Hi RunningRage,
Thanks for that. Very interesting reading. You know, I saw a coil and experiment like this just the other day over at JNL Labs. They had a movie on it, but I am having a hard time finding it this morning and have to get about with some other things. I'm sure you're aware of JNL Labs, but maybe others here are not. Here is a link to their propulsion page. Somewhere there -- maybe not this page, but on one of the many sublinks...I watched a movie with these very same two toroidal coils. As I recall, I think they were shooting a rod for a few feet. Reminded me a lot of the old mass driver propulsion concepts. Interesting Stan Deyo sort of "smoke ring" action against gravity with this sort of stuff. I think you will find better lift per watt, however, from the SAC nav coil geometry and Lorentz O. Many means, but turning the atoms and electrons into propellers is interesting at least for earthly things. Slammed together waves for a real "warp engine".
Hi RunningRage,

Thanks for that. Very interesting reading. You know, I saw a coil and experiment like this just the other day over at JNL Labs. They had a movie on it, but I am having a hard time finding it this morning and have to get about with some other things. I'm sure you're aware of JNL Labs, but maybe others here are not. Here is a link to their propulsion page. Somewhere there -- maybe not this page, but on one of the many sublinks...I watched a movie with these very same two toroidal coils. As I recall, I think they were shooting a rod for a few feet. Reminded me a lot of the old mass driver propulsion concepts. Interesting Stan Deyo sort of "smoke ring" action against gravity with this sort of stuff. I think you will find better lift per watt, however, from the SAC nav coil geometry and Lorentz O. Many means, but turning the atoms and electrons into propellers is interesting at least for earthly things. Slammed together waves for a real "warp engine".