Why PHI... (pun intended)
I've been interested in Pyramids since a young boy.
Recently some "sacred geometry" ideas have started to make sense to
me and have far more importance than stupid numerology.
Some of the things that recently convinced me:
1) I see that Hubbard's coil, which uses PHI ratio diameters was done on
purpose to create "self-resonance" also with PHI-ratio frequencies. I've read
on the web that ONLY phi-ratio frequencies can MIX perfectly. In other words
this is NATURES math for mixing sine waves. Nothing else will work.
2) While studying Hendershot's Fuelless Motor Mystery, I "speculate"
that Henershot used PHI to determine his wire-cross angel in his
basket weave coil. This "pyramid angle", MAY give the optimum
wire cross angel -- not too steep, not too wide. Like a honeycomb,
a little magnetic vortex can SPIN in the diamond shape created
by the wire bending around both sides of the PEG. Hence, this
is "optiumum" --- I think. It stands to reason it is.
3) Tesla was fascinated by Pyramids and Egypt and other mysteries.
There is a photo of him working on the SATOR SQUARE. He did
"ancient puzzles" as a hobby. When building Wardenclyffe Tower,
he utilized many "replication" ideas from the great pyramid.
Deep ground cables went down to a water table with running water --
a rich source of "free" ionic exchange. He was OCD and had
a fixation on certain numbers -- especially 3,6,9. Many of his
patents "may" give clues that he couldn't say outright because
of the BIG EYE watching him.
4) Richard Hoagland's presentations (further echoed by
Nassim Haramein and others) point to the importance of
these numbers built into monuments all around the planet by
"someone" who wanted us to remember sacred geometry ....
BECAUSE IT WORKS ... and other ways of doing things are a
recipe for catastrophe. How else would you warn future generations
not to do STUPID THINGS w/o STONE messages that last long
periods of time.
5) Hexagonal SHAPE at the poles of Saturn, and other planets
Clouds don't BLOW around at nice angles like this w/o a reason.
6) Many (or is it all) living things appear to use PHI in cell organization,
from the macro to the micro. It is almost as if some "invisible force"
is making that so. Oh ... electro-magnetism is "invisible" isn't it. Doh!
7) Bees are fixated on hexagons. It is the most OPTIMUM shape to
store stuff. You can't make a circle, which gives you the most area,
because as soon as you start squishing more and more circles together,
nature ABHORS the wasted little GAPS and squishes them away.
So I think if we just make our machines carefully and ask the
question "what would nature do?" or is it "what would Jesus do?".
Either way.... we're good.
I've been interested in Pyramids since a young boy.
Recently some "sacred geometry" ideas have started to make sense to
me and have far more importance than stupid numerology.
Some of the things that recently convinced me:
1) I see that Hubbard's coil, which uses PHI ratio diameters was done on
purpose to create "self-resonance" also with PHI-ratio frequencies. I've read
on the web that ONLY phi-ratio frequencies can MIX perfectly. In other words
this is NATURES math for mixing sine waves. Nothing else will work.
2) While studying Hendershot's Fuelless Motor Mystery, I "speculate"
that Henershot used PHI to determine his wire-cross angel in his
basket weave coil. This "pyramid angle", MAY give the optimum
wire cross angel -- not too steep, not too wide. Like a honeycomb,
a little magnetic vortex can SPIN in the diamond shape created
by the wire bending around both sides of the PEG. Hence, this
is "optiumum" --- I think. It stands to reason it is.
3) Tesla was fascinated by Pyramids and Egypt and other mysteries.
There is a photo of him working on the SATOR SQUARE. He did
"ancient puzzles" as a hobby. When building Wardenclyffe Tower,
he utilized many "replication" ideas from the great pyramid.
Deep ground cables went down to a water table with running water --
a rich source of "free" ionic exchange. He was OCD and had
a fixation on certain numbers -- especially 3,6,9. Many of his
patents "may" give clues that he couldn't say outright because
of the BIG EYE watching him.
4) Richard Hoagland's presentations (further echoed by
Nassim Haramein and others) point to the importance of
these numbers built into monuments all around the planet by
"someone" who wanted us to remember sacred geometry ....
BECAUSE IT WORKS ... and other ways of doing things are a
recipe for catastrophe. How else would you warn future generations
not to do STUPID THINGS w/o STONE messages that last long
periods of time.
5) Hexagonal SHAPE at the poles of Saturn, and other planets
Clouds don't BLOW around at nice angles like this w/o a reason.
6) Many (or is it all) living things appear to use PHI in cell organization,
from the macro to the micro. It is almost as if some "invisible force"
is making that so. Oh ... electro-magnetism is "invisible" isn't it. Doh!
7) Bees are fixated on hexagons. It is the most OPTIMUM shape to
store stuff. You can't make a circle, which gives you the most area,
because as soon as you start squishing more and more circles together,
nature ABHORS the wasted little GAPS and squishes them away.
So I think if we just make our machines carefully and ask the
question "what would nature do?" or is it "what would Jesus do?".
Either way.... we're good.