When the collusion between the oil companies, the car companies, and the corrupt government piss the people off enough then may be something will be done about it. The way I see it, 30 miles per gallon to a fifty mile per gallon increase is a decrease in profit for the oil companies. Profit before people is status quo and the foundation of modern society.until we as people get together to change things it makes no difference where the money is wasted because it wont benifit the average person in any way,more profits for corperations less money in our pockets.same **** different pile personally ive started my hho cell,playing with magnets,collecting batteries for wind solar retrofit , a kite for my boat
geet sure sounds worth looking into (thanks aaron) anyways i would rather see 25 billion spent on healthcare or700 .billion for that matter. just my opinion peace out kent
geet sure sounds worth looking into (thanks aaron) anyways i would rather see 25 billion spent on healthcare or700 .billion for that matter. just my opinion peace out kent