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Endless power of water

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  • Endless power of water

    More than 60 years ago this man has shown how to clean up our water and natural way to use it as a tremendous force. If we then took advantage of knowledge Viktor Shaubergera, then we would have been not only good water, but cheap and clean energy from water and air. It cost us to replace the current equipment fatal explosion (Explosion) tech bezvzryvnogo destruction (Implosion), as all the major issues of humanity would have been resolved. That is why they have not yet been released us.

    "You can see how history allows that all those engaged in identifying water riddles, were brutally suppressed. Even hints that we find in the ancient books and tell us that the essence of water, in future editions disappear. Maintaining secrecy water - it is also a means to guarantee power of money. Interest is growing only in imperfect economy.

    Decided to issue water generation and making it possible to receive any amount and any water quality in any other place, people once again mastered a vast desert land and thus reduce the sales price of food as well as selling price of computer facilities to a minimum, that would obviate any benefit to these speculations . The abundance of food productivity and cost-crushing machines are the arguments that the general view of the world, as well as the entire outlook change.

    Maintaining secrecy water - it is the largest capital from the capital. For this reason, any experience serving its disclosure, ruthlessly suppressed nipped in the bud ".

    Victor Shauberger, who wrote those words over half a century ago, was outstanding person. The man sent by God to once again give the "enlightened" people ancient knowledge about the essence of water. Man uncompromising honesty and complete devotion to nature. The man who all his life and fought stubbornly, broken, died in poverty and solitude.

    But he left a legacy, which is invaluable wealth, knowledge and continue to inspire, becoming the foundation of many striking developments. In doing so, Victor Shauberger opened only that it has long been known to the Incas, Mongols, the ancient inhabitants of. Crete or Tibetan monks, namely: zavihryaetsya any water, and if allowed to flow naturally, you can make this miracle.

    Victor cognition Shaubergera were revolutionary. They refuted several laws of hydrology and went wide beyond what we, the people know about water. It is surprising that many scientists still do not understand what he was saying. One of them, prof. Wilhelm Balters, was forced faith with the know: "How do we understand the language was Shaubergera if his work belongs to the future". But the future has long come!

    Let us return back to the roots of Victor Shaubergera. He was born in 1885 in the outback, in the Austrian city of Plekenshten fifth child among nine others. His uncle was the last imperial huntsmen in Bad Ishle in times of Franz Josef. His father worked as a chief forester, and grandfather, great-grandfather and prapraded. Victor was a true "son of the forest": he had all day to roam a deaf, similar to dremuchy Plekenshteynskogo forest areas around the lake and watched nature so close and with such diligence, for what is now rarely who are capable of.

    Father Victor wanted to send his son to university, that he studied there forestry. But Victor refused, he felt that teachers only distort its natural nepredubezhdennoe vision of nature, as happened with his brother, so went to study in normal forestry school and became a forest managers.

    The first of its plot belonged to Prince Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe: almost 21 thousand hectares of untouched forests under dremuchego Steyerlingom. Shauberger loved this devstvenny forest, which hardly saw anyone else people. Intact forests nature enabled him to get first impressions and the opportunity to penetrate the essence of water, which is particularly interested in Victor.

  • #2
    The strength of chilled water

    The first thing Shauberger understood is that water does not like sunlight. Thus, in the forest has long been a source on which stood a stone hut. Later she collapsed, and the source of lying under sunlight open and unprotected. Soon he suddenly dried up, and nobody knew why. But when the newly built above the stone hut, water is returned. Even from the ancient Romans knew that they always locked their sources of stone plates with a small round tip for water, which is inserted in the discharge pipe, but so that it does not hit the air.

    Water loves shadow. Therefore, all springs hiding in dense forests or deep rift rocks. Throw water shade trees and shrubs along the banks protect naturally current rivers and streams.

    In addition, Shauberger observed that rises high flood water during the thaw (water is heated) creates a point of sediment, which are often in the cold clear nights (water cooled) washes themselves. Hence, he concluded that lifting forces and podsosa water reaches peak, when the water temperature low, and during her free.

