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Stan Deyo

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  • #31

    Hi RunningRage,

    Thanks for that. Very interesting reading. You know, I saw a coil and experiment like this just the other day over at JNL Labs. They had a movie on it, but I am having a hard time finding it this morning and have to get about with some other things. I'm sure you're aware of JNL Labs, but maybe others here are not. Here is a link to their propulsion page. Somewhere there -- maybe not this page, but on one of the many sublinks...I watched a movie with these very same two toroidal coils. As I recall, I think they were shooting a rod for a few feet. Reminded me a lot of the old mass driver propulsion concepts. Interesting Stan Deyo sort of "smoke ring" action against gravity with this sort of stuff. I think you will find better lift per watt, however, from the SAC nav coil geometry and Lorentz O. Many means, but turning the atoms and electrons into propellers is interesting at least for earthly things. Slammed together waves for a real "warp engine".


    • #32
      Over-Unity in silicates / quartz

      Sort of a related side note here. Catching up on some reading re Radiant Matter and other suggested threads. Faraday's early speculations on what we know as plasma today, etc. Reminded me of some experiments I used to do back in school. Lightbulbs in the microwave oven to demonstrate plasma. Somewhere on this forum...I forget where....I ran by an author's note of the old toy radiometers and how Tesla admired them as the most elegant of radiant energy generators. An old girlfriend gave me one back in school, and later I cooked it in the microwave. Was an awesome experiment with so many observations. Electrons ejected under microwave into that vacuum bulb and one big plasma ball contained. Radiometer spinning wildly! Electric arc shooting to the top to align with the waves. Fresnel Dot and circular fringe patterns burnt on the glass where the arc tried to run through. Glass thimble microwave fused to the metal needle (same as industry's microwave welding of ceramic to steel exhaust valves). Photoelectric Effect. Today, however, I'm not so sure the massive degree of plasma in the vacuum of the ball originates from ejected electrons from the metal. Someone like Tom Bearden should study that issue more.

      I wonder if perhaps there wasn't some tickling going on and drawing energy from the vacuum through the bulb's vacuum or related to it? Perhaps microwave run through the small -- Casimir-like "plates" -- that are the molecular structure of the glass. Waves through the narrow Casimir slit in a vacuum, and then plasma created -- just like in Cold Fusion experiments with water. You'd have to remove the metal from the toy radiometer and have that 99% vacuum inside the bulb to be sure.

      In any case, I wanted to show you something different regarding quartz. Consider the old AM crystal radio sets. Nothing but free energy receivers there. No batteries; Just radiant energy through the crystal and with perpetual power to drive speakers. Quartz is fun stuff. In fact, when you heat it up with a welding torch, you can make it into miniature neutron generators sufficient to build smaller nuke warheads. High voltage output from heated quartz is why I make this post. Relates to propulsion issues.

      Anyhow, check this link out regarding sand in the microwave oven.

      YouTube - Microwaving an Hourglass as the Sand Tells Time

      ...Note the initial flash of 660 nanometer yellow which then fades to red. If you don't melt the quartz and were to just pulse that microwave energy to the quartz, you could probably get more energy out of that flash than what you put into generating the wattage for the microwave oven. It's not really energy released from matter or breaking bonds. I believe it comes from tickle of the vacuum and another pumped phase conjugate mirror setup. Just like the crystal radio set, the Hutchison petroelectric effect nature to quartz and other materials tends to be very useful.

      It works also along these quasi-pumped phase conjugate mirror / over-unity lines:

      Atoms found to interact unexpectedly

      H + D2(v = 0, j = 0) → H + D2(v' = 3, j' = 4)



      • #33
        Need some serious speed from SSG

        Does anyone know how to make bedini motor run 7-9 9v batteries without osscillating, cause it to stop. I can't use it as a radient osscillator because when it charge a cap I believe the voltage density isn't high enough to crate currrent even if my meter read like 200-300v. I want to show you guy literally the coil jump air coil but i need like 10,000 rpm running the motor to get a purple sparks it higher than the green sparks when discharging a cap.


