I am a business executive and run a transportation company. I have been interested in Nicola Tesla and high voltage since 1981. I am however not a scientist. I would like to issue a challenge. The industrial revolution was called a revolution because real work was performed more cheaply and more efficiently than the traditional man powered methods. Youtube videos and benchtop devices are interesting but until real work is being performed by real devices which I can go buy we are going nowhere. Appeals to government to promote alternate energy is a deal with the devil. Government is the problem.
I have school buses which I can make available to some competent individual to install a working device which will drive my bus. I do not want any royalties or patents or any money. I do want to run my buses on free-energy of some type and reap the benefits of not having to buy diesel. I propose that any such device be made a part of public domain world wide and be made freely available to all.
Anyone who is capable to manufacture these devices and retrofit them on trucks and buses would make plenty of money without having to resort to patent protection. See my post at the new members area for more details.
The challenge is: MAKE SOMETHING REAL I CAN INSTALL IN A BUS AND DRIVE PEOPLE AROUND - it must be cheaper, more efficient and more reliable than what is available to me now
I spend $45,000 to $50,000 per month in diesel. Diesel engines cost $5,000 to $15,000 dollars and transmissions are $3,000 to $15,000 dollars. Anything which can run a bus without having 50,000 moving parts and without using fossil fuels will have a decided advantage. Let me know what you think and only serious inquiries please.
I have school buses which I can make available to some competent individual to install a working device which will drive my bus. I do not want any royalties or patents or any money. I do want to run my buses on free-energy of some type and reap the benefits of not having to buy diesel. I propose that any such device be made a part of public domain world wide and be made freely available to all.
Anyone who is capable to manufacture these devices and retrofit them on trucks and buses would make plenty of money without having to resort to patent protection. See my post at the new members area for more details.
The challenge is: MAKE SOMETHING REAL I CAN INSTALL IN A BUS AND DRIVE PEOPLE AROUND - it must be cheaper, more efficient and more reliable than what is available to me now
I spend $45,000 to $50,000 per month in diesel. Diesel engines cost $5,000 to $15,000 dollars and transmissions are $3,000 to $15,000 dollars. Anything which can run a bus without having 50,000 moving parts and without using fossil fuels will have a decided advantage. Let me know what you think and only serious inquiries please.