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Toroidal Power Unit ( TPU

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  • Toroidal Power Unit ( TPU

    Has anyone had any experience with this device
    free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 2

  • #2
    Steve Marks Toroid Generator

    here is the best Info I have found

    Steve Marks Toroid Generator

    This is a good look at Steve Mark

    Device is Real; Steven Mark wasn't
    Jack Durban's March 19, 2008 Interview with Sterling D. Allan

    check out
    Tesla patent 381,970 circa 1888
    Last edited by tecknomancer; 10-20-2008, 12:36 AM. Reason: add link


    • #3
      Exploding TV's

      This is an interesting subject, and one that you can spend years on and get nowhere

      So far, the replications have apparently all failed.. But with some interesting quirks that leave open the possibility of there being something very interesting here. If you read the literally hundreds of pages of posts regarding this on Overunity forum, a few things stand out. One is that at least 2 people have experienced a major overload /feedback loop condition that destroyed all or most of their test equipment. The common thinking there is that this massive energy surge that happens suddenly within milliseconds is caused by tuning the rings (coils) "too well", meaning that if the proper freq's are found, the power generated goes way off the scale without warning. THIS IS A VERY DANGEROUS situation, and could easily kill you, and maybe even leave a smoking crater where your house used to be. The possibility of it happening is apparently slight, however "slight" is still too risky in my book

      The most interesting thing that Steven Mark said through his weird way of communicating through others imo was about his early years as a television repair technician: He had heard a story about a TV somewhere in Chicago that experienced just such a explosive surge (supposedly "vortex" in nature), which blew out the windows of the apartment and burned a hole in the wall; a plasma explosion that was way beyond anything that should have happened from "normal" failures. It was later traced back to the TV's presumably defective flyback transformer; and many think this is where Mark originally got the idea for the toroid. There is no evidence that this strange event in Chicago was anything more than urban legend, though.

      I'd love to write about this subject someday, but so far it's just too dodgy, lol. And think about this : If it really is this dangerous then it' s probably not a good idea to go spreading it around


      • #4
        maybe even leave a smoking crater where your house used to be.
        Now that's a party.


        • #5
          I trace quiete a lot of Overunity TPU related posts and especially it has nice feature of filter posts by nick. I did that and I got a feeeling that SM was talking about something else , not flyback transformer but maybe rather TV cathode ray tube.Take it under consideration...


          • #6
            pyramids wearing hats; it's stylish atm

            Well you may be too young to remember the bad-old days of color TV repair lol flybacks are mounted right on the rear of the picture tube... In an interesting cone-like physical configuration that is somewhat mimicked by the more recent 3D coil arrangements with 4 circular ring coils arranged like a "pyramid wearing a hat" that are now being tried by some researchers. It consists of 3 coils in a triangular "teepee" shape with a unique F square wave input for each, and the fourth ring coil "hat" suspended over them being the output (there is also a hefty DC bias on them all as well to insure there is never any negative V). Supposedly these 3-D "rings of power" have tremendously more energy output potential than the "flat" coil configuration with coils parallel on the same plane (but since we have yet to see ANY configs work besides possibly in the Mark vids, this is all conjecture at this point).

            However i look at this subject in this manner: If you believe that this device is possible (and i pretty much do)... Then you should also believe in the inherent danger of it. There are unknown forces at work here, "cold" electricity, gravitational, magnetic, aetheric, call it what you will until it can be defined... But when that special resonance condition takes place there could be more energy released within milliseconds than from a bolt of lightening. So i gotta caution, build one at your own risk!

            At any rate it's one heckova story, and a great teaser for turning people on to Free Energy


            • #7
              Originally posted by jibbguy View Post
              But with some interesting quirks that leave open the possibility of there being something very interesting here. If you read the literally hundreds of pages of posts regarding this on Overunity forum, a few things stand out. One is that at least 2 people have experienced a major overload /feedback loop condition that destroyed all or most of their test equipment. The common thinking there is that this massive energy surge that happens suddenly within milliseconds is caused by tuning the rings (coils) "too well", meaning that if the proper freq's are found, the power generated goes way off the scale without warning.
              I had an opportunity to measure and dissect one of the devices causing the power surge that are mentioned at OU forum. I can just say that by properly phasing two or more signals in the TPU version made by guy in OU forum one gets interesting results. The guy told me his scope died in one of his experiments. I mixed only two signals and they were not properly phased because I needed two chained waveform generators and at time I had only one in lab. The effects I observed are perculiar since they largely depend on materials used for wires and core as well as on signal being properly phased, tuned and in proper harmonic relation. I did spectrum analysis of the signal and it seems that signals had to be (I'm speaking from memory here so take this with a grain of salt) 3rd and 5th harmonic of the fundamental frequency in order to reach maximum power transfer. The intersting thing was that it seemed that power source consumption doesn't corelate with power dissipated on load. That could mean two things- either there is no real power coupling between source and load (no Lentz) or the device really produce excess energy (or both cases). Again, take this info with a reserve since with all the intermixing of various signals related both harmonically as well as in phase it's extremely hard to make proper measurements even with the top of the range measuring equipment I use. I mean there are harmonic peaks all over spectrum with various inter-frequencies of various levels.

              Either way, I checked this guy circuitry and he mannaged to burn a number of MOSFETs and other semiconductors with all the power surges and voltage spikes going around. I suggested various protection circuits which wouldn't affect operation of device but would protect semiconductors. I doubt he took my advice but the guy have a patience of an sfinga so he tries and tries and do test after test. The last I heard is that there are some new developments in his setup and resuts. I don't know exactly what since I don't have time to mess with yet another project but I provide him with necessary materials and parts including some rather exotic and expensive ones so I hope he succeeds. I'm not sure this is even close to TPU mode of operation but there are some weird effects and interactions of non-linear nature.


              • #8
                Bruce TPU

                Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
                Here's perhaps Bruce TPU's coolest video; Bruce demonstrates voltage climbing
                as he adds lengths of copper wire end to end in series:


                review of Bruce TPU theory. standing wave plus other frequencies
                that bang together.