    For the first time he proved this winter in 1918, the city of Linz then suffered because of the war a large deficit in the wood. In the mountains, at Prilgebirge was povaleno many forests, but lacked vyuchnyh animals and a sufficient number of large streams, which could alloy forest. And then unknown to anyone forester Shauberger volunteered to lower forest in the valley and chose this small mountain stream, full of pitfalls, which all experts unanimously said that alloy wood on it impossible. It was then that the first time Victor Shauberger criticized: his views, saying, incorrectly, and the audacity neslyhanna. Shaubergeru vrazumlyat not once had its critics.

    He waited early morning, at which time water is cold, and unmistakably, at the right moment, Hall forest water. For one night floatable entire forest, 16 thousand festmetrov, was lowered to the valley. Later Shauberger become known for his remarkable floatable devices.


    • #3
      On the "soaring" in the water rocks

      Another phenomenon, an enchanting Victor Shaubergera were trout and salmon in mountain streams. How trout still managed to stops in the most turbulent flows? As she lightning goes against the current, instead of being lives water, so even up to the surface, rather than saving depth? Not whether this relates to the ability of trout water temperature? Think - done: Shauberger podogrel about 100 litres of water and its yield above on stream from where water trout. The amount of water could no noticeable heat the water in streams, but still ... After a while trout became concerned to exercise more frequently beat fins. She barely kept his place, but was soon washed away over the bottom.

      Victor Shauberger asked themselves, as trout manage to overcome obstacles and underwater waterfalls? Why is it so jumps higher than a burgeoning and rapidly water falls down? He watched as a trout without movement highly pairs in the incident jet and suddenly striking with force on top of water flow, just so. Answer Shauberger received only through dozens of years of intensive observations of the water. Today we know that any power, tangible or intangible, creates an equal force to counteract force. Just as tornadoes makes vorticity air masses outwards to drag them later in themselves, and naturally the current (vorticity) water produces energy directed toward the movement of water. This energy flow, which can be seen in the waterfall as a bright light inside the jet of water channel, and uses trout. It being the flow of water in the middle of tornadoes.

      Shauberger made another incredible discovery: the lunar cold winter night he saw as a reservoir, formed by mountain streams, stones, size of a head, raised from the ground and circling, like trout to a large "leap", raised to the surface water, pokachivayas it! Heavy rocks! Shauberger did not believe his eyes. What raised their strength? This was the same dormant levitatsii strength in water, allowing trout "jump".

      True, not all levitiruyut stones. Only ovoid polished stones, it seemed, danced on the water without any effort, however uglovatye still lying at the bottom.

      Why? Because ovoid form - a child of vortex. In terms of geometry, they form a vortex in the depths of hyperbolic, but because zavihryaetsya water, too, especially ovoid form easily reacts to this movement, and stones can overcome the force of attraction. You can check itself: a thin round of a high jar, filled with water, and it will place the egg. Once you start slightly zavihryat water (for example, pencil), it can be seen as an egg slowly pull from the bottom and steam high on the surface until the whirlwind continues.


      • #4
        Wonders of Technology ", copied from nature

        Since Prince Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe had financial problems, he decided much of the forest at the site Shaubergera translate into money, but transportation from remote areas eat most of the proceeds. The experts made a number of proposals, but none came. When the prince turned to his forester, he promised to reduce transport costs from 12 shillings to one festmetr to one shilling.

        First of all Shauberger floatable device built their design on their own money. Floatable tray spread to 50 km. He was not moved to the valley by the shortest, and twists, leaving forward. That had not yet seen none. From time to time Shauberger poured water from a tray and let fresh from mountain streams, because the trunks, he said, well slide in cold water.

        Victor Shauberger relied not only on our own observation, but also the knowledge of his family accumulated by several generations. Another father taught that water under the rays of the sun becomes tired and lazy while at night and particularly when moonlight - fresh and alive. And grandfather, father and ably guided lesospuski water. Thanks to changing rhythmically turning sending, they finished them so that water is raised places in the mountains.

