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"Zeitgeist: Addendum" movie now released, even better than the first one

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  • #46
    Originally posted by esaruoho View Post
    well, walter russell's books "the secret of light", "the genero-radiative concept" and "a new concept of the universe" are slowly winding their way around this f.e. scene, hopefully they'll result in some fresh thinking on electricity, gravity, light, magnetism and so forth.
    It has taken me a while, but as I get around Russell's odd way of wording his explanations it is starting to make sence. Some things still throw me off, but each time I read the material more and more of it becomes clear.


    You can view my vids here


    • #47
      The thing I love about the Zeitgiest expose is it makes me think. It shows the level of efforts to control human thought. What is it to be human??? When I look at dogs running around, I never see a dog policeman, tax collector, etc. Do birds have a bird police, limits on when and where they can fly imposed by other birds??? Why do we?? How free are we, and how free could we be?? Why do we let someone collect a huge portion of our labor in taxes??? I see manipulations of thought going on everywhere. If I think about who benefits from things being the way they are, it always enriches the few who stand to benefit from these systems imposed on me. Why don't I refuse to participate?? Why aren't laws enforced equally. The basic commandments are a system for tribal living to be succesful. Yet thou shalt not kill doesn't apply to soldiers? Everyone has a duty to survive but aggressive (not defensive) warfare is evil.
      The banking institutions enslave me yet they make it so there is literaly nothing you can do about it without suffering. Not everyone realizes the extent of the manipulation and in fact are quite comfortable giving up what they should not. Soon the ignoring reality won't work anymore and an awakening will begin. We either support each other or we try to get over on each other. Fortunately only a very small percentage choose the later.


      • #48
        I found the video on 9/11.

        Heavy stuff.


        • #49
          Silly me:

          The 9/11 vidoe which names the culprits: Missing Links


          • #50
            Originally posted by dambit View Post
            It has taken me a while, but as I get around Russell's odd way of wording his explanations it is starting to make sence. Some things still throw me off, but each time I read the material more and more of it becomes clear.

            keep at it, there's some seriously good stuff in it all.
            have you seen "a new concept of the universe"?
            also, may you enjoy these!
            Flickr: esaruoho's Photostream
            Flickr photosets (My visits to the Nikola Tesla&Viktor Schauberger Museums, Steorn Waterways 2009 Orbo demonstration, Earthship Brighton, and also Walter Russell images)
            My electronic music