        • #34
          SSG notes

          I haven't gotten around to experimenting much with SSG's yet and am more interested in the greater over-unity devices. I do have an unbuilt radiant charger kit here that I want to explore sometime. Among the 10,000 RPM SSG's, this tricoiler was interesting.

          YouTube - Tri Coiler Spin Up

          What I read regarding the SSG's is that most experimenters don't exceed COP >1.0. However, others doing it right are said to achieve COP >11. Floyd Sweet's VTA was far more. Cold Fusion can achieve more. As for the higher COP SSG's, the better ones used some uncommon circuits you don't see most the experimenter crowd working with. Different transistors, etc. There is closer attention to spinning at higher RPM and using greater voltage in doing so. About 30 Volts and greater, as I recall. As for power pickup, increasing magnetic field flux (not just magnet strength and size) is an engineering issue. Tighter clearance between magnets and coils (1mm or less). Theoretically, as I understand it, voltage per coil geometry is given by formulas. Amps tend to be governed by wire size.

          Why not just forget the SSG circuit difficulties and focus on the pulser? Instead of trying to drive an SSG to 10,000 RPM with batteries while extracting current (which would take considerable time), what's to stop you from taking a faster spinning air motor (like a die grinder)...or any electric motor...and just using that to spin your pulser? Then, you can just focus on the pulser. Same story. Strong magnets; Strong field; Tight flux; Good coils; Highest voltage possible; Wire gauge enlargened to allow current flow under a standard permanent magnet alternator model. If you can crank out enough wattage from a PMA more so than you use to turn it, you can use any kind of motor. But, since you're just trying to pulse your airplane there, you don't need over-unity focus. By moving away from the SSG circuit and complexities, you don't have to be restricted to its components.

          Just a thought in repayment for your previous that were helpful to me.


          • #35

            Inquorate-- Just wanted to say thanks for the pointers to other threads. Very interesting reading. I greatly appreciate your ether perspectives in the Radiant Matter thread. Still reading. No comment at this time. Fascinating things to digest.

            So, yeah, Pedja....let's get these coils airborne!


            • #36
              In fact, so good I had to hijack it and put here!

              From Inquorate over in the Radiant Matter thread; Relevant to this thread:

              @ bodkins, dankie is trying to get you to realise that all forces, matter and states of matter are due to resonance effects in the aether.. Thus all matter moves through the aether like sound waves move through steel. The aether is solid like steel, and matter is not solid, like sound waves. AND, just like steel may be polarized magnetically, the aether has streams. But the aether is a bunch of vortex / spirals in order to transfer this 'motion' of a 'stream'.

              As matter passes thru the solid aether, it encounters these spirals which create a particular vibration in the matter's atoms... This resonance wants to continue. This resistance caused is the effect of inertia.

              To follow on from this, consider the 'random' motion of molecules, ie brownish motion. Atoms have a pos and neg. We know from our experiments electromagnetism interacts with aether. It is the random polarization of electromagnetic field of atom which gives it it's random seeming motion.

              As to gravity, what is the polarization of electricity on the earth? as the earth moves through the aether, the impacts with matter creates electrons. We can verify this by our experiments. Thus the aether impacting on electrons is the cause of motion in a body.

              How do we create anti-gravity? Reverse the polarization of electricity, AND destroy the vortex action of the aether.

              Theoretically then we can create a vessel inside of which there is no inertia, which can effortlessly accelerate to thousands of kph in an instant, and vice versa.

              Tesla knew this. He wrote a letter to the effect, and it was the basis of his electrogravitics book which the fbi seized at his death. Tesla travelled around london in an oven sized vehicle, before the wright brothers 'flight'. Google this if you wish. The letter he wrote was full of hope.