        The decision, which took Shauberger, was to give the correct water temperature and movement. Built wooden tray he had cross-cut, such a blunt end of eggs. He followed the bend of mountain valleys, "because the water has shown itself perfectly natural way, who wants to run, in order to optimally meet their demands, because we should be guided by its wishes". The objective nature of technology is not correct, and build on manufactured model.

        Besides Shauberger insisted that the water temperature difference even at the tenth of a degree is important. It caused unimaginable laughter among hydrologists. When Shauberger added that even a human body temperature change in two-tenths has already shown he is ill or not, it finally felt insane.

        Scientists have seemed initially were right: in the first trial descent floatable wood left to lie, although the water was cold, and sending arched curves correctly calculated. Shauberger was in despair. But he helped Providence in the form of snakes, he crosses the pond in front. As it succeeds without fins so rapidly move in the water? In monitoring the movements of a snake, thought came to mind. Shauberger hurried back to arched curves to the gutters to nail a semblance of sending rails, which should have been given water movement, similar to snake.

        The success was overwhelming. Huge logs, heavier than water, booming left, twists, to the valley. Prince made an admirable Shaubergera principal manager of all of its sites. Soon the Government in Vienna, too, to find out about outstanding forester and put his imperial consultant floatable devices. Shaubergera salary was 2 times higher salaries higher education specialist with the same post. Besides, it was paid in gold that was a great exception at that time inflationary.


        • #5
          The fight with scientists

          All this, of course, does not facilitate the acquisition of friends among scholars. And that all copies of the devices Shaubergera experts have not functioned, and each time had to turn to Shaubergeru personally, not helped improve relations. After many scientists sent to parliament a written protest against excessive pay Shaubergera, and the Government would illegally deprive him of salaries, uncompromising forester made conclusions and moved into a major Austrian construction company. For this company he built floatable devices in many European countries, all of them were assessed as "miracle of technology".

          But here Shaubergera expected opposition from colleagues: professionals and technicians. It is to part with the company, but not so much because of the intrigues, but rather from the fact that the owner of the company, greedy for money, wanted to pressure the treaty with Czechoslovakia. When Shauberger learned about this, he has left the company.

          But one scientist still helped him - prof. Forhgeymer, one of the leading hydrologists at the time. It took Shaubergera initially very skeptical, but quickly found his knowledge. Besides Forhgeymeru nothing to lose: "I am glad that I am already 75 years old. I do not really hurt if I accession for your ideas. One day the time comes, and they all understand ".

          Forhgeymer organized a forum, attended by many professors, Shauberger was to speak with their theories. But those present have not shown almost no interest, have been ironic and indulgence. When one of them brazenly demanded that briefly and clearly wants to hear how regulated watercourses Shauberger rvanul at the gates and to shoot himself: "As a wild boar when he urine!". This is a heavy pause. Here vskochil to save the situation, Forhgeymer and said that Shauberger quite right, because water is really flowing, zavihryayas, arched, it can be seen, for example, spray urine. Then he began ispisyvat board symbols and formulas, incidentally explaining them. "I did not understand from this single word", - then confessed Shauberger. But others have become professors look at it with interest. The debate lasted two hours, the audience turned now to Shaubergeru emphasized courteous and friendly.

          To its credit Forhgeymera should be noted that he pushed his academic pride and openly zastupilsya for Shaubergera, views which are considered not only "breaks new ground in technology building dikes and hydraulic structures", but was convinced, "that will come a day when ideas through Shaubergera ... change the world ". So he wrote 50 years ago in a special magazine.


          • #6
            How to purify the river natural and cheapest way

            Throughout his long life Viktor Shauberger could watch the harmony of water and forests. He understood that without the forest soon becomes and water. He saw the pristine mountain streams, where born: priming their piglets moss, even with the strongest precipitation they never go out of its sides.

