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Questions and postulations

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  • Questions and postulations

    I've worked in the field of tesla coils and RF for some time now. It appears that the magnetron wastes a lot of its energy in producing an RF output. For those of you not so inclined, a magnetron is a vacuum vessel with resonant cavities which is surrounded by a magnetic field. A high voltage DC pulse is put through the magnetron, and the electrons spiral or travel in a curved path outward from the filament by virtue of the fact that they are travelling through the magnetic field. This produces a photonic output from the electrons because of their path changing; as I will cite now:

    Bremsstrahlung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The output from the electrons is relatively small, comparatively, but combine this with resonant cavities, and the effect is very great.

    Anyways, the electrons appear to be modulating and releasing energy from the magnetic field that they are travelling through- they must take on energy from the field to change direction, and at the same time they give off energy because their equilibrium has been disturbed. It does not appear that the energy is derived from the kinetic energy of the electrons, at least to me.

    I wonder if one could engineer, with the principles of the bedini motor system or perhaps some kind of solid state oscillator or something- a way that would recapture the energy that would be wasted in the operation of the magnetron.

    Basically, the circuit is like a capacitor discharging through a diode. The magnetron acts as a diode of sorts, but you discharge a high voltage DC- say 15 to 25kV DC (or, to be simpler, say 4kV for a microwave oven) through this vessel, which basically kills the dipole you've created, or shorts the transformer for that moment (as in a microwave)

    How would you go about recapturing the energy in the input side? Because once you do that, you could in theory recapture the output with really fast diodes; gallium arsenide or something, and a recieving array.

    This would be a good way to get a system working that might power something a battery could not like say a home

    I could be wrong about all of this, but what do you all think?
    "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research."

    -A. Einstein

  • #2
    Re: Magnetron

    Some interesting speculation, Rotogen. A typical microwave oven magnetron is easily salvaged, but getting it to do what you suggest could prove very difficult. The waveguide device directs only a portion of the high frequency radio field found in the spherical cavities of the magnetron, and so the output energy is about 65% of the input. If you could somehow focus all of that field energy, then what you are talking about is certainly possible, but modifying a microwave oven magnetron seems like a fruitless quest. It would be easier to construct a magnetron specifically designed for the purpose you have in mind, and that won't be an easy task either.

    I'm sure that you are well versed in magnetron details and characteristics, but I'm also sure you would agree that if anyone reading this thread should get the idea into their head that it might be fun to experiment with a magnetron, he or she would be well advised to read about the very dangerous hazards associated with magnetrons. See that here: Cavity magnetron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Frankly, I would not advise undertaking such a project, mainly because of the complexities and the hazards. There are many other avenues open to exploration and experimentation that can yield safe, rapid, and high returns of value for your dollar and time investment, but I wish you good luck in whatever project you decide to pursue.

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #3
      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Some interesting speculation, Rotogen. A typical microwave oven magnetron is easily salvaged, but getting it to do what you suggest could prove very difficult. The waveguide device directs only a portion of the high frequency radio field found in the spherical cavities of the magnetron, and so the output energy is about 65% of the input. If you could somehow focus all of that field energy, then what you are talking about is certainly possible, but modifying a microwave oven magnetron seems like a fruitless quest. It would be easier to construct a magnetron specifically designed for the purpose you have in mind, and that won't be an easy task either.

      I'm sure that you are well versed in magnetron details and characteristics, but I'm also sure you would agree that if anyone reading this thread should get the idea into their head that it might be fun to experiment with a magnetron, he or she would be well advised to read about the very dangerous hazards associated with magnetrons. See that here: Cavity magnetron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Frankly, I would not advise undertaking such a project, mainly because of the complexities and the hazards. There are many other avenues open to exploration and experimentation that can yield safe, rapid, and high returns of value for your dollar and time investment, but I wish you good luck in whatever project you decide to pursue.

      Well, that 'bedini magnetron' project incorporates elements of the bedini motor, which as of yet I've not constructed but read extensively about, and microwave circuit design, which really requires expertise in that field that I simply don't posess.

      My real question- is there evidince that the magnetron uses energy of the electron flow, or do the electrons simply pass through the tube and short out the circuit from there?
      "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research."

      -A. Einstein


      • #4
        Bedini magnetron?

        What "Bedini Magnetron" project are you referring to?
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • #5
          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          What "Bedini Magnetron" project are you referring to?
          Hehe, a pet project still in the theoretical stages to combine the bedini motor principles with the power supply of a magnetron

          hence, 'bedini magnetron'
          "If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research."

          -A. Einstein