              The germans had figured out this technology and this was how the 'foo fighters' worked. America now has it... And will probably stage an 'alien invasion', which is he one thing people would need in order to accept a one world government.

              @bodkins, read william lynne's books I've sent to you after you forward them to Aromaz. Also read 'the biggest secret' by david icke. That's on the dvd's as well.

              Maybe chi is not slow moving aether waves, but a dynamic / flowing movement of standing aether waves? Matter is just standing waves of aether, virtual particles are the resulting nodes of aetheric compression resonating with the particle itself. So why can't chi be a standing wave expression of biological energy?

              SL3 Side Note:
              Radiant Energy...Plasma. We know that Chi is heat related as one facet. See the Qi master heating water in my profile page. Just wanted to note that I recall watching some TV flick on modern day vampire cults. People who practice "spiritual vamping" rather than ancient bloodsucking. How boring! But, anyhow, they had a special form of quasi-thermal imagery. I wish I could remember or find it on the web, but most aura imaging is Kirlian. Maybe that's part of what this was, but it was closer to CCD IR. Something else. Doesn't look like digital imaging as best my mind recalls it. It was video and high resolution. No CCD pixels. Either that or very high resolution CCD they had. But, anyhow, they were examining the aura between vamp and victim at the skin level. Imagery showed plasma fingers going from vamp to victim and actually stealing their Chi. Wanted to note that in regard to the Radiant Matter/ Plasma thread and vortice topics here; That a lot of Chi does have a thermal component, electrical, magnetic, and also plasma basis but, as in Sir William Crookes - On Radiant Matter, plasma become more visible when encountering a barrier; A kind of bottle-necking and gimbal lock issue.

              If there's aether left, yes. Mass moves thru aether like sound moves thru a steel beam.. So there is a universal reference point, and relativity is flawed... So if the cat were to suddenly change speed or direction, the whorls in aether (like vibrating atoms on our steel beam) will want to continue tunneling thru the atoms in the cat in the same way, as aether is elastic and thus resistance to change. This makes what we call inertia. So, sudden stop would overstress the atomic bonds in the cat, and... Well, err. Poor kitty.

              SL3 Side Note:
              My Rottie likes to eat Shroedinger kitties.

              Kinetic energy 'stored' as a space change in the aether in a sort of a dipole...
              Kind of. Movement of mass thru aether sets up a particular resonance in both aether / object. We can visualize lots of little whirlpools on surface of slow moving river water.. If a leaf is pulled by a string with the water flow, it will move across quite smoothly. Dragged the other way, against the whorls set up by the current and there will be turbulence or more tension on the skin of the water where the leaf touches.

              When mass moves thru aether it sets up whorls in the surrounding aether that can freely oscillate without resistance. Try and change the rate of spin of these aether vortices or spin direction however and the neighboring vortices supply resistance to this change, just like how little whirlpools on water skin support each other's movement..

              And this is why a spinning top which sets up a stable rate of change of motion is so resistant to falling over.. It's rate of change of motion is causing a standing wave of 'inertia'.. The aether acts more 'solid'

              Work out a way of artificially changing the direction or rate of aether spin, and you can impart immediate motion to an object, and cancel out the inertial resistance therein.

              Why, you'd have built a 'ufo'...

              Hint: early 'ufo' sightings the craft glowed. Much like high voltage corona discharge.. The early ones used to wobble on their own axis when motionless. They fixed that issue in the late 50's when they realised Tesla's flying engine was just a stabilizer, to set up some inertial resistance inside the craft.

              There, I said it... Now I feel better ;-)

              Magnetic fields and the aether
              What does a current in a conductive medium, and a permanent magnet have in common? They both have a slightly warped - egg shaped - electronic cloud around the atom. Some materials (nickel iron cobalt) can have their atoms sitting side by side in such a way as to support this warping.

              A magnetic field is a particular resonance of aether vortices which must closely match the shape / size of electrons.. So a magnetic field will affect any substance which has mobile electrons; usually these substances would make good conductors.

