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    After reading and replicating principles represented by Bedini, Bearden, Lindemann and others...
    there is little doubt that a lead/acid battery can be made into a negative certain
    frequencies and with certain conditioning.

    We keep circling through three common factors, pulsed DC, resonance, and creation or
    conversion of some kind of negative resistor capacity.

    Achieving harmony, disharmony or combinations of both seems to be a recipe for accessing
    natures wheel of fortune.

    Please post your thoughts about these three principles- DC (motion, charge or whatever),
    Resonance (energetic synchronization), Negative Resistors (gravitational attraction for potential).

  • #2
    There is that word again.

    Wireless Electricity to Charge your Gadgets
    August 22, 2008

    The ability to use wireless electricity to charge your gadgets could get many of you excited. Having this technology would mean you would never have to plug anything in again to a wall as the power would be supplied over the air. Wireless Electricity is not new, but past attempts see a lot of power that is lost through the air. Can Intel make a change to this? It seems like they are heading in the right direction.

    Wireless Electricity achieves 75% efficiency over two feet
    Intel have demonstrated their latest attempt by creating two metal arrays that connect to an amp. With resonance the electricity is transferred making devices on the other end receive power. The test that Intel ran was running 60 watts of power which made a jump of 2 feet while retaining 75% efficiency. This is so far the best attempt at wireless electricity tests.
    Although the technology is not ready yet, it certainly is a step in the right direction and one I welcome as I am fed up of the site of cables.

    Wireless Electricity to Charge your Gadgets


    • #3


      • #4

        Does the PC fan coil/magnet assembly resonate (without fan spinning) because of the magnetic field/coils geometry (representative symmetry)?

        Has anyone found that they could resonate coils (at will) in a different configuration other than the PC fan, if so how?

        It has been said that a passing magnetic field “triggers” the charging component of this circuit. So am I to understand resonation or oscillation is just the same point achieved as if the field/coil effect is teetering back and forth minus mechanical movement?


        • #5
          1-6 MHz?

          In other words, we can ring something at its resonant frequency and, if that something is imbedded in the vacuum, we can tap off the resonance in vacuum stress, without tapping energy directly from the embedded system we rang into oscillation, So what we really need is something that is deeply imbedded in the vacuum, that is, something that can translate "vacuum" movement to "mass" movement.

          Well, all charged particles and ions are already imbedded in the vacuum by their charged fluxes, so stressed oscillations - that is, vacuum oscillations - can be converted into normal energy of mass movement by charged particles or ions, if the system of charged particles or ions is made to resonate in phase with our tapping "potential". For our purpose, let's use a system of ions.

          First we will need a big accumulator to hold a lot of the charged ions in the system that we wish to shock into oscillation. We need something that has a big capacitance and also contains a lot of ions.

          An ordinary battery filled with electrolyte fits the bill nicely. While it is not commonly known, ordinary lead-acid storage batteries have a resonant ionic frequency, usually in the range of from 1-6 MHz. All we have to do is shock-oscillate the ions in the electrolyte at their resonant frequency and time our "trigger"potential and "siphon" current correctly. Then if we keep adding potential to trigger the system we can get all that "potential" to translate into "free electrical energy".
          -John Bedini


          • #6
            Originally posted by DavidE View Post
            In other words, we can ring something at its resonant frequency and, if that something is imbedded in the vacuum, we can tap off the resonance in vacuum stress, without tapping energy directly from the embedded system we rang into oscillation, So what we really need is something that is deeply imbedded in the vacuum, that is, something that can translate "vacuum" movement to "mass" movement.

            Well, all charged particles and ions are already imbedded in the vacuum by their charged fluxes, so stressed oscillations - that is, vacuum oscillations - can be converted into normal energy of mass movement by charged particles or ions, if the system of charged particles or ions is made to resonate in phase with our tapping "potential". For our purpose, let's use a system of ions.

            First we will need a big accumulator to hold a lot of the charged ions in the system that we wish to shock into oscillation. We need something that has a big capacitance and also contains a lot of ions.

            An ordinary battery filled with electrolyte fits the bill nicely. While it is not commonly known, ordinary lead-acid storage batteries have a resonant ionic frequency, usually in the range of from 1-6 MHz. All we have to do is shock-oscillate the ions in the electrolyte at their resonant frequency and time our "trigger"potential and "siphon" current correctly. Then if we keep adding potential to trigger the system we can get all that "potential" to translate into "free electrical energy".
            -John Bedini

            Cheers for all this DavidE


            • #7
              Experimental data from Moray...

              The balanced ground rod was pointed at the end to make its driving into the creek bed easy.

