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John Urbanowski Amazing Radiant Battery Charger

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  • #31
    Originally posted by JANGYD View Post
    I suspect John U experiment is similar to some experiment on report_on_4_pattery_switch. When it comes to battery CHEMICAL REACTION, I think Dr Peter Lindemann's comment is right that battery can't serve charging and discharging at same time.

    I also suspect that John U experimet, If it says something, is related with overpotentianl effects explained by TOM BEARDEN on 'Energy FROM THE VACUUM_Concepts and Principles' p258~p270. Tom Bearden explained on this article that the overpotential effects on battery plates can serve the load and the battery charging at same time. But I understand Peter Lindemann's is right, because the load serving is not from the energy on bettery's chemical reaction, but Overpotential Effect.


    Hi Jang,

    I did not look at the circuit to compare the two, but the effects described in the pdf did seem to mention that the battery can run a load, and run the charging at the same time.

    There does seem a point that if a battery is supplying a load, that if you apply enough energy to that battery it switches from supply the load to being charged itself. ( example car alternator supplying power to battery and loads ) It seems at some point if energy is flowing to the battery that it will find a balancing point between charging and the amount of the load...

    As to the effects that Tom cites I wonder if there are other experiments that can be pointed to where this is demonstrated?

    Thanks for your input Jang!

    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #32
      Hi all

      I have often experienced this effect whilst experimenting when drawing quite heavy currents whilst charging at the same time. The battery will sometimes rise in potential for a considerable period of time before stabilising and then eventually falling off, depending on battery condition and state of charge. I view this as normal battery behaviour due to initial changes to the internal resistance of the battery. The test for any real gain is simply to just leave the battery on load for an extended period, especially when the load is sub C20. At a sub C20 discharge rate, the Peukert effect comes strongly into play, giving the battery an increased effective capacity, in contrast to decreased capacity when the load is greater than C20.

      My experiments have shown that applying a Bedini type HV charge (from an SG type energiser) at an energiser drive current equalling the battery load current, seems to hold the status quo in terms of terminal voltage. I emphasise energiser drive current as opposed to energiser output current because the energsier output power is high voltage, low current in the form of pulses and although the energy level is high, the real power cannot be measured accurately using conventional instruments. However, I have found that increased charging current is needed to prevent terminal voltage falling as time progresses. Returning a battery to its start voltage at rest prior to charging is not returning all the energy discharged. The terminal voltage must be driven up considerably higher than the 'at rest' start voltage because the charging efficiency is less than the discharge efficiency. Not understanding this can result in inflated COP measurements.

      If John U can maintain the effect for a time representing the discharge of 10 -20% of his batteries capacity, then I would say we should all start getting excited!



      • #33

        Hi John, Gotoluc,

        Any news or updates on this project?

        “If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.
        I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.” ~ Nicola Tesla


        • #34
          With 4 cells is possible equilibrate the eff

          Ok... I agree with Peter...

          In my test is clear my battery can gives C20 to feed the load, but datasheet recommend 1/10 for 20 hours for recharge them. The only option is use 4 batteries, two in series to feed the circuit with good potential and two to recharge them in paralel, this can counter rest the problem about charging efficiency and can double the COP on the circuit.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


          • #35
            Originally posted by CitizenDC View Post
            Hi John, Gotoluc,

            Any news or updates on this project?

            Hi CitizenDC,

            I have not talked to John U. for a few days. Just giving him time to retest experiment and hopefully he will write his new findings.

            So lets just give him a bit of time here



            • #36
              Wire Chart for AWG


              The overpotential energy caused by the BEMF of the 1,000-turns-trigger coil "sees" the bulbs as loads. In a moment when the relay's contact closes, the capacitor is instantly fully loaded due to the shorting of the relay's contact. In an instant when this contact opens, this energy stored in the capacitor goes to the battery as charge as it becomes its load and since it is also connected to the bulbs, it may also exert its potential to the bulbs thereby powering it also. And this repeats.

              So, if my theory/thinking is correct, the battery will be depleted for a long time since most powering of the bulb is aided/handled by the BEMF and the capacitor. Although I haven't tried this in practical demonstration, I would be using large batteries (24-volt system) and in parallel [2 sets] resulting in larger capacity. The whole system will be perfected through further experimentations. I guess John U was right in choosing his new batteries of 100 AH capacity. A fine-tuned circuitry[resonance] would make good results and better efficiency.