              I have seen a video where a guy found that a board covered in neomagnets in same or different polarity arrangements, I can't remember, would fall slower (30%) than another board covered with same shape weight metal blocks..

              The magnetic board was setting up a condition in the aether both internally AND externally, thus giving it a wider area of aetheric whorls that would resist being changed ie higher inertia.

              So the aether flows thru these inertial vortices in the space of an object just like the previous analogy of little whorls on the slow moving river's surface. The whorls can move independently of the actual water flow. So there is the inertial whorls as well as longitudinal compression wave streams.

              The streams partially interact with atomic lattice of mass and impart motion. We call this gravity.

              Aether will stream from positive voltage potential to negative voltage potential, and in an electric circuit with magnetism, will also push electrons along a conductor. This electron movement we mistakenly think is current or electricity. But it is only an effect of the real energy stream in the aether.

              We can use electron movement or voltage dipole changes to start movement in the aether, but once the aether moves, it is only guided by the resonance of the circuit conditions, not limited to it...

              Aetheric streams do not need to be confined to conductors, they go thru all mass, and can also be directed to flow beside changes in density of dielectrics..

              Dielectrics can also be polarized electrically and this is where the Electret comes in.. An Electret and a permanent magnet will only interact when there is movement between them, and then the 'magnetic effect' is at 90 degrees.. Se an Electret must have a squashed atom where magnet has a squished one...

              Hope this all helps people understand the 'natural medium' a bit better, and also help see that all the 'forces' are just different effects of aetheric conditions.

              I forgot to say that magnetic repulsion / attraction is just like how two whirlpools spinning in opposite directions will want to move away from each other, and same direction of spin will want to combine.

              Also, while little whorls in aether that move electrons want to move with the longitudinal compression waves, they don't have to.. At high enough frequency of abrupt compressions, the electron whorls remain unaffected, just like sound waves travelling thru the water in slow moving river will not affect the whorls on the skin of the water..

              And that's all that my brain has come up with for now :-)

              fluffy electrons

              When aether streams travel along a conductor, with unidirectional dc pulses, the electrons don't have time to move. but just like a twig or branch stuck in the river bottom and sticking up above the water's surface doesn't move with the water's flow but does vibrate side to side because of the water's surface tension, so do electrons move side to side. This oscillations is what hertz mistakenly called electricity and it is what our instruments measure.

              But also if you watch the surface of the water, we get whorls of opposite spin but roughly same size and they move downstream slower than the flowing water.

              These whorls are same size of electrons but they won't attach to an atom, instead sitting in the space between atoms.

              Their spinning sets up oscillations in atoms nearby, and our volt meters see it as charge, but it's not. That's why we get fluffy voltage. The electron-like whorls will however behave like electrons in a running circuit, and moving thru or sitting in a battery or capacitor or dielectric (Electret) and will condition atomic structure which rearranges itself to have the whorls as neighbors.

              Once the atomic latticework is so arranged, it will more readily store these whorls, and some substances ( Electret / semiconductor ) will begin interacting with naturally occurring high frequency compression wave streams in the aether, and will self charge..

              This ladies and gentlemen is what happens in static electricity, which sets up an effect just like magnetic field in surrounding aether space and this is how an electrophorus static field detector works..

              ...Sorry to clutter the thread, but they were relevant perspectives too good to leave buried in forum oblivion.


              • #37
                One other thing

                Speaking of plasma.

                ...Somewhat tangential. Memory just came up while starting to read Aromaz's thread and encountering the Radiant issue again.

                Some 15 years ago, I presented in confidential circles a paper titled Radio Imaging in the Aerodynamic Wake. The implications of which I shouldn't mention, but you might guess at. It was based on an observation I had in a year or two prior. The space shuttle was coming in for a landing along a rare flightpath which came in from the Pacific, crossed California, and headed to Texas. If you got up at 0430, you could catch it in the sky doing re-entry, so I woke up to watch. What I observed shocked me.