            But when a forest being cut down, the first to respond to these streams: they were abandoned, moss from the soil washed away by water, the stream bed became unclean, covering debris and silt. Water temperature is raised, because was not near forests with saving his shadow. Subsequently boxes streams and rivers destroyed riverbed and shore eroded. Heavy rains and melting snow led to flooding.

            For this reason, steel structures designed to strengthen the slopes, odevshie watercourses in stone and concrete. But these buildings sit up watercourse, his tie as the corset. The water could not flow freely while, with zhurchaniem and vorticity. She is constantly trying to destroy the construction and withdraw from artificial imprisonment, which entails enormous cost, because facilities require frequent repairs.

            At the end of 20 - ies Shauberger was fiercely fought with a continuous logging and structures to strengthen streams, confident that with forests and ndd can repay only the interest. He builds himself before floatable devices, abandoned, when learned that its installation often serve endemic felling of entire forests.
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            Shauberger knew that water always seeks to restore its balance: the river itself may result in the order of track, if only to allow it to flow naturally. Shauberger saw no human intervention in the vessel bed, but to help the river again naturally seethe: "Vodotokom never run from its shores, but always from within, from the current environment".

            In 1929 and 1939's. He applied for patents for the control of mountain streams and rivers regulation, according to which, through installation of hampering elements in the appropriate places on the flow of the river went into the middle (then for not eroded the bottom or not deposited sand). Shauberger has also developed a method of mixing of warm surface water with cold groundwater to equal the temperature at this time water and air. He knew that the water temperature influences the behaviour of the river.

            The tragic example of a dying river Rhine. Once it was a quiet, powerful stream with crystal-clear water, could see its bottom. At night the river surface light flashing light gold discharges arising from the tensions facing shingle, hence became a legend of gold Reyna, according to which the dwarves make their Isl at the bottom of the river wonderful decorations.

            When the Swiss top management of high mountain forests to cut down forests in the upstream Reyna, the balance is disrupted, and he became silt. To increase the flow velocity to the river itself cleans your watercourse, have begun align Rhine. Now, or move downstream. We had already there align track. Finally, the entire river was spryamlena and as a consequence, began its full siltation. The cause was a total logging: was violated not only ecological time, but did not become a powerful cooling effect (because of evaporation in the crowns of trees warmly fetching from the root system, and wood cools the soil and groundwater).

            As the vessel on the shores of missing wood, water temperature rose. Precipitation could not absorb soil and now flow freely in the Rhine, zataplivaya broad areas. This forced to erect a wall even higher, vycherpyvat even deeper, to allow more money to the wind (to the joy of construction companies). And nothing can change at this devil circle.


            • #7
              Ignoring the authorities proposals Shaubergera

              After major floods in 1935 Victor Shauberger proposed by German authorities primarily cleaning up the Rhine to hold its own: "Uglubit Rhine at 4-6 meters - this is only a matter of technology. All solved and water temperature is only a fraction of what is usually spent on the adjustment of the rivers ".

              Sediment and siltation there are signs that running water are being dying. Signs of these disappeared
              minutes, if the river to give new life, making it an appropriate momentum.

              His Shauberger wanted to reach through the so-called "energetic body" - a mere element of regulation, with proper form. He was given water movement described above. In this case the river would have been able to cleanse itself. In that this simple method works, Shauberger already convinced: "When I built this body of energy at his home in Steyerlingskom streams, for one night river washed so that hundreds of cubic meters of sand and silt got into the so-called peskoulavlivatel, for a creek one night slipped down to the rocks ". Shaubergera This method has been tested in 1989 at the Institute g.Kalmara (Sweden) and confirmed in laboratory conditions.

              Shauberger authorities described as the inner mass of water in the middle of the river when - its regulation potechet faster, and thus kill large sediments (laminar movement), while water pearl on the edges and automatically razdrobit razotret smaller sediments (turbulent movement), until they osyadut on the banks in the form of mineral sand, making the river will be fertile coast, which will appear later the richness of flora "and defending, the slope before being the mother of all - water".

