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"Zeitgeist: Addendum" movie now released, even better than the first one

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  • "Zeitgeist: Addendum" movie now released, even better than the first one

    I'm sure you have heard about the Zeitgeist movie...from the same maker comes the Zeitgeist: Addendum - a new movie, which in my humble opinion casts a large shadow over the first one.

    You can download/watch it from their website or Google Video:

    Movie website: Zeitgeist - The Movie

    Google video: Zeitgeist: Addendum

    The second movie is far more coherent and much better done than the first one. First pat deals with money, banking, loans, interest and inflation and I think this is one of the clearest expose of the fraudulent monetary system we live in.

    Further more I am truly happy that the author chose to include Jacque Fresco and the Venus Project in the second half of the movie.

    The Venus Project - The Redesign of a culture

    Jacque is one of the last remaining thinkers (and my heroes) we have and a true engineer at heart as well. I put him among the names such as Buckminster Fuller, Robert Anton Wilson and George Carlin, whom I all also admire and consider great thinkers of our (or recent) time.

    Otherwise, I'll let you draw your own conclusions after watching it.
    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

  • #2

    Didn;t know they were making another one!
    "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

    “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
    Nikola Tesla


    • #3
      Thank you, will have to watch something this evening
      It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


      • #4
        The Zeitgeist Movement

        Opens 10th October

        Howard Beale, Network
        "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

        “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
        Nikola Tesla


        • #5
          will it really have to be part 3950 or something before they go r.buckminster fuller, nathan stubblefield, thomas henry moray, john keely, wilhelm reich, viktor schauberger and nikola tesla on us?
          Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
          My electronic music


          • #6
            If you watch this one, as I wrote above, they have Jacque Fresco in half of the movie, who is also a proponent of abundance, just as Bucky was. The bonus is that Jacque is still alive and that is the best part.

            All these other people you mention are dead so we can't really hear what they have to say. And in all honestly, I am tired of hearing yet another interpretation or opinion of Tesla's, Schauberger's, Keely's, Moray's and Stubblefield's work.
            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


            • #7
              Very interesting

              Really interesting concepts...

              Especially in light of the recent economic rollercoaster.

              Exposeses reality of capitalism.
              "But ye shall receive power..."
              Acts 1:8


              • #8
                I have a problem

                I've watched both videos several times now. The constant light shows make me think they are selling something. But that is not THE problem I have.

                The problem I have is about the timeline and the precession. They say that Moses KNEW 6500 years ago that he was in the age of the bull (Taurus) and they were entering the age of the ram (Aries). Further on Jesus was said they were in the age of the fish (Pisces) and were entering the age of of the waterbearer (Aquarius).

                Well? How did they know that? How did they know about percession? Where did that particular knowledge come from?

                It seems to me an ENORMOUS leap from acknowledging the time and declaring that Moses and Jesus KNEW the times were and that they were changing. And, since the precession takes so long, no one man could have kept track of the movements of the stars. So far as I'm aware, there wasn't any written history then either.

                So, how did they know?


                EVERY debt gets paid, all of them.................sometimes they are paid by the CREDITOR..........Ralph Waldo Emerson......"Compensation" (emphasis mine)
                Men had been depending for too long on the authority of the great minds of the past and that they should rely more on their own resources in obtaining knowledge.
                Francis Bacon


                • #9
                  RE: the movie..

                  >The problem I have is about the timeline and the precession. They say that >Moses KNEW 6500 years ago that he was in the age of the bull (Taurus) >and they were entering the age of the ram (Aries). Further on Jesus was >said they were in the age of the fish (Pisces) and were entering the age of >of the waterbearer (Aquarius).

                  I myself am a protestant bornagain Christian, and I would have to agree with you on this, it seems they have done some very light looking into historic Judaism, and Christianity. I have studied the early church fathers, from at 100AD to 600 AD, and looking at Justin Marytr for instance one can see that he moved very far away from the greek gods of the time. Justin did not go with the flow, but went against stream as Jesus did. Historically it seems they are redefining Christianity, which is easy to do with so many people unfamiliar with the bible, or historic Christianity.

                  Justin Martyr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  But I did watch some of the other part about the banking system of the Federal Reserve. I do believe it is accurate to state there is nothing Federal about it. And it is a great evil that sweatshops do exists. It is very evil that people are made to be slaves. I have heard the CIA has done things that we as US citizens should be greatly ashamed of. The film does make a valid point that the common person has no idea what is happening at the top levels.