                I scanned the night sky and spotted the shuttle moving like a satellite speck of light. Nothing impressive. Then, with re-entry, it grew brighter as expected. Typical 660 nanometer yellow and some other colors. But, what threw me off was that, as it darted overhead and left a plasma wake, I heard a strange George Jetson car brrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sort of noise in doppler effect form. Not just that, but there was power surge in my street lights. The electrical lines hummed and buzzed. As the shuttle passed, I tracked the noise to my nearest lightpost and felt it. Yup, it was vibrating like a tuning fork. In fact, among the diagram of the Leedskalnin waves, near the bottom right, you will find a little triangular notation of EMP and a "TX" (transmission) note scribbled there. It was like that.

                So think about that one. Plasma hundreds of miles away, miles up, and approaching fast. Radiant Matter. At a distance, the space shuttle projected its "Chi" and gave a little counter-gravitic action upon my light post. You could look at the lightpost like a 1/4 wave dipole and approximate the long wavelength there. The resonance given off was certainly in the audio and power/ telephone bands.

                That plasma relates to anti-gravity/ counter-gravity is somewhat of a nobrainer. We see plasma rings floating upward in smokering fashion among nuclear bomb detonations. If you've ever made plasma balls in your microwave oven (popsickle sticks cooked until green plasma erupts and hovers upward to the ceiling)....again, it certainly at least seems "lighter than air". Probably not anti-gravity there so much as superhot air, and yet not expanding as air would. Some electromagnetic cohesion, certainly. We see plasma impacted by magnetics, certainly, and we know gravity is also countered by magnetics. Therefore, plasma and gravity go hand in hand, too. But, we can also look at electrical arc as plasma at times. Plasma is more whispy, smokey while electric current is more forceful a vortice. I look at it more like the tornado vortice of a projectile through air. Electricity and the electron being the bullet and vortice tip; Plasma being the whispy wake. Magnetics takes the same form. Electromagnetics. Gravity? Time? The other forces? I think so, too. All just vortice bullet/ particle and their wakes. When viewed from the frontal/ phasor see the wave nature.

                One more thing to note: Anytime you accelerate matter (a gravity relation), you are always putting out electromagnetic radiation. Just waving your hands through the air is impacting air molecules -- causing their velocity to suddenly change -- and this emits very faint radio noise in the aerodynamic wake of your hand. Stronger noise still for the aircraft. Stronger noise especially for orbital re-entry objects which impact the air (inverse of plasma impacting a glass barrier, the matter impacts the barrier and plasma again forms as the far end of high temperature and vaporization). Radio noise so strong it blocks out all RF communications with the shuttle and tickles my lightpost. Golly gee, imagine if that were a nuke detonated in space and all the gamma ray shower that would result!

                Okay, back to reading.
                Last edited by SL3; 03-12-2009, 06:03 AM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Runnningrage View Post
                  I feel that capacitors work way better than using a signal generator. Maybe that the only thing you need to replace
                  maybe ...
                  im in proces of building an 15kv power suply ... maybe it will do the trick ...



                  • #39
                    SL3, thanks for the food for thought!
                    Great stuff!
                    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                    • #40
                      More stuff.

                      Hi Jetijs,

                      No problem. Happy to add what I can. Your forum helps me, too.

                      See...I woke up thinking of you guys. That's too freaky!

                      Some sketches & notes on previous chatter and some new things:

                      *Please note that there is something wrong or stated inaccurate in the previous posts. I ran by it while re-reading, but couldn't remember what it was by the time I finished and was ready to edit. Sorry about any typos and things like that. Circumstance and then idiot doctors tried to kill me some years ago. Left the body a bit damaged. Blood sugar and pressure instability to the low side with fatigue tends to leave me a little brain foggy when tired. Annoying. Slower to think. Harder to get thoughts out. More prone to typos, math errors, forgetfulness, etc. Neuro and shrink evaluated at: "Generally sane. Nice, functional, charming dude. A pleasure to interview. Mental impacted a bit one axis by physical damages. Affects memory a bit. Has a harder time doing simple math in his head and some recall, but still functional. Clearly missing a screw somewhere but it's beyond us to define. Okay otherwise."