              But nobody drew attention to the proposal Shaubergera. This bitter experience he has already received three years ago: in 1932 Shauberger wrote a detailed article on what can be done to ensure that the easiest way to once again make beautiful Danube river, which it was once. His article was adopted in the official bulletin international commission on the Danube, which reviewed proposals from all the neighboring states on the Danube. When authorities learned with horror that Shaubergera article published in this edition of solid, they are not thinking, withdrew the entire print run, and destroyed it in October 1932, printed on a huge amount, over 100 thousand shillings, the new edition, where the article is not Shaubergera was ...

              So, the Danube and Rhine, along with most other rivers and now, 60 years later, lie in zakovannye kills the spirit of life corset, only with the difference that today they have yet to combat the growing volume of toxic chemicals.


              • #8
                Forest - the cradle of water

                For the "metabolism" of water Shaubergeru were important not only harmonious consistency laminar and turbulent motions, but also "a positive change in temperature". By this he realized the approaching water temperature to +4 degrees Celsius. At such temperatures, while cycloidal spiral Traffic (vorticity) energy of the water rises, the water becomes fresh and alive, because thanks "emulsion" formed "new" water, in which hydrogen is dissolved oxygen. When "negative changes in temperature", ie heated water over +4 degrees Celsius, decreasing energy and water biologically poor quality. Water loses its lifting force, it appears pathogens embryos.

                Shauberger described the circulation of water as it circulates between heaven and earth depths. An important link between them is the forest: because of evaporation over the crown forest takes heat from the soil. Such cooling allows groundwater to rise up (especially in dry periods): Archimedes on a more warm water masses can not be under the cold.

                If the wood harvested, the yield solid heats cuttings in direct sun; groundwater, and with it deposits of nutrient salts descend to a depth where they become inaccessible to the roots of plants: sources smolkayut ... Subsequently zakarstovyvaetsya entire area. You can understand why Victor Shauberger forest called "the cradle of water".

                The vital importance of quality drinking water

                Shauberger was also against the (normal today) filing groundwater pump top. In his view, the groundwater "not ripe", to use it as drinking water. It must still lie deep under the ground. Only water, which itself goes to the surface, that is water source, is sufficiently advanced, because She went the whole cycle of development.

                Shauberger sooner understood the need to design devices that would have added a human drinking water in water-quality source. "Today, when almost all healthy sources or smolkli, or water in place of his birth intercepts and served in the village of illiterates built pipelines, soil and the entire animal kingdom translated into Dislocation, tasteless and, therefore, unhealthy water", need urgent assistance. After all, "people who year after year are forced to drink only chlorinated water may once thought, but as the same effect on body water, chemical additives forcibly deprived of the ability to exercise their natural lives. Chlorinated water and physical destruction leads not only to the natural physical disintegration, but is the cause of the manifestations of spiritual decay, and hence a systematic degeneration rights and all life ".

                And in 1930 Shauberger designed his first apparatus for the enrichment of water in the form of eggs. Today, there are different design on a whirl Shaubergera, one of which is the device VITA VORTEX.

                His knowledge and Victor Shauberger used in agriculture, where ovoid with a variety of structures, spiral ploughs, special compost and old peasant wisdom that in light of his theory suddenly became clear, had made great strides. He even helped to increase crop, and without the use of chemical fertilizers.

                About explosionless destruction (Implosion) and explosion (Explosion)

                But. perhaps the most important discovery was Shaubergera force bezvzryvnogo destruction. This is, without doubt, its most revolutionary discovery because it brought our blasting techniques to absurdity.

                The entire universe is in motion (on Geraklitu, "panta rei" - all flowing), namely, in Motion (public) spiral. In this flow manifest two forces. It turns right, directed inward bezvzryvnogo whirlwind of destruction, or attract, suction centripetal force. It is built, and promotes quality formoobrazuyuschaya strength. All nature is built on such a force. Every plant, every animal, every person, water - all in his work takes a positive vital energy and get rid of imperfect.