              The antenna wire was insulated from the poles with two quartz glass insulators about six inches long. A piece of wire about two feet long connected each insulator with the pole. The lead-in wire was fastened to the antenna wire at a point about 10 or 15 feet from the east pole. I helped Moray solder the connection where the lead-in wire fastened on to the antenna wire and also helped him solder the ground wire to the rod. I stepped the distance between the two antenna poles and estimated it to be 87 feet as I took 29 steps intended to be three feet each.

              Moray took this electrical equipment out of the automobile and placed it on the running board of the car. Two dry boards were laid on the ground and a rubber mat used under my office chair was placed on the boards for Moray to stand on as a precaution against electric shocks. The running board was hardly large enough for the equipment so we took the seat cushion out of the front seat and placed it on the mat and Moray transferred the equipment to the seat cushion and connected it up there.

              Very light snowflakes fell occasionally and a tarpaulin was hung over the top of the auto doors, when opened, to protect the equipment from getting wet. When all of the wire connections were made, and the device synchronized in resonance by Moray, it was just 1:05 p.m. by my watch. Before "tuning in" he placed the key on the post he said it would be in contact with while the light burns but no light appeared. After "tuning in" for slightly more than 10 minutes the key or switch was put on the operating post and the light appeared immediately. It was slightly after 1:15 P.M. by my watch. Moray put the key, or switch, on the operating post two or three times before and during the tuning in operation but no light appeared until perfect "balance" was established.

              "While the lights were burning, the antenna lead-in wire was disconnected from the apparatus and the lights went out. Connected again and the lights appeared." Moray disconnected the "ground wire" and the lights went out. He then connected it and the lights appeared again.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Interesting. Rodins/Teslas 3's!

                  Implosion energy - Keely, Atlantis, and I Ching

                  From: Michael Winn
                  Subject: Philosophy
                  Date/Time 2007-02-15 03:47:14
                  Remote IP:

                  Dylan, Thanks for clueing me into Keely.

                  Like Tesla, I'm guessing he was an atlantean soul reincarnating before folks were quite ready for him. I'm positng some of the wiki stuff on him for those too lazy to hunt. (see below).

                  His point about neutral force establishing the definition of a living being is key. That is the future of technology - recognizing that matter is conscious, and that technological processes must therefore become conscious and not "mechanical". That's why he could not commercialize his discoveries - we still had to go through a century of mass production and other discoveries before vindicating him.

                  The water exploding experiments relate to my Atlantean scientist teacher's claim that hydrogen - the main component in water - could be vibrated at 10 to the 15th Mhz and produce infinite and clean amounts of energy. Real life physical scientists were hired to test the idea - and found that it was plausible IF the proper transducer could be found......

                  of course all this has already been invented in the future and the past, and will be arriving in this time zone shortly......

                  already there is a frenchman who has invented a sound engine.....

                  3,6,9 progressions relate to trigrams, hexagrams, and octagram + center of I Ching......we've come ful circle to the secret of shape-shifting.


                  from wikipedia:

                  Exploding water with 42712.2Hz
                  From JoesCell2:

                  Proffessor Keely found that water will explode at a frequency of 42,712.2 Hz. ... did it with a Quartz Bowl....Think Quartz and how symmetry applies to magnets because that is how quartz crystals are formed, via symmetry. The 42,712.2Hz was applied to a quartz bowl with distilled water at which time it EXPLODED and disappeared. After this experiment Keely began studing geometric shapes that hold these specialized frequencies which can manipulate matter and the mind. So the power of the mind possibly can be realized by the special shapes that Keely discovered from special frequencies. if you know how this works you wouldnt even need a OS:Joe_Cell Joe Cell to make power and after a while not even the special shapes because you could use your voice. i will add that if you want
                  your joe cells to work better place it on a 10 or 12 point tesseract made on copper foil. You can get it at lowes home improvement in their building materials section.

                  Verification of frequency to produce etheric force from water?
                  A recent (1965) possible verification of the frequency Keely used to dissociate water into etheric force was related to me by a scientist when we were discussing certain aspects of free energy. He wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, but his name is on file. I have no other verification of this experiment, however I believe it merits telling. The scientist, I shall call him Dr. X, was doing experiments with ultrasonic sound in a column of water. The object of the experiments was to devise a means of separating various densities of materials by injecting them into a column of water which was subjected to an ultrasonic standing wave vibration.