                      Aromaz! We tease, but, for me, it's OFFICIAL! My version of insanity is off the charts! Those allopathic hacks don't understand physicianry anyhow. When not listening to them, I live. When I listen to them, they have damaged and near killed me. Today, I get by on various herbs and teas, and who knows what that has done to my mind by now. I actually do start to get dizzy and fatigued with too much of this nerd stuff. That's what is most annoying. I've lost stamina for nerd stuff and actually heal better just working in the outdoors. People forget that mental activity takes more energy than any muscle in the body; Burns more calories than exorcise. Before banged up, I was always able to compartment well between nerdy professor or studmuffin. I could flick a mental switch and swap between roles like a fine actor. Actually could chew bubble gum, walk, fly, and do geeky things all at once. Today? No, I am a messy-haired mad scientist; A young and eager age 36 living in the body and mind of an old man. Office is a wreck at all times. If I get into reading too much of this stuff here and playing with you guys....I wouldn't eat, sleep, shave, shower, or brush my teeth for months on end.

                      So, anyhow, if I ever forget to respond to anyone or you find something that just doesn't compute...just keep that in mind. If you imagine someone hit you in the chest with a sledgehammer and with a good whack atop the's like that. You're never the same. There's a statement I made that is really off in here, but I'll have to find it later. Was the use of a wrong word when I meant another, but I'll have to come back to it. Was just a little tangent that can run you off track and go uncaught or accepted as truth among the good stuff. The wrong word made the whole concept in error, as I recall. I'll find it later. Sorry. But, I'll make up for it with these sketches for you to play with if you like.


                      • #41
                        Oh, one more thing.

                        In the bottom right of those sketches, I have found that you can just strip off the load to Tesla's radiant energy collector. The spark gap of the capacitor itself is a load. And you can replace the cap with some other load. Replace with a whole crystal radio circuit if you like. Any RLC circuit. You can use that to tune to more optimum bands of the radiant energy flux.

                        I think, when we strip off the loads, and just look at the Tesla collector, it's just a pretty simple shunting to ground with the cap as the barrier. So, when you put that brick wall there , you're going to get a backpressure buildup. A bottleneck. + and - begin to split giving us potential difference, as a function of that separation. A kind of asymmetry. So, then the mind wanders to, "What about an asymmetrical capacitor like these electrokinetic lifters in there? What would that do?" It would be sensible that the voltage would increase all the more due to that bottleneck in the flow. However, when we use a thin wire antenna and oodles of ground rods....we already, in effect, have made an asymmetric capacitor for the total system. More - on the earth side with less + in the thin wire. The earth is the electrokinetic lifter aluminum; The antenna the thin wire. So, to make a higher output Tesla collector, it should follow that we need to use larger + collectors higher in the sky (not just these antenna experiments) and we need to engage in more of a whopper ground rod assembly. Ground rods galore!

                        It's the same with my goat fence out here. High voltage pulsed from the charger run through the fence wire, but it doesn't mean diddley doo if those ground rods are not strong in contact with earth. I have three rods. One rod alone doesn't give my goats enough kick. With one rod or a weak ground, I can take my shoes off, stand barefoot in contact with soil, and touch my fence. Hah! Nothing much. I am invincible! Put three ground rods well wired up to that same voltage and...poof! near floors me. Wear rubber-soled shoes and again, I am more invincible. Wear my leather-soled cowboy boots and...poof!!!...I'm zapped hard again. Everything wild with Tesla's radiant energy, his wireless transmission versus RF propagation in the's all in the ground rods and the asymmetric capacitor that system becomes. If you just take that pressure and pulse it through the load into the ground rod....with strong focus on the ground can pick up that power farther away and also through the ground rods.

                        I forget where I read it, but someone smart out there made a great analogy of Tesla's radio work to that of a basketball. A pump at one end of the "earth" ball and a gauge at the other end. When you pump the ball through your needle that is the ground rod, the gauge half an earth away will pick up that pressure wave. They're long waves. Like seismic waves. At the other end of the earth, they form a square -- like a bridge rectifier -- within the circle (Again, the Mason's circle squared). By pumping the power down into the ground rod rather than into freespace, you lose less energy to do the same radio signal work....or wireless power transmission scheme. Then, J.P.Morgan caught on and got pissed.

                        Anyhow, I will have to play with it more. This link has a fun setup while my own experiments and Radiant Energy Spectroscopy have been different in design. OS:Radiant Energy Antenna System - PESWiki

                        ...Nice setup there, but, if we keep all that and just make the ground rods more while tuning in better to the lower frequencies...that should raise voltage. If we cut out these neon lights as spark gap pulsers and better control the pulsing via oscillator circuits (RLC's; Crystal radio setup)...that can dial it down better to optimum RE bands. In my own experiments here which pick up that Radiant Energy spectra, I don't have much of an antenna. It's not even high. All it is a microphone cable taken off my soundcard. Positive and negative lead. Negative never hooked up. That's it. Whether I add an aluminum foil collector plate or leave it as bare wire...the spectral amplitude changes a bit. When I touch the bare wire and use my body as a Tesla collector, the spectral shape is roughly the same (minus absorption bands) and the amplitude goes way up. Positive collector area and volume makes a big difference in voltage, certainly. However, if we hold all that the same and step up the grounding.....that should make an even greater difference in voltage. Do them both and the potential difference between + and - grows all the wider! And so, then it becomes a matter of either transforming high voltage/ low current to lower voltage/ higher current....or just enlarging the wire diameter and seeing what you can flow through. But, anytime we connect to earth through the ground rod -- no matter how large we ever make that collector plate -- it is always an asymmetric capacitor assembly in the basic, no load Tesla configuration. More negative than positive! Negative energy if you look at the current flow in the inverse direction, which makes more sense in regard to electron flow. We keep ignoring the ground connection and earth in favor of all these electronics tinkerings, but perhaps we should be just looking at the earth as the source of all that - and electron flow freely available? It's a vast reservoir of electrons to tap! Free electrons moving and waiting to be used among all that metallic ore that is in the mantle and core. We keep thinking in terms of Radiant Energy and taking in energy from the sky, but the "collector plate" is more like a smoke stack; Positive is the exhaust pipe for the earth's electron flow. We think of the atmosphere as the High pressure source able to leak into our Low pressure systems, but the earth is our high pressure electron source. It's like a water balloon waiting to give us a water jet of electron flow. All we need do is stick in a good needle without getting too wet or breaking the earth itself (as Tesla once proposed).

                        ...Well, that's the best I understand it as of today. Still digesting so many things.


                        • #42
                          Interesting stuff SL3.
                          I've always thought of magnetic attraction and repulsion as a rarefication or densification, respectively, of the aether. For example, a magnet will polarize a piece of steel which will cause the aether to rarefy between the two objects, which then creates a zone of low pressure. Since the magnet and steel are both polarized with respect to their physical relationship, as in direction, a pressure differential is created along that axis. This pressure is similar, if not the same as inertia in my mind.
                          I see inertia as nothing more than a polarization of the aether. The more energy and mass that are combined into one direction, the more the aether becomes polarized along with the mass. This polarization creates a low pressure in front of the object, and a high pressure in the rear. The object will then continue to move in that direction until external forces combine to depolarize the aether within the object.
                          This model makes the most sense to me anyway, and tends to hold up in the real world. Fun stuff to think about.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by SL3 View Post
                            I haven't gotten around to experimenting much with SSG's yet and am more interested in the greater over-unity devices. I do have an unbuilt radiant charger kit here that I want to explore sometime. Among the 10,000 RPM SSG's, this tricoiler was interesting.