                In contrast to build strength bezvzryvnogo destruction there degenerate or degenerative force explosion. She - it turns left, directed outwards centrifugal whirlwind of energy disintegration. This form of motion disintegration of nature apply only to dissolve already spent complex (for example, a dead body).

                Shauberger wrote: "Tsentrostremitelnoe cycloidal spiral movement corresponds to lowering the temperature, contraction and concentration. Centrifugal movement for equal value rising temperature, heat, stretching, expand and explode ".

                So the theory that the universe was formed by the explosion, simply nonsense. Indeed, the explosion force, which we use in our internal combustion engines, not only destructive in its essence, but also extremely inefficient. Efficiency of most internal combustion engines is not even 50%, in other words, more than half of releasing energy dissipated wasted most often in the form of heat, cars can be called jokingly "heater areas". This is not only appalling waste oil, coal, gas, etc. (in the words Shaubergera, they should be left lying in the ground, because they are needed for the education of water), but, in the true sense of the word, "death machines" (Shauberger), incurring the worldwide consequences, threatening the lives that nature can learn only with the dissolution and decomposition. Uncertain "crown" of this principle is false splitting the atom.

                Shauberger took as a model for the creative forces of nature ( "In the plant because nothing explodes!"), Which, thanks to a minimum of energy expenditure, to achieve maximum productivity. "Our modern technology behaves, in contrast, as a peasant, who throws in the spring of land seven potatoes to dig one autumn". In doing so, Shauberger look forward not on pressure and temperature (internal combustion engines), and the strength of inflow, the "eternal feminine top" - force bezvzryvnogo destruction. Such tech does not create waste or waste gas, and produces energy at the rate, almost equal to zero.

                With this view Shauberger, of course, has not acquired a friend. For example, the union of engineers and architects put it under the guise of research into the health of crazy house. Fortunately, he managed to leave soon, because Qualified as a doctor Shaubergera perfectly healthy and highly reasonable person.

                The fact that its equipment is functioning, Shauberger proved at its "suction" and "trout" hydroelectric turbines, efficiency which was much higher than that of conventional turbines. G. Technical Institute held in Stuttgart in 1952 experiments that are clearly proved that zavihryaemaya correctly, the water in a position to offset the effect of friction! These data were confirmed in 1981 at the Royal Technical Institute City of Stockholm.


                • #9
                  Creator drive for levitatsii

                  Based on the natural vorticity water and air, Shauberger constructed homemade mini-power plants and even driving engines for planes. Inventor of first jet aircraft Heynkel should be, "borrowed" his ideas from Victor Shaubergera.

                  It is understandable that the Nazis followed Shaubergerom and put him a choice: either direction research camp, or shooting on location. During the war Shauberger developed new types of driving motors for missiles. "If water or air force to move" cycloidal "(spiral) under the action vysokooborotnyh vibrations, it results in structures of power or high-quality thin cloth, which levitiruet with incredible force, a shell fell for the generator. If this idea according to refine natural laws, then it will turn out perfect or ideal submarine aircraft, and nearly all of this without the cost of production materials ".

                  Does this actually functioned "UFO-drive" in size, debatable, but the test sample penetrated the roof of the factory: he weighed 135 kg and launched with only 0.05 hp

                  Later the American occupation authorities to confiscate all the documentation for the experiments, and Shaubergera seizure at 9 months "prisoner", at this time Russian obyschut his apartment in Vienna and then vzorvut it, so that no one has found his research on levitatsii. When the Americans let Shaubergera, they threatened to prohibit arrest him engage in further research in this direction.

                  Victor Shaubergera can be rightly regarded as one of the fathers of free energy, energy from "nothing" ... It is clear that he had many proposals in the economic sphere. Shaubergera government invited Russia, Britain, France, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. Good suggestions were also received from the Jewish and British financial industry. As Shauberger himself has said: "I would become a millionaire in a short time if it decided to take over the case in such volume before fully mature idea". But this indomitable, courageous, not walking any compromises honest man rejected all proposals because that inner voice tells him that the time comes, when it was opened as a healing science around the world.


