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General Transformer Construction

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  • General Transformer Construction

    I am trying to confirm some things I have read about around transformers.
    Specifacly "impedance matching".

    I want to build one that does a one to one ratio, but at high voltage. I have scrapped out several to see how they worked. So I got an idea of the general construction but I wanted to confirm that in this case it would be wrapped the same as Bifiliar coil. 2 equal distances of wire around one common flux.

    Am I correct.

    If anybodyt would be willing to pass links on construction or generally helpful specs I would appriciate that as well.


  • #2
    Hi Matthew.

    I have been exploring some ideas with transformers lately and I have wound a few to experiment with. The first one was for a lighting circuit (Imhoteps) to replace the ignition coil. I had the primary bifilar wound so I could use a simple SG circuit in self oscillation to create HV on the secondary. I tried a couple of different things out, for this instance the windings were not 1 to 1. Note that the ignition coil is about 100-1. I believe there are some specifics on matching the weight of the primary to the weight of the secondary, but I am far from an expert so I will not go into such things. The second pic is a secondary I wound on some PVC, hopefully one day it will have a nice little lightning bolt shooting out from it

    The real question I guess is what is its ultimate purpose, this should effect the design somewhat.
    Last edited by ren; 12-03-2009, 10:42 PM.
    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


    • #3
      ac vs dc electromagnet


      when it comes to efficiency - power consumption vs magnetic field strength - is there any significant difference between ac vs dc electromagnet, attracting piece of iron ?



      • #4
        Try experimentation with ferro resonant Trafos
        Or even this transformer


        • #5
          Hey thanks Ash....

          The reason I need 1 to 1 is very simple.

          I have small Mechanical Tesla Switch that right now I rebuilding. The circuit is basically the same as the one outlined in the Free Energy Guide.
          I use a Motor for the Load and a Copper Coated Cam shaft / Brush combo to do the switching.

          I also have come up with a pretty descent formula for rate of switching that seem to keep the charge in the system or recover any losses in Back EMF. I allow 2 poles in motor to charge, then I switch. Simple (IE 5 poles in a motor, Switch 2.5 times per revolution)

          The one thing I have struggled with is the measurements of power going into and coming out of the motor. Its really hard to guess whats happening when its switching so I set it up on a ONE WAY basis. So that I can watch the power flow.

          The simple way circiut is 2 banks of batterries one parrallel and the other in Series. I connect the hots of the banks together and I Connect the grounds to a Bridge Rectifier. Then I power a load via the bridge.
          When I power motor the current going in from the positive side of the bridge is of course regular flat line DC. But when coming out it is 2 waves of AC opposite of each other. SEE bad Hand drawing.

          So how I figure it is on the negative side between the motor and and Bridge I have chance to create extra energy.

          Because the Motor and Transformers work on the exact same principle with a different outcome. The motor take the current, routed through it and isolates the emmitted photon energy to create a rotory action. The transformer does the same except it creates a current on another wire. All you need is a oscolation in your waveform.

          So I want to add a High Amperage Transformer that delivers a 1 to 1 ratio to that end of my circuit and see how much power resides there. I already know that current passing through the device will not be disipated but recollected at the end. But If I can induce more current off the currents emmisions of photons then I got it made. Free Energy. But right now I am only hoping becuase I can't find a high amperage (4 amps or above) 1 to 1 transformer. So I gotta build one.

          And thats why I was looking for as much detail As I can find.

          The biggest thing I can't find is the winding patterns for the wires. I have tendancy to wanna think the wires are wound in opposite directions around the same flux. But I don't know and I would like to confirm that.

          I am painstakingly unwinding a impedance matching tranformer now. So I can find out how its put together.

          All the while I have only one thing stuck in my head
          "Transformers, more than meets the eye" (With musical tune) The theme song from my once favorite cartoon.

          Last edited by Matthew Jones; 08-24-2008, 02:26 PM.

