why didnt robert adams patent it?
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Free Energy Home Generator - Australian Invention
Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View PostHi Guys,
While I'm sure there may be other points of view on this, here is mine, having seen the whole thing unfold over the years.
It starts back in 1992 when ROBERT ADAMS published plans for his motor/generator in Nexus Magazine. About 6 years later, Lutec shows up with their first prototype of Adams' system, claiming to be the inventors. Adams immediately went ballistic, claiming both priority and intellectual property theft. Adams lived in New Zealand, and Lutec was in Australia, so there wasn't much Adams could do except complain.
The first Lutec machine used BRUSH COMMUTATORS and apparently worked. At that point, they started raising money. But, not being the inventors, and not really understanding the technology, they immediately thought they could go to solid-state switching and everything would just scale up easily. OOOPS! For years, they were "right around the corner" with their big, shiny, power plant...that never worked. Their US Patent is granted for a simple commutation system, not a power supply.
After 4 years of total failure with the solid-state circuits, these geniuses finally got the idea to go back to what they had stolen from Adams in the first place. Voila! The LEA is born, sporting a fancy, new.... BRUSH COMMUTATOR!!!!!
The rest is recent history... leading to the deal with EverGreen. But even the EverGreen site is over 2 years old. They just have a little "bot" that plugs today's date into the top of the page, but really, nothing has happened on that site in over a year, either.
The moral of this story is: "People who steal aren't smart enough to do it right in the first place."
Robert Adams was a genius and a good friend of mine. His passing was a great loss to the FE movement. He is sorely missed.
Adams had for sure some Patents on it, but, not sure, how it is, when you have the patent, how you arrange the Magnets, or put on the Coils, like Tom Bearden did.
Maybe someone did build one, but only dont make ot public.
I think, there is not someone here, to say, i got one.
One more Word to Geroge Soukup.
Here is his hard research for Magnetism.
Video is added at April, he claims since Sept or something.
YouTube - Magnet Motor - Calloway V Gate : 02
He looks anyway more like someone, wo is paid from someone, but No, i stop beeing rudeLast edited by Joit; 10-31-2008, 11:24 PM.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
Originally posted by Joit View PostAdams had for sure some Patents on it, but, not sure, how it is, when you have the patent, how you arrange the Magnets, or put on the Coils, like Tom Bearden did.
Maybe someone did build one, but only dont make ot public.
I think, there is not someone here, to say, i got one.
One more Word to Geroge Soukup.
Here is his hard research for Magnetism.
Video is added at April, he claims since Sept or something.
YouTube - Magnet Motor - Calloway V Gate : 02
He looks anyway more like someone, wo is paid from someone, but No, i stop beeing rude
All I have...
Originally posted by jibbguy View Post@Peter,
Adams had many designs; could you pls point us towards the one that the Lutek system was based on?
And... Congrats on your new venture!! It sounds very promising
Over the years, I spoke with Robert on the phone dozens of times. I have in my files scores of letters from our personal correspondence, copies of all of his books, reams of test results and dozens of color photos of his working machines and test set-ups. Unfortunately, I never got over to New Zealand to see him demonstrate his machines before his death. We planned for me to visit him for years, but I never seemed to have sufficient resources to make the trip. It is one of the great regrets of my life.
I wish I knew the answer to your question, but I do not. For this, I am deeply sorry. Of all the people I know who knew Robert the best, I would say Tom Butler knows the most. He visited Robert a number of times in the 2001-2002 time frame, and even sold small working models of Roberts motors here in the States about 6 years ago. If anyone knows, its Tom. He used to have a website called www.ButlerLabs.com, but it is no longer current.
Here is a link to the archived site: * ButlerLabs.Com Alternative Energy, Free Energy News
PeterLast edited by Peter Lindemann; 11-02-2008, 12:04 AM.
Despite all this note that Evergreen (Lutec deal) has experienced some suppression.
Evergreen Amplifier
Cant happen in a public research and development center for this SPECIFIC technology
I've heard other's say that the brush commutator adds energy into the system by chemical combustion of the alloy in the brush itself. But this explanation sounds rather strange, as the amount of energy thus produced could not possibly match the COP>4 or >5 claims (at least by my understanding of it.. if so some laws of chemistry need to be re-written).
So could it be simply traced back be our old friend; DC spikes coming from the commutator (harvested as collapsing coil energy/aetheric energy)? And the rest of the circuit being a highly efficient Lenz-less motor arrangement? If so then those spikes are producing much more energy that we have seen in the past (the possible exception being some Tesla Switch-like devices with mechanical switching.. Which in over 20 years are not replicatable either it would seem). So imo the actual motive energy behind these devices (Lutek, EverGreen, even Adams...) are still, really when you think about it, "unknown".
It is frustrating to only ever have questions about these devices, and never hard answers. And the frustration is like that which comes from seeing a friend continue to ruin his/her life with drink, drugs, or gambling.
If anyone reading here is involved in the development of these devices: Note that this is your best, and perhaps only, chance of meeting with success... Let us REPLICATE IT ("us" being the Open Source community). Otherwise no one is listening, and skeptics will continue to swarm you (and the closer you come to success, the greater will be your obstacles to getting these technologies marketed). Please note that the credibility factor of these particular devices are now shot... You cannot constantly miss dates and break promises without consequences (...this is not the commercial electronics manufacturing world lol, and for better or worse you are held to a much higher standard). There is only one way to repair your credibility, and only one way to get the devices out to the public. Otherwise, even the most gullible, dreamy-eyed optimists (such as myself lol) finally decide that your claims are bunk. We have shown patience: You have not rewarded it.
You wanna be a millionaire hero?... Show us something. We can help you achieve that goal
Jib, is not only an open source engineer but also can write really well, what a show off
Jib check out Stefan's info from them,. (OU forum), when i spoke to him on the phone he actually told lutec what the problem was for their comuntator or some thing, i distinctly remember being blown away from what Stefan said, he of cause used his experience with Newman and others.Stefan is actually not a bad engineer IMO.
I believe that Adams released his patens to the public domain, and that's why he was furious that the Lutec people tries to patent his technology. I don't have the link ready, but I think I found it off of the PESWIKI site. I read Adams very thorough walk through of the Lutec technology, comparing it to his own and others' work.
Right-on Bro
Yer right-on about Stefan Hartmann, m8, he is brilliant and a font of info on literally thousands of free-energy subjects. He also has all the personal bonafides in research and replication as well (which m8, despite your kind words, i do not).
And i believe Stefan is one of the proponents on the alloy of the brushes being converted to energy, and supplying at least some of the COP> there. And in that case, he would also appear to believe the laws of chemistry need to be re-written (and i would not bet against him on that).
But lets look at that a bit, in that if this Lutek device (the earlier one in the famous Aussie TV news video) is producing, say even 1kW (less than he claimed there), then the idea of 1.2kW (with .2 looped back for self-operation) coming from the brushes is kinda bizarre. We would think something else must be doing it. On the motor side of it; permanent magnet rotor, cleverly ripple-pulsed electromagnet windings ala Adams.. Coil collapse pulse recovery to combat or eliminate BEMF... Could contribute to the general output as well. But to take Mr. Christie at his word there, COP>5, would mean success way beyond any other documented Adams replication before or since. Is there something unique about his generating coils as well? Damn, wish we knew lol.
Lets look at what the brushes do; act as mechanical switching to turn on the stator coils at the proper timing, one would presume from other similar designs (or as Adams did anyway). Are the coils amplifying the large spikes coming from the commutators into useful energy??? Possibly these spikes can even power the coils themselves?
Why bother with these useless speculations? Lol good question....
Unless some1 out there starts thinking about this and has an epiphany
There is a very old and oft-retold story from the late 50's -early 60's about a military technology think-tank and research group that brought in several young and highly intelligent scientists for a new secret project, and then showed them some movie film (no video in those days lol) of a supposedly alien technology that could power a small personal rocket-pack of some type for manned free-flight (the story is not very specific on the technology). The military then gave these young scientists the mission of replicating it as quickly as possible. Of course these young geniuses were at first frustrated that there wasn't any hard info, and snorted at the military's "ignorance" of the realities involved in creating a whole new technology from nothing but speculation. But... for 2 years they struggled and worked day and night, and tried many different angles and new technologies (some of which didn't work for the rocket pack, but proved useful in other projects later). And eventually, despite having nothing to go on but the certainty that it had been done before (and therefor was not "impossible"), finally the scientists had a rocket pack design they could show their masters... And one that worked very well.
So after this successful initial development phase was over, and it was all mainly engineering work after that; many of the scientists moved on to other projects. Several years later, one of these met-up with one of the military men "masters" who was also involved in that rocket-pack project... And over a beer they talked about "the old days". After a bit, the military man chuckled, and told the stunned scientist this:
The alien technology film was a fake: There never was a rocket pack BEFORE THE PROJECT CREATED ONE.
Yup good points about Stefan, well your still welcome to come into the shop and get hands dirty regardless any time man
Haha, yeah i heard Stan Deyo say a similar thing - he said never underestimate the power of the mind, - He said they got an actor and scientist in once -they got an actor some where to come in and he then flew off and then crashed(in the film), they said to the scientist, now we need you to figure out how he did that.(flew not crashed lol)
After the scientist figured some anti gravity, they were sat down and the actor walked into the room, and smiled. They were told that because of the scientific dogma they have, they had to show them this fake, or they would of never thought about anti gravity as being possible.
I am waiting for the people who endorse the "secret" to come in and hi jack this thread now LOL(law of attraction). One thing they the fony military stories and the secret proved tho.Never underestimate an aggressive marketing scheme
Thx for the invite
I would love to make it there Down Under and get hands-dirtyBut at this point, sailing my little '22 boat there ala Tristan Jones would take about 10 months (if i survived lol).
Plus, i have recently gotten involved in a project here regarding tide power.. We are hoping to field the first of several 5 kW turbine generators, anchored in the channels between Keys where the tidal flow is concentrated and highest, within 2 years (...if we get our Grants from the State of Florida). It's not "F-E", but it'll due for now until you guys finally get it right lol (jk). And at least i get access to some good equipment
The design of this one is fairly unique, with magnetic bearings and centerless turbine impeller (to allow fish under 5" to transit without damage). If anyone out there knows anything about tidal gen installations, pls contact me via PM; we need some correlating graph data from other systems to help go towards "general viability" grant requirements... This is a not-for-profit project and any help like that would be deeply appreciatedLemme warn you guys: Writing Grant Requests is a whole 'nuther world!!
BTW M8: In the interest of "disclosure" lol, that jet-pack story originated from a short-story published in one of the old Sci-Fi magazines like "Amazing Stories" in the late 50's. Somewhere around here i've got the reprinted story in an anthology. There is some popular lore about it in the Sci-Fi world: The rumor is that the author was a U.S. government scientist using a pen-name, and that the story was actually true. After all, that is the time period when the first rocket packs were built, so it is possible (they became de-classified around 1964).
I have personally seen this machine
Hi Guys,
Well I guess I live in the right place. I have actually seen this machine in it's early stages....................nooooo, I haven't seen it working. But at least it exists, working or not.