                  The experimental setup is sketched in Figure 3-3 (for BBS considerations a description follows). A Barium Titanate ultrasonic transducer was fixed to the bottom of a [quartz tube] which was closed at the bottom and open at the top. Pure water was poured into the tube and the water column was "tuned" so that a standing wave was produced at 40,000 CPS (cycles per second). The transducer was powered by a 700 Watt power amplifier which was driven by an ultrasonic frequency generator. Because of the large amount of power put into the column of water a certain amount of evaporation took place at a constant rate when the transducer was energized. Therefore, to maintain a standing wave in the water column a feedback device caused the frequency to be raised as the water evaporated and the temperature changed.

                  As a test, Dr. X decided to run through the experiment with only water in the tube to ensure that a standing wave was maintained as the water evaporated and the frequency rose higher and higher. When the experiment was started everything worked beautifully. Dr. X took periodic readings of his instrumentation and was assured that the standing wave was being maintained. Suddenly, with no warning whatever the water disappeared from the open quartz tube. He looked up thinking to see the water splashed on the ceiling when to his amazement a clean hole went right through the ceiling.

                  The hole was the same size as the inside of the quartz tube. Further investigation showed the hole continued on through the roof also! Dr. X checked his notebook and found the last frequency entry to be 41,300 CPS. It was shortly after this that the water disappeared. Because of the time interval between the last reading and the disappearing water, the frequency sent to the transducer was higher than the last reading and Dr. X said it could well have been very close to 42,800 CPS, the Keely dissociation frequency. This obviously dangerous event caused Dr. X to dismantle the equipment and try some other approach to his problem. This experiment points the way to the use of our modern technology in conjunction with Keely's laws of dissociation to change matter into energy without the use of radioactive materials or extremely expensive atomic accelerators."

                  Keely connections

                  Modern science and Keely

                  Keely reported disintegration of mass with standing waves (which is now a commercial process),
                  Keely reported producing light in water (what is now termed sonoluminescence/triboluminescence),
                  Keely reported acoustic levitation (verified by NASA and others) though Keely went FAR BEYOND this brute force technique,
                  Keely reported geometries that could intensify sound pressures without adding additional energy (recently patented and in use by MacroSonics),
                  Keely reported cold in the presence of certain 'orders of vibration' (now patented as an acoustic refrigration and cooling system),
                  Keely reported that sound could be used to heal the body but went further saying the 'convolutions of the brain' were knotted or restricted, resulting in all manner of physical problems when the nerve energy was restricted, this is still unproven as modern medical researchers work on the EFFECT rather than the controller (CAUSE) of the brain, that will change as more people begin to experiment in this area.

                  Magnetic Resonance Amplifier
                  With low-level ultrasonic input signals, the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) produces usable direct current power at levels above unity. This circuit is based upon the work and theories of John Ernst Worrell Keely, and is offered into the public domain in his memory.
                  (from [rexresearch mra article]

                  Joe Cell
                  from JoesCell2: Keely's dynasphere, principles, the same.
                  "Tenuous matter and energy are both attracted to the sphere just as other subatomic matter and energy are radiating from it." The
                  radiating electrical field of the Joe cell becomes coherent with the rings as the sound in the dynasphere.-Second step.?? This device has been referred to as a "living entity" by Keely a number of times. It becomes a living, breathing entity when it:
                  establishes a neutral center;
                  establishes a coincident or sympathetic field about itself;
                  the device begins to act and react (breathe) to its neutral self

                  These three things are the three stages of the Joe cell.
                  As the amplification takes place the space/time begins to take on a stressed condition (pumping a scalar or phase conjugate wave as Bearden would say).
                  dynasphere, and-"Scalar current arises by abruptly bucking magnetic fields onto a caduceus wound or a bifilar wound coil". It is as if the abruptly bucking magnetic field manifested a pair production of two macroscopic, oppositely rotating, displacement virtual current vortices in the zero point energy.' These vacuum energy vortices are stabilized and supported by the two symmetric windings. Bedini described using this method in his "gravity field generator" where he not only reported "cold conduction" but also a weight change in the apparatus as well. Roz.

                  3 6 9
                  John Keely, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat." In his "Formula of Aqueous Disintegration" he wrote that, "molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects." aqua1.txt from

                  Note well the Tesla quote about 3-6-9
                  If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. -Nikola Tesla


                  • #10

                    Why were videos and pictures removed ?



                    • #11
                      The one at Imageshack seems like, because someone did report it.
                      The Videos i dont know, if the account is removed or only the Video from the User deleted.
                      One Thing i do right now, is, what i am interested in, i save it ony a Folder on my Hdd.
                      So i still can look afterwards on it, and dont have to worry,
                      what happens with it on the Internet.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • #12

                        Would like to have seen that Bodkin's video negative resistor out of a battery
                        or thats what it seemed to be.


