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Grassroots Renewable Energy Movement

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  • Grassroots Renewable Energy Movement

    Hi Stephen, Grassroots movment for all of this is the only way to go. It has to be pushed by the demand from the people.

    For these out of the box technologies, the only real way I see these things becoming a practical reality is by having thousands of people around the world duplicate them the same way people around the world are experimenting with John Bedini's battery charging technologies.

    There are already some simple plans, rotors, etc... being drafted out so there can be somewhat of a standard design for the Bob Teal concept modified by Peter Lindemann. People are already working on this. It is only a matter of time until many people are seeing results hands on with the Bob Teal attraction motor concept.

    I think a great start for people are making things more efficient that they are already using or doing. Certain fuel and oil additives, using synthetics, etc... for home buying or making their own solar water heat since many people spend 1/2 their electric bill just heating water so why not heat it for free? (of course - the cost of the heat)...can be made for just a few hundred if done time fee and nothing else for years to come.

    Anyway, just having people move towards a mindset that we are the ones who ultimately make the choices with our dollars. If people suddenly stopped buying vehicles with less than 40mpg on the highway, there would be mysterious increases in gas mileage in other cars. lol etc...
    Aaron Murakami

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    Let 'Em Know!

    If you have trouble viewing links or images, please visit Environmental Defense eUpdate - August 2006

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    May '07 – In This Issue
    EPA Blocking Climate Action
    Blogging with Dr. Bill
    States Ahead of the Game
    Companies Join USCAP
    Celebrate Bike to Work Week
    Take Action
    Act Now - EPA blocking global warming action
    Take Action
    California and 11 other states have passed bills to cut global warming pollution from cars. But the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is standing in the way.

    In spite of a recent Supreme Court ruling urging the EPA to fight global warming, they have not taken the first modest step of granting states a routine waiver to cut auto emissions.

    Tell the EPA to grant the waiver.

    Take Action: Send an Email: Tell the EPA to Fight Global Warming


    Dr. Bill's Climate Blog
    Posts on Bikes, Carbon Footprints and More
    Our very own Dr. Bill has joined the blogosphere. In our new Climate411 blog, he – or a guest blogger – explores the science and debates global warming policy options. Even better, he posts in language we all can understand.

    Read today's post on biking to work.

    Climate 411 - Environmental Defense


    Global Warming Update
    Companies Join Call for Climate Action
    This week, 12 major companies, including automotive giant General Motors, multinational oil company Shell and a major insurance company AIG, joined the U.S. Climate Action Partnership (USCAP). This brings to 22 the number of major businesses in USCAP, each calling for national action to cut America's global warming pollution by 60-80% by 2050.

    Read more about this exciting announcement.

    Business Coalition for Climate Action Doubles - Environmental Defense


    In the States
    States Lead on Global Warming
    Momentum is building throughout the country for meaningful global warming action – nowhere more so than at the state and local levels.

    At least 300 global warming bills have been filed in 40 states, and more than 400 mayors have committed their cities to reduce emissions. These state and local actions are no substitute for meaningful national action, but they help make the case that action is necessary and doable.

    Read more about what states are doing.

    States Pave Way for Global Warming Action - Environmental Defense


    Biking in the Free World
    On Your Mark, Get Set, Pedal!
    What better way to celebrate spring than with Bike to Work week from May 14th – 18th? If you already bike to work, well done! If not, here's your chance to give cycling a try.

    Biking to work means more time outside, cuts global warming pollution from cars, buses, or other transit, and is great exercise!

    Learn more and get your bike ready.

    Bicycling to Work Takes Off - Environmental Defense
    Keep your mind on the aether