                  • #10
                    Method explosionless destruction makes nuclear energy unnecessary

                    Because Shauberger knew that no industry is not resolved to shift from technology to the tech explosion, he did not expect any support from industry. Shauberger not trust, above all, monopolists on Energy and arming and was afraid that they priumnozhat their power at the expense of his discoveries, to hide them from humanity.

                    The goal was his, with the help of motors bezvzryvnogo destruction, to make nuclear energy unnecessary. Her he thought the biggest danger. Besides his method of obtaining energy, it would be much cheaper.

                    For example, of one cubic meter of water per second could be obtained at least 4000 kw. heat, with water temperature decreased to only one degree.

                    The force, which did not give a bribe and again and again against all the vicissitudes, left Victor Sha-ubergera and deprived of his beliefs, how important it is to fight for life: "The civilized humanity, despite its seemingly high technical culture has reached such a low level of ethics that it no longer observes that such physical and moral decay is nothing like having a place of continuous decay of culture. For this reason the holy duty of people aware of the seriousness of mistakes, is a constant concern to the final remedy the effects of fallacies ".
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                    The last years of life

                    At the end of his life was in Shauberger dismal financial situation. All of their experiments and equipment he had to pay for itself. It cost him to succeed, as he takes power development, and someone else profit from it. So it was with him 12 times. Or open it disappeared without trace. The letter, written before his death, Victor Shauberger bitterly remarked: "I will return to his forest to die there in the world. All science with all its prihvostnyami is just gangs of thieves, which threads are pulled over, as puppets, and forced to dance under any melody, which gives her good pryachuschegosya rabovladeltsa the need ".

                    Because of the many frustrations he was physically broken and suffered from asthma. When in 1958, an American tycoon offered to apply his technique widely, Shauberger flew with his son Walter, who all his life devoted to study vortex, in the United States. But possorilis partners, despite (or just because?) To positive results, and Victor Shauberger insisted on departure. That was it allowed, but with the condition that he sign a contract, written in English, whose contents he did not understand, because do not speak English. Not suspecting about anything, Shauberger signed it, thereby zaveschaya all documents, machinery and the right to the American concern (the question arises, what has been done over the past 40 years?). Under this contract Shaubergeru forbidden to conduct further research.

                    Broken, he returned to Austria, where he died after 5 days, September 25, 1958, at the age of 73 years in full desperation: "All I got robbed! I do not even the owner himself! ".

                    Yet the vital history of this outstanding person should complete the vision that Victor Shauberger introduced as our future, when the water will open the mystery of all people:

                    "Future people fully ovladeet matter and start taking out high-quality thin substance, it will mainly ministers and a master of nature. Fabled yields ensure its excellent food. He reaches almost absolute freedom in movement on land, over water and in the air.

                    Thus, by themselves end the struggle for life, class struggle, the struggle for existence and above all war for minerals and food. There welfare, which is impossible to imagine.

                    Medicine also undergo tremendous changes. The reality will become what it saw Paracelsus: to be a special substance that will destroy disease nipped in the bud. People will not know the disease and, consequently, become cheerful. In their possession will be the entire space, along and across, and it is a human being, because of the availability of raw materials of all kinds in all areas of development.

                    Of all the water came. It is a universal culture or any raw material foundation of any human and spiritual development. Mastering the mystery of water - this is an end to speculation or any kind of calculation with their excrescence, which include war, hatred, envy, intolerance and strife in any form and form. The full study of water means, in the true sense, an end to monopolies, an end to domination and the beginning of socialism through the development of individualism in its perfect form. Towards a "cold oxidation processes" machines will operate almost free of charge and only valuable: food, raw materials, fuel - most likely be in abundance ...

