While I think the video was well made, I feel as though it was just an advertisement for the Venus Project. It also paints the future the way the communists did without using their language. Communists believed there would be a future Utopia without money too and people creating just to create.
Unfortunatly they have ignored that "man" though "he" wants to be good does evil. He is split by this fallen nature, the temptations for excessive riches, pleasure, and honor, will always spoil any Utopian dream.
We need to be practical and correct as much as we can abuses of riches, pleasure, and honor but these 3 things can have benificial effects if self-regulated from becoming excessive.
No society has ever existed as they discribe so the premise is based on a false hypothisis that it is even possible since there is no evidence to it being possible and much evidence to the contrary.
Lets just try and do what we can to improve our families and communities and see what happens. I think that would be more practicle and productive. (There is no magic bullet to all our whoas, it will have to be eccletic mix of politics, religion, technology, and finance)
Unfortunatly they have ignored that "man" though "he" wants to be good does evil. He is split by this fallen nature, the temptations for excessive riches, pleasure, and honor, will always spoil any Utopian dream.
We need to be practical and correct as much as we can abuses of riches, pleasure, and honor but these 3 things can have benificial effects if self-regulated from becoming excessive.
No society has ever existed as they discribe so the premise is based on a false hypothisis that it is even possible since there is no evidence to it being possible and much evidence to the contrary.
Lets just try and do what we can to improve our families and communities and see what happens. I think that would be more practicle and productive. (There is no magic bullet to all our whoas, it will have to be eccletic mix of politics, religion, technology, and finance)