                            YouTube - Tri Coiler Spin Up

                            What I read regarding the SSG's is that most experimenters don't exceed COP >1.0. However, others doing it right are said to achieve COP >11. Floyd Sweet's VTA was far more. Cold Fusion can achieve more. As for the higher COP SSG's, the better ones used some uncommon circuits you don't see most the experimenter crowd working with. Different transistors, etc. There is closer attention to spinning at higher RPM and using greater voltage in doing so. About 30 Volts and greater, as I recall. As for power pickup, increasing magnetic field flux (not just magnet strength and size) is an engineering issue. Tighter clearance between magnets and coils (1mm or less). Theoretically, as I understand it, voltage per coil geometry is given by formulas. Amps tend to be governed by wire size.

                            Why not just forget the SSG circuit difficulties and focus on the pulser? Instead of trying to drive an SSG to 10,000 RPM with batteries while extracting current (which would take considerable time), what's to stop you from taking a faster spinning air motor (like a die grinder)...or any electric motor...and just using that to spin your pulser? Then, you can just focus on the pulser. Same story. Strong magnets; Strong field; Tight flux; Good coils; Highest voltage possible; Wire gauge enlargened to allow current flow under a standard permanent magnet alternator model. If you can crank out enough wattage from a PMA more so than you use to turn it, you can use any kind of motor. But, since you're just trying to pulse your airplane there, you don't need over-unity focus. By moving away from the SSG circuit and complexities, you don't have to be restricted to its components.

                            Just a thought in repayment for your previous that were helpful to me.

                            That i great idea SL3, because the only problems when i swing the motor by hand. It will run for a while than stop completely due the oscillation, but if integrate electric motor like a Van De Generator concept that the same power source which power the UFO of ralph ring

                            Always i did some research on Bedini motor and electric motor to drive it
                            Google Image Result for

                            I found someone already made the concept work great, like Muller generator
                            HAHA HA that funny i remember somewhere on the internet where Stan deyo was on the radio talk about the source energy to power a craft would a Over-unity device and give example like Bill Muller generator, and
                            Your Welcome


                            • #44
                              Hi Ted,

                              Wow! That's a way of looking at it that I need to chew on for awhile. Remember, I am only now learning that there is an aether! I am like a caveman who was frozen in Time for a long time and only starting to thaw out while looking at the world as it really is.

                              RunningRage -- Glad that might help you. Thank you for the generator information. Never heard of it, but am looking into it. My own electrical power production designs are continually under revision and upgrade. I am at the moment surveying what's out there to see if there is anything better than how I've been doing things. Little things to learn from. Little design integrations to throw in. Other peripheral things to experiment on and modify.

                              I'll post in here later some additional illustrated notes on how I think Leedskalnin was splitting those waves in his generator. Text doesn't reallly show it too well. We must get to building my space ship for the party on Mars! Got ample beer. Got hot chicks waiting for us out there! All we need is liftoff!


                              • #45
                                Source citation.

                                Hi guys. This is separate from that error that I'm hunting for in the previous posts.

                                I just want to make a note on the analogy made regarding Tesla's work where I described the world like a high pressure zone. Imagine a container with a hole and an interior Low that we continually draw from. This thought and a couple images I stole from Oliver Nichelson. tesla.nichelson - Tesla's Fuelless Generator and Wireless Power Transmission by Oliver Nichelson. His website has some very good articles of particular interest to all of you. Further, you may enjoy reading of Tesla's pancake coils and looking at their measured voltage difference over conventional coils!

                                ...The submarine and over-unity bit...that's mine! But, not the High/ Low pressure and hole poked in a container thing. Thanks Oliver!

