More than 60 years ago this man has shown how to clean up our water and natural way to use it as a tremendous force. If we then took advantage of knowledge Viktor Shaubergera, then we would have been not only good water, but cheap and clean energy from water and air. It cost us to replace the current equipment fatal explosion (Explosion) tech bezvzryvnogo destruction (Implosion), as all the major issues of humanity would have been resolved. That is why they have not yet been released us.
"You can see how history allows that all those engaged in identifying water riddles, were brutally suppressed. Even hints that we find in the ancient books and tell us that the essence of water, in future editions disappear. Maintaining secrecy water - it is also a means to guarantee power of money. Interest is growing only in imperfect economy.
Decided to issue water generation and making it possible to receive any amount and any water quality in any other place, people once again mastered a vast desert land and thus reduce the sales price of food as well as selling price of computer facilities to a minimum, that would obviate any benefit to these speculations . The abundance of food productivity and cost-crushing machines are the arguments that the general view of the world, as well as the entire outlook change.
Maintaining secrecy water - it is the largest capital from the capital. For this reason, any experience serving its disclosure, ruthlessly suppressed nipped in the bud ".
Victor Shauberger, who wrote those words over half a century ago, was outstanding person. The man sent by God to once again give the "enlightened" people ancient knowledge about the essence of water. Man uncompromising honesty and complete devotion to nature. The man who all his life and fought stubbornly, broken, died in poverty and solitude.
But he left a legacy, which is invaluable wealth, knowledge and continue to inspire, becoming the foundation of many striking developments. In doing so, Victor Shauberger opened only that it has long been known to the Incas, Mongols, the ancient inhabitants of. Crete or Tibetan monks, namely: zavihryaetsya any water, and if allowed to flow naturally, you can make this miracle.
Victor cognition Shaubergera were revolutionary. They refuted several laws of hydrology and went wide beyond what we, the people know about water. It is surprising that many scientists still do not understand what he was saying. One of them, prof. Wilhelm Balters, was forced faith with the know: "How do we understand the language was Shaubergera if his work belongs to the future". But the future has long come!
Let us return back to the roots of Victor Shaubergera. He was born in 1885 in the outback, in the Austrian city of Plekenshten fifth child among nine others. His uncle was the last imperial huntsmen in Bad Ishle in times of Franz Josef. His father worked as a chief forester, and grandfather, great-grandfather and prapraded. Victor was a true "son of the forest": he had all day to roam a deaf, similar to dremuchy Plekenshteynskogo forest areas around the lake and watched nature so close and with such diligence, for what is now rarely who are capable of.
Father Victor wanted to send his son to university, that he studied there forestry. But Victor refused, he felt that teachers only distort its natural nepredubezhdennoe vision of nature, as happened with his brother, so went to study in normal forestry school and became a forest managers.
The first of its plot belonged to Prince Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe: almost 21 thousand hectares of untouched forests under dremuchego Steyerlingom. Shauberger loved this devstvenny forest, which hardly saw anyone else people. Intact forests nature enabled him to get first impressions and the opportunity to penetrate the essence of water, which is particularly interested in Victor.
"You can see how history allows that all those engaged in identifying water riddles, were brutally suppressed. Even hints that we find in the ancient books and tell us that the essence of water, in future editions disappear. Maintaining secrecy water - it is also a means to guarantee power of money. Interest is growing only in imperfect economy.
Decided to issue water generation and making it possible to receive any amount and any water quality in any other place, people once again mastered a vast desert land and thus reduce the sales price of food as well as selling price of computer facilities to a minimum, that would obviate any benefit to these speculations . The abundance of food productivity and cost-crushing machines are the arguments that the general view of the world, as well as the entire outlook change.
Maintaining secrecy water - it is the largest capital from the capital. For this reason, any experience serving its disclosure, ruthlessly suppressed nipped in the bud ".
Victor Shauberger, who wrote those words over half a century ago, was outstanding person. The man sent by God to once again give the "enlightened" people ancient knowledge about the essence of water. Man uncompromising honesty and complete devotion to nature. The man who all his life and fought stubbornly, broken, died in poverty and solitude.
But he left a legacy, which is invaluable wealth, knowledge and continue to inspire, becoming the foundation of many striking developments. In doing so, Victor Shauberger opened only that it has long been known to the Incas, Mongols, the ancient inhabitants of. Crete or Tibetan monks, namely: zavihryaetsya any water, and if allowed to flow naturally, you can make this miracle.
Victor cognition Shaubergera were revolutionary. They refuted several laws of hydrology and went wide beyond what we, the people know about water. It is surprising that many scientists still do not understand what he was saying. One of them, prof. Wilhelm Balters, was forced faith with the know: "How do we understand the language was Shaubergera if his work belongs to the future". But the future has long come!
Let us return back to the roots of Victor Shaubergera. He was born in 1885 in the outback, in the Austrian city of Plekenshten fifth child among nine others. His uncle was the last imperial huntsmen in Bad Ishle in times of Franz Josef. His father worked as a chief forester, and grandfather, great-grandfather and prapraded. Victor was a true "son of the forest": he had all day to roam a deaf, similar to dremuchy Plekenshteynskogo forest areas around the lake and watched nature so close and with such diligence, for what is now rarely who are capable of.
Father Victor wanted to send his son to university, that he studied there forestry. But Victor refused, he felt that teachers only distort its natural nepredubezhdennoe vision of nature, as happened with his brother, so went to study in normal forestry school and became a forest managers.
The first of its plot belonged to Prince Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe: almost 21 thousand hectares of untouched forests under dremuchego Steyerlingom. Shauberger loved this devstvenny forest, which hardly saw anyone else people. Intact forests nature enabled him to get first impressions and the opportunity to penetrate the essence of water, which is particularly interested in Victor.