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  • #31
    Very cool. It doesnt seem to be online now but i cant wait to see working. Im sure there will be lots of great videos.


    • #32
      Hi again.

      I'm really sorry about my distracted situation as of late. I felt that i needed to clarify some of my reasoning for closing the site for the time being.

      I have to admit that i was somewhat thrown with having built and dedicated to the energetic forum and then have it explained (very nicely) that there were plans to build an official site by the admin. I completely understand and have only suspended the development of the site recently to recompose it under a different pretense. I was very presumptuous in my proposing that it be so closely associated to the Energetic Forum.

      I feel that in order to respectfully give the Energetic Forum an opportunity to pursue the project on their own rightful behalf, that the best course of action would be to rebuild the site under a different name, utilizing a different system of categorization that would suit a clear change in both vision and design. In order to continue with the project I would want to know that i could offer enough distinction to the proposed "official" Energetic Forums website to satisfy both myself and the Administrator here. I mean this in the most sincerest way.

      In order to make the changes I would require some reinvestment in the project at a point where i have been very distracted both with my career (flooring subcontractor), and as well as my previously ailing, and just now deceased pet "Dell" (my cat). As i am a single bachelor and my cat has been my only constant companion for the last 11 years I am most likely taking her death a little harder than most might imagine.

      As well I have purchased a home in a town 20 mins from where i currently reside and I take possession and move in on Sept 15th. I'm currently preparing and starting to pack. All this being the case I am very distracted these days.

      At any rate, i'm sorry if this post has taken a personal on a personal note, and i apologize for having that become a factor in my expediting the relaunch of the new site.

      My apologies for the misdirection and poor planning in the development of

      Yours truly,
      Darcy Klyne - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth

