the coils can be either flat vortex coils or typically wound toroid inductors but they are made of square, hollow mumetal stock that is bent around something round and they MUST have an opening to allow them to operate. Stan's blueprints show the firing coils having a Caduceus, but, in the video it shows a single winding, then, in his close up of the firing coil, it shows it as a Caduceus again.. I am not sure, however he says he can't tell us the dangerous part, but he decided to show it to us, and that is the firing coil with caduceus coil. All in all that makes perfect sense because the Caduceus coil eliminates the energy used by offering a zero impedance if wound correctly. This means little to no energy will be absorbed by the coils in loss, and they would run cool.. When the device is needed to rise, the contraption must be installed inside of an aluminum saucer shaped container so it will release it's field into the aluminum alloy he uses so it draws in and releases ions, creating an infinite wave of gravity at it's highest power level, but, there is nothing to determine direction . I suggest looing at the Onion drive image I am uploading to determine how to apply direction. The reactor could be replaced with the coils he shows and the power sent in externally to test it. It is the basis of how a machine like this could function, but, it will never rise without having an outer shield to act as a completed circuit. The coils are what Bob Lazar would call "gravity amplifiers", needing the outer hull to create this field of gravitational wave, applying weightlessness to massively heavy objects. If we m ake the craft very light, it shouldn't need much power to work by powering the device externally. It would never work remotely either because forced antigravitational waves eliminate radio waves and current flow in electronics and electrical circuits within the field's circumference. This isn't difficult to make, it just needs to be made with the correct materials and be wound and wired in the same way he shows in the video. It is very important to look closely at the directions of the windings from one coil to the next. I will post some images in a few minutes, or, you can email me to get these images if you can't find the clear ones needed to get this working. One coil and rod is enough to cause weightlessness, however, at least 3 levels of 3 coils, being connected in a delta formation is enough to get any ufo oriented device to rise. The single coil setup would work like Ed Leedskalnin's coils for lifting extremely heavy products with ease.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Belangers View Post
                                it won't work unless you have 3 opposing levels. If you watch Stan's film, he explains why you need opposite spins to make it work. The middle is one way, then the next level is the opposite, then again the outside is opposite again. The rods in the middle are Mumetal, as is the firing cores, which are split mumetal "hollow" cores. The wires are copper, and the coils can be either flat vortex coils or typically wound toroid inductors but they are made of square, hollow mumetal stock that is bent around something round and they MUST have an opening to allow them to operate. Stan's blueprints show the firing coils having a Caduceus, but, in the video it shows a single winding, then, in his close up of the firing coil, it shows it as a Caduceus again.. I am not sure, however he says he can't tell us the dangerous part, but he decided to show it to us, and that is the firing coil with caduceus coil. All in all that makes perfect sense because the Caduceus coil eliminates the energy used by offering a zero impedance if wound correctly. This means little to no energy will be absorbed by the coils in loss, and they would run cool.. When the device is needed to rise, the contraption must be installed inside of an aluminum saucer shaped container so it will release it's field into the aluminum alloy he uses so it draws in and releases ions, creating an infinite wave of gravity at it's highest power level, but, there is nothing to determine direction . I suggest looing at the Onion drive image I am uploading to determine how to apply direction. The reactor could be replaced with the coils he shows and the power sent in externally to test it. It is the basis of how a machine like this could function, but, it will never rise without having an outer shield to act as a completed circuit. The coils are what Bob Lazar would call "gravity amplifiers", needing the outer hull to create this field of gravitational wave, applying weightlessness to massively heavy objects. If we m ake the craft very light, it shouldn't need much power to work by powering the device externally. It would never work remotely either because forced antigravitational waves eliminate radio waves and current flow in electronics and electrical circuits within the field's circumference. This isn't difficult to make, it just needs to be made with the correct materials and be wound and wired in the same way he shows in the video. It is very important to look closely at the directions of the windings from one coil to the next. I will post some images in a few minutes, or, you can email me to get these images if you can't find the clear ones needed to get this working. One coil and rod is enough to cause weightlessness, however, at least 3 levels of 3 coils, being connected in a delta formation is enough to get any ufo oriented device to rise. The single coil setup would work like Ed Leedskalnin's coils for lifting extremely heavy products with ease.
                                Hi Belangers, great post! Do you think you could post those images you mentioned? I would really appreciate it! THANKS!