                  I think the film has some valid points as well as faulty ones as well.
                  See my experiments here...

                  You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                  • #10
                    Imo when something mixes fact and fiction with a strong stance it is propaganda of some kind.

                    Just speaking in general.

                    I've heard the opinion that the Zeitgeist movie's intention is to bring people away from Christ. I guess make 'em mad at the "establishment" at the same time as thinking everything they've believed about Christ is bunk, then there's no where to turn but hostility.

                    Keep your mind on the aether


                    • #11
                      Main message should be to teach U to question every thing.

                      He has some doc making skills, he should be recruited to do a spill on suppressed.alt energy, in fact we are putting pilot allure for him to look at for this


                      • #12
                        Looking forward to watching this movie, the first was a great question poser. ie it got the viewer asking themselves a lot of questions about government, 9/11 and religion.

                        I myslef am not religious however I acknowlege that there is a higher power, and from my point of view the movie (the first one anyway) is not nessesarily trying to pry people away from Christ, but to get them to re-revaluate organised forms of religion. Without trying to offend anyone here, the religious text have been re-written so many times and translated by so many people with differing agendas, that over the years, what was is no more, and in many cases the original text is gone for good.

                        Anyway, this is the wrong thread for religion so I will be quiet.


                        You can view my vids here



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mrbreau View Post
                          I've watched both videos several times now. The constant light shows make me think they are selling something. But that is not THE problem I have.

                          The problem I have is about the timeline and the precession. They say that Moses KNEW 6500 years ago that he was in the age of the bull (Taurus) and they were entering the age of the ram (Aries). Further on Jesus was said they were in the age of the fish (Pisces) and were entering the age of of the waterbearer (Aquarius).

                          Well? How did they know that? How did they know about percession? Where did that particular knowledge come from?

                          It seems to me an ENORMOUS leap from acknowledging the time and declaring at Moses and Jesus KNEW the times were and that they were changing. And, since the precession takes so long, no one man could have kept track of the movements of the stars. So far as I'm aware, there wasn't any written history then either.

                          So, how did they know?


                          EVERY debt gets paid, all of them.................sometimes they are paid by the CREDITOR..........Ralph Waldo Emerson......"Compensation" (emphasis mine)
                          the sumerians knew about the "great-year", and many other things that we didn't know until the last century or two. they wrote it down on cuneiform tablets. maybe moses heard it through the grapevine? abraham was from ur, perhaps he passed the knowledge along. from abraham to isaac to jacob to amram the levite. not likely since he was allegedly adopted into a egyptian royal family. maybe he learned of it from them. much of their knowledge was from the sumerians.
                          Last edited by CaptainScat; 10-07-2008, 08:48 AM. Reason: geneology


                          • #14

                            So the Sumarians KNEW about the great year and even had it written in cuneform. And the Aztecs or Mayans also KNEW about the great year. Where did this knowledge come from?

                            To me, this pursuit is as worthwhile as the search for overunity is in mechanics and energy production. If the knowledge of precession was so widely known and accepted then that knowledge HAD to have come from somewhere. If the movie's depiction is not the truth then there is a definate credibility problem with the rest of the movie, i.e.; what other leaps of logic did they make?

                            In case anyone is interested in the book "Modern Money Mechanics" it can be downloaded here. It is a very interesting read, IMO.

                            Modern Money Mechanics


                            EVERY debt gets paid, all of them................sometimes they are paid by the CREDITOR..........Ralph Waldo Emerson......"Compensation" (emphasis mine)
                            Men had been depending for too long on the authority of the great minds of the past and that they should rely more on their own resources in obtaining knowledge.
                            Francis Bacon


                            • #15
                              i don't know where it came from, i wasn't there. i doubt we will ever know with any certainty. as far as pursuing it, i think i'll pass. i cannot see the pursuit ever coming to conclusion, other than a speculation or assumption.
                              perhaps they came to the knowledge the same way we have in contemporary times, observation, recorded data and mathematical calculations.
                              there seems to be a perception that the ancients were living in the stone age, when archeology seems to offer evidence to the contrary. take the antikythera mechanism as an example, or the baalbeck trilithon. there are a great many wonders of the ancient world that we really don't know how they did it, but there they are.

                              great book by the way, should be required reading for all school children.

