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Plasma Globe Single Wire illumination

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  • #16
    Bigger is better - Man vs. Elektriciteit


    • #17
      i threw this plasma thingy together hastily, taking the wire to a rodin coil, other end of winding to ground... then using the other winding of the rodin to a diode and to a cap... connection for 20 seconds = 1.01V on cap

      using spark gap in the ground link for 20 seconds = 10V on cap


      • #18
        left it running for a few mins, got it up to about 60 V


        • #19
          Spark in the ground

          In my early imhotep ignition coil experiments I also found that a spark to ground increased the voltage many times.

          Plasma may be an efficient way to cohere energy from the lattice, such as with dr Stiffler's neon globe.

          I haven't done experiments to confirm this.
          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


          • #20
            I find this interesting! I might have to go find myself a plasma globe (it's about time I've wanted one since I was 5 - 6 :P). If I can get one I'll do some experiments Thanks for the post Jonny

            By the way: Has anyone tried a simple Tesla radiant energy receiver circuit within the vicinity of this circuit?

            Scribd account;


            • #21
              Originally posted by Raui View Post
              By the way: Has anyone tried a simple Tesla radiant energy receiver circuit within the vicinity of this circuit?

              What is it?

              By the way, let me repeat - spark gap IS THE WAY TO GO.

              120V 4W light bulb to half brightness off 3" plasma globe is an achievement, I think...



              • #22
                @ABCstore.Thanks for reviving this thread and your spark gap find warrants investigation.
                This was one of my first experiments and I think quite a few people are starting to see the potential in these fascinating devices so this may be a good place to post related experiments.
                Previously to getting involved with Dr Stifflers sec experiments,i was exploring the wireless capabilities off plasma globes and they are very interesting and can see why Redrichie would like to see one hooked up to Dr Stifflers towers as they do seem to exhibit SEC like effects.These can be seen in my last two plasma globe vids which i will repost here.
                I think there are discoveries to be made here and you and Rave154 have shown results with a spark gap so keep going as who knows what you will find.Regards jonny.
                YouTube - Wireless One magnet no bearing Bedini motor

                YouTube - Plasma globe wireless energy transmission


                • #23
                  Globe -> wire -> 13W FL -> spark gap -> 4W 120V incandescent -> mass (hand, earth ground, large block etc)

                  works quite well, electricity travels through the gas?



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
                    What is it?

                    By the way, let me repeat - spark gap IS THE WAY TO GO.

                    120V 4W light bulb to half brightness off 3" plasma globe is an achievement, I think...

                    The one he shows in patent #685,957 dated November 5, 1901 "Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy". Just the plate, capacitor, ground set up. Although come to think of it, that is just what this setup already is. The plasma globe is the source of radiant energy the foil is the plate, the load is whatever we load it with and most of you are grounding it.

                    I find this circuit very interesting! Has anyone been able to cohere more energy than is required to maintain the plasma globe sounds like ABC is close? Also do the lamps stay cold or heat up? Awesome work there Jonny with your one magnet no bearing bedini motor running wirelessly!

                    Scribd account;


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ABCStore View Post
                      Globe -> wire -> 13W FL -> spark gap -> 4W 120V incandescent -> mass (hand, earth ground, large block etc)

                      works quite well, electricity travels through the gas?

                      Electricity travels through the spark gap. They keep turning up. They
                      create a dipole in space and the conditions for the energy to come
                      our way. (Nobel Physics prize, 1957. I wish someone would explain this).


                      • #26
                        Well my results do not support the spark gap with this setup. My bulb is defiantly brighter without the spark gap. Best resullts I achieved were made by going from plasma globe to bulb to earth ground. I can understand using a spark gap in something like a tesla coil where you have capacitance in the tank circuit, but this is different because we have no capacitance other that the foil around the globe. Now weather the spark gap is maybe allowing the bulb to put off more lumens per watt, i dont know, maybe. If you could figure out a way to add capacitance to this single wire, then i could see the spark gap being able to put off more light from the bulb.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by cody View Post
                          My bulb is defiantly brighter without the spark gap.
                          I guess you're using fluorescent light bulb. I'm talking about 120v 4W incandescent. Although, FL also gets brighter...



                          • #28
                            Yes, im using a florescent. Its interesting that we are getting different results I wonder if it has something to do with different plasma globe brands. Are you using a wall adapter or a battery to run yours? Im running off the wall.


                            • #29
                              Once again - incandescent light bulb will only come alive if there is a spark gap to the foil. While connected directly it stays dead.

                              Think about it. Try it.



                              • #30
                                some kV's, an incandescent and 1 wire...

                                plasma globe minus the globe lighting an incandecent.
                                Attached Files