              And also, I'd like to know if anyone here knows a very robust transistor that could handle large voltage spikes of the BEMF. I only know the very famous 2N3055 and the MJL21194. I can not find a link that points to the SC1768 transistor.
              10-02-2008, 06:12 PM

              I found the other transistor I was looking for here. [ John Urbanowski Amazing Radiant Battery Charger ]

              SC1768 was discontinued (2SC1768). One suggests that a good substitute seems to be 2SD1090 [ 2SD1090 datasheet, 2SD1090 datasheets, 2SD1090 datenblatt, 2SD1090 manual, 2SD1090 data sheets, 2SD1090 pdf - :: ALLDATASHEET :: ]

              Last edited by Agongon; 10-04-2008, 04:19 AM.


              • #37
                I believe that the problem with charging battery and powering a load with it at the same time is because it is a source of normal current - electrons. You can of course connect battery to load and charge to battery ,because charger is another source of electrons. This is perfectly allowed.

                IMHO However here we have HV spikes and closed loop which means the same amount of electrons, and chemical reaction which generates current for load is probably suppressed during HV spikes ...

                I think , we could have it working with the same one battery in one way : disconnecting load for a period when HV spike (or radiant spike?) is going to the battery, thus effectively charging it.


                • #38
                  "...early tests that Bedini has done."

                  Originally posted by theremart View Post
                  What you are claiming is very similar to a text file I have found here of early tests that Bedini has done.


                  I do hope that you have indeed found something. It appears you are on the right path of testing what you are doing. I have found Peter's criticism very sharp at times, but he is often right. I do hope you can sustain this experiment for several hours.
                  Boy that's an old document Theremart, good to see it saved for posterity though!

                  John, are you aware of the 'Tesla Switch'? [I believe this is discussed in the pdf link that Theremart provided?]

                  I will give you a link to a spectacular web site with information on this and much, much more at the end!

                  John, I can see you have a great fascination for this work and a burning desire to achieve results. May I suggest you read about this 'Tesla Switch' if you have not already done so, as I am convinced that YOU can replicate it's impossible operation. and you should be able to charge 5? or more batteries continuosly.

                  NOTE: I make NO apologies for the following, which may be seen by some, as simply advertising.

                  We are all keen to understand and learn more about Tesl's 'Radiant Energy' and the item listed below will enable anyone interested to understand what Tesla discovered and learn how he considered the energy to work.

                  This FREE ebook has been compiled by a most educated man who's sole purpose was to help other pioneers through the confusion of Free Energy Devices and he explains in a very simple and intelligent way, exactly HOW they work. He has only selected the finest inventions which are proven to work, or in his very experienced education, the ones that are most likely to work.

                  Patrick introduces his amazing compilation in this simple way...

                  "The eBook was written specifically for you as it is a sharing of what I have learned from several years of researching this subject. To put this item in context, the eBook is less than 5% of the disk contents and yet it contains 1600+ pages, 668,000+ words and 1900+ illustrations - this is a serious body of information"

                  A Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - by Patrick Kelly B.A., B.A.I., C.Eng., M.I.E.I., F.I.A.P.

                  FREE pdf download at website here, or you can purchase the CD-ROM version with even more information here: eBay link to purchase

                  for Tesla Switch see Chapter 6 - Pulse-Charging Battery Systems


                  The Tesla Switch. The Tesla Switch is covered in more detail in Chapter 5, but it is worth mentioning it again here as it does perform battery charging.

                  The similarity ends there, because the Tesla switch does the battery charging while the circuit is providing serious current into a load. Also, the Tesla switch uses only four batteries, and still is capable of driving a thirty horsepower motor, which is the equivalent of 22 kilowatts of electrical power.

                  The simple circuit shown here was used by testers of the Electrodyne Corp. over a period of three years using ordinary vehicle lead-acid batteries. [/B] During that time, the batteries were not only kept charged by the circuit, but the battery voltage climbed to as much as 36 volts, without any damage to the batteries.
                  "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
                  ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -

