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Energy Challenge

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  • Energy Challenge

    I am a business executive and run a transportation company. I have been interested in Nicola Tesla and high voltage since 1981. I am however not a scientist. I would like to issue a challenge. The industrial revolution was called a revolution because real work was performed more cheaply and more efficiently than the traditional man powered methods. Youtube videos and benchtop devices are interesting but until real work is being performed by real devices which I can go buy we are going nowhere. Appeals to government to promote alternate energy is a deal with the devil. Government is the problem.
    I have school buses which I can make available to some competent individual to install a working device which will drive my bus. I do not want any royalties or patents or any money. I do want to run my buses on free-energy of some type and reap the benefits of not having to buy diesel. I propose that any such device be made a part of public domain world wide and be made freely available to all.
    Anyone who is capable to manufacture these devices and retrofit them on trucks and buses would make plenty of money without having to resort to patent protection. See my post at the new members area for more details.
    The challenge is: MAKE SOMETHING REAL I CAN INSTALL IN A BUS AND DRIVE PEOPLE AROUND - it must be cheaper, more efficient and more reliable than what is available to me now
    I spend $45,000 to $50,000 per month in diesel. Diesel engines cost $5,000 to $15,000 dollars and transmissions are $3,000 to $15,000 dollars. Anything which can run a bus without having 50,000 moving parts and without using fossil fuels will have a decided advantage. Let me know what you think and only serious inquiries please.

  • #2
    If you want to help get renumeration for the open source engineers i know and love here then you have my full FREE service. we have 400+ registered engineers on the panacea site, we are a non profit org BTW.

    Being an altruist, i have an obligation to help you whether you profit from my efforts or not, as i know i am helping stop cancer by taking out diesel emissions.

    The guys here are very busy with R and D

    Your answers are simple.

    1) you can run up to 80% hydroxy and only need 20% Diesel for lubricating the engine -bob boyce

    Send me what you want boosted. If we can get renumeration for Aaron and co here then i will be happy, if not, i still have to help you.



    • #3
      Ash is the Man!

      [QUOTE=ashtweth;27235]If you want to help get renumeration for the open source engineers i know and love here then you have my full FREE service. we have 400+ registered engineers on the panacea site, we are a non profit org BTW.

      Being an altruist, i have an obligation to help you whether you profit from my efforts or not, as i know i am helping stop cancer by taking out diesel emissions.

      The guys here are very busy with R and D

      You go Ash.

      My hero since John Wayne is gone


      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4

        I am presently building an HHO unit for testing in my car and in a school bus. I hope to see the gains people have reported of 45% increase in MPG. My ultimate goal is to do away with the diesel engine and replace it with something along the lines of what Tesla built for the Pierce Arrow car he powered electrically. I will update here with any progress. By the way if anyone wants to propose something we run Detroit Series 60 engines mostly. Google that to see the specs.


        • #5
          Thanks wpage check is in the mail Bro

          Okay, always better to walk before you can run unless your John wayne

          Depending on how big your engine is, i would say a good rule of thumb is 1LPM for every one liter of engine capacity, but this is an experimental ratio, i know so far its given us the best (MPG)results, but this was petrol note diesel, there are a few thing to watch out for with diesel, this is stated in the open source engineers hydroxy course document, its in the boosters 101 thread here or on the panacea university site.

          Ill take a look at the engine and specs tonight.


          • #6
            Supression of tech. by U.S.

            Hi Ash And Jsambdman;

            Thought this highly interesting and goes to my previous posts regarding danger.

            Welcome to St. Mary's Today Online Edition!

            Last edited by ANTIQUER; 08-26-2008, 05:06 AM.


            • #7
              Hi Al

              Thanks for the addition, please keep posting them, i found out about Paul a while ago and made this page

              Paul Zigouras



              • #8
                He's got the right idea..

                This does not appear to be a highly technical thread with replications being discussed, so i don't feel bad about ranting the below

                If all the information about this is accurate, Mr. Zigouras may be hitting on something smart here: If you sold a great alternative energy technology to oil companies, and then reneged on the "staying silent" part of the deal... What could they do? Sue you perhaps?... Then they could expect very negative publicity which would cost them much more than 6 mil.. And open a whole can of smelly worms they DO NOT want opened (considering they can and do make over 120 Billion in profits each year, the money itself is pocket change to them). The actual worth of the technology as a competitor to oil would be all that really mattered: Since there is likely nothing in that electrolyzer system that is revolutionary and not already being sold, it wouldn't be worth their time to fight it (the system sounds like it has a fairly high power usage for the gas output). And making abject lessons of lone inventors to dissuade others doesn't work; if the idea is to keep it all secret

                Of course they could always put a "hit" out on you, but that is a very serious risk for them personally if it even came out. You see , much of the stuff they do may be unethical and even criminal, but it is fairly "safe" from a corporate-shielded point of view... Being "gray" areas in legal terms that their mouthpieces can argue 20 years in court over (although morally, it may be black as hell lol). But when it comes to personally ordering things that could see them strapped to a Lethal Injection gurney... Well they may be "brave" when it comes to risking the lives of our young soldiers, but when it comes to their own skins: These people are cowards, pure and simple. This is the Achilles heel of the self-absorbed and sociopathic elites who always seem to end up running our large corporations: They have a very high sense of self-preservation ... They want to survive to enjoy those $100 million yearly bonuses and stock options... They cannot imagine a world where they are not in it, or that they are not on top. And they are very good at this self-preservation, remember they are also highly intelligent or they wouldn't be there. So that is why the "hit" risk is minimal: And the more publicity the inventor gets, the riskier and more minimal it becomes.


                • #9
                  A practical approach

                  This is the point of my challenge. I am willing to put something in commercial use that is viable, reliable and safe. My point in this is to make irrelevant the current fossil fuel corporate government cabal. Without the force of government no corporation can prevent competition by a new company or invention. So the real enemy here, if that is the term to use, is government. In addition to promoting real viable alternatives to fossil fuels one of my goals is to make government irrelevant. If we all simply boycott government by refusing to use their services and refusing to work for them, soon they will find it hard to operate. Imagine if our 535 lords and masters in DC did not have any employees to do their bidding. We would all be free to live our lives as we see fit.

                  But I digress, I fully intend to power my buses with something other than fossil fuels. I see the HHO if it works as an interim step to the ultimate goal of running off free atmospheric energy. This will have the effect of depriving the feds of their fuel taxes. I hope not to get their attention. I do need help to make this a reality.

                  Actually the engine I intend to modify first is a 1991 Detroit DT360 C170 - 170 Horse Power engine. There was no listing on the engine for liter size but most of these engines are between 5 and 6 liters. This engine is in one of my school buses. The Series 60 engines are used in some of my motor-coaches. I will move to those if this first test is successful.


                  • #10
                    Haha jib love it


                    Lee will soon tell me i am way off here. I would START at 1LPM per every liter of engine size..SO BUT you have to be careful of Diesel's overheating , Read the booster manual in the 101 thread or grab it from the Panacea university site (hydroxy course) and read about Diesel engines and what meter you need to monitor the engine Temp.

                    You need to slowly ADD hydroxy and monitor the engine Temp.
                    There are many designs which can produce 4-5 LPM minute in the boosters 101 thread, i would start with 3LPM First with Wouters Tubular design.

                    you can make it from the document, or order it form him Cheap as.


