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Tesla's Ozone Patent, and Electric Vehicle Charging

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  • Tesla's Ozone Patent, and Electric Vehicle Charging

    Hows it going eevryone,
    I believe the Bedini motors operate the same but do not know for sure. But Teslas ozone patent is really a circuit that can recharge batteries. ...

    "my present improvement I have utilized appliances of this general character under conditions and in combination with certain instrumentalities, hereinafter described, which enable me to produce without difficulty and at very slight expense, ozone in any desired quantities. I would state the apparatus which I have devised for this purpose is capable of other and highly important uses of a similar nature, so but for purposes of the present case I deem it sufficient to describe its operation and 50 effects when used for the purpose of generating ozone"

    He says right in the patent that this has other very important uses and uses very little energy to preform the task.

    Im currently in the process of building a electric gm pickup truck. I will be using the same type of motor that Tesla describes working in his system, series wound dc motor. Why couldnt his system be incorperated into my ev design. So performance is not affected I figured it could be used only at a cruise speed and decelleration. It sound if this would make a big improment in milage of an EV. I just wanted some feed back from people that are nmore knowledable in the electronic field. Would this be a problem introducing these high voltage spikes back to a battery bank, would any damage occure?? This sound very exciting that this might work in this application and after some reasarch has never been done. Thanks alot guys, and looking forward for some commits. Fern

  • #2
    I forgot to ask, but does it make sense that for every ossilation of each discharge that the battery will be charged that many times. Also this discharge that would charge the battery bank would be an AC current, that would have to be converted to DC correct??

