We can give ideas and alternatives solutions but...
The problem is the capacity to learn and experience on electronics, physics, mechanical etc.
Then here come people to learn, then somebody learn more slow than others. If somebody can to learn faster, is bad for people with learning process slow, has to stop, hear everyday for anothre solution stopping the actual learning process, then this peoples smart, must publish their news ideas in anothre thread. Buiding Bedini SG for example is nice, is easy to build for starters on mechanical and electronics. We can learn about radiant energy, back emf, pused system, oscilators etc. Obviusly there is so much device more advanced with many advantages over a simple Bedini SG. But this devices are harder to build.
The problem is the capacity to learn and experience on electronics, physics, mechanical etc.
Then here come people to learn, then somebody learn more slow than others. If somebody can to learn faster, is bad for people with learning process slow, has to stop, hear everyday for anothre solution stopping the actual learning process, then this peoples smart, must publish their news ideas in anothre thread. Buiding Bedini SG for example is nice, is easy to build for starters on mechanical and electronics. We can learn about radiant energy, back emf, pused system, oscilators etc. Obviusly there is so much device more advanced with many advantages over a simple Bedini SG. But this devices are harder to build.