                    Embryo of such high quality material, or the concentration of negative ions geosfericheskogo origin, are atoms of synthesis and lift force. They can be obtained by mechanically, in any quantity and quality of bakteriofagovyh limit states (alluvial and suspended solids) in the air and water through "traffic cycloidal Space curve" (spiral), almost no cost, just as it does in the turbulent water source still soaring trout using the form of their fins and torso when it simply allows fresh spring water with geosfericheskim type voltage leaking through the fins.

                    To master the crown of creation, the path is free enough to become a principal servant Lord, and thus head exciting process of evolution. Perhaps the man of our century provides the only chance in the way of a narrow mountain ridge to the top, with the risk of derailing incomprehensibly in depth - to become like God. Who ovladeet transformation process in a creative sense, he will receive a quality creator. Who ovladeet process of transformation in the destructive sense and will implement this - that instrument and servant devil ".


                    Callum Coats: "Living Energies"; Gateway Books

                    Olof Alexandersson: "Lebendiges Wasser"; Ennsthaler Kronberger / Lattacher: "Auf der Spur des Wasserraetsels"; Uranus


                    • #11
                      Water - before and now

                      Only in Switzerland about 50 thousand km of the pipeline provide the population with drinking water. Pipes should be urgently replaced, because they are in such poor condition that almost a third of water "lost", leaving useless in the ground because of leaks and cracks. In 1994, 640 million francs was invested in the water network, but this is not enough. Specialists believe that in order to maintain the network in operation needed annually least 800 million francs over 50 years.

                      The same can be said of the sewer networks: a minimum of 20% of pipes leaking and damaged. To support them in conservation (not improve!) Should be annually attract up to 2 billion francs over 50 years. Thus, only to Switzerland in the coming decades will require over 100 billion francs for all plumbing economy if the country does not want to have a "bad drinking and groundwater. In Germany a similar situation. And some entrepreneurs healthy profit from this.

                      Who pays for these huge sums? True, the consumer. An estimated fee of drinking water in Switzerland, sooner or later will be higher than fees for heating in the average apartment. Maybe Victor Shauberger was right when in 1935, anticipating it, said: "At the end of this century 1 litres of water will cost more expensive than 1 litre of wine".

                      And why? Because our water pipes round and round in water pipes, firstly, can not zavihryatsya and becomes tasteless and lifeless, and, secondly, heavy components, such as lime, can not claim the internal flow, they are put out deposited slaughter and pipes, because here we apply the principle of centrifugal explosion bezvzryvnogo instead of centripetal force.

                      Besides pipes are made mostly of artificial materials such as plastic, cast iron or concrete slabs that bad for the energy of water quality. Victor Shauberger required to preserve the "land of blood" to use only natural materials: wood, natural stone (with wood, a corresponding need for this quality is no longer the case today).

                      How to make the water seethe, head-ryatsya to heavy particles get inside the flow and cleanse, revitalize themselves? Make as proposed Shauberger: it found arched guide kontrrels from the noble metal in a round tube (trumpet with a double helix) and the water became zavihryatsya.

                      Or you can focus on the peoples of the ancient world: so in the palace at about Knossosa. Crete discovered tap system, which 4000 years. For it is raised without pump water from the valley to the top of the mountain, which stood at the palace! All terracotta pipes have conical shape (shoulder on one end). Water injected from the narrowing of the end of the pipe to the next tube (we know this for pnevmozagruzochnomu nozzle). Thus, in the next tube generated low pressure that the water intake impulsively forward-up the mountain. Old Egyptian hydraulics, too, could raise the water pump without the high mountain peaks.

                      Thanks to a conical narrowing water to the same zavihryatsya that effectively prevents deposits on pipes. And in the canals for sewage, descends from the mountains, residents of Crete used even for the swirl brake elements of water, known to us from Shaubergera.

                      Incas built for its indoor water square stone channels, where it could zavihryatsya in the cool darkness. And only we, "enlightened people", uporstvuem on simple round tubes.

