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Radiant spike colloidal silver

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  • Radiant spike colloidal silver


    This question pertains more to the chemical action of the process, which is why this question is in the energy section.
    I have been making some colloidal silver with my Bedini fan setup (without the cap in the circuit). I was thinking about how the radiant spike has a rejuvenating effect on the batter, and I was curious as to how it would effect making colloidal silver, if the properties of the water or silver would be different.
    Has anyone else experimented with this?
    I would imagine large spikes of positive energy would produce big particles which would not be good. But what about negative energy?
    The color that this stuff came out was a brighter looking gold color than when I use my pulser. Also the taste of the pulser product seems to be a little rough going down, while the radiant spike product appears to be a bit better recieved. I dare say less acidic tasting, something to that effect anyway.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this? I would like to continue taking it and see what the results are.



  • #2
    First of all what you seek is ionic silver rather than colloidal silver. Also, even at the highest concentration of silver ions in the water, the water should remain absolutely clear to the naked eye. If you get anything other than clear liquid that means aglomeration of silver particles happened and effectiveness of your silver is compromised.

    I tried and succeeded using inductive collapse to produce ionic silver but there are some things to be observed. For example the higher the impedance of solution the better since then you'll get voltage spikes with almost no current. If you get impedance too low then inductive collapse voltage spikes will get "transformed" into current to get everything in balance energy-wise since total energy output and energy input should be equal. Higher current is not bad as such but it does tend to cause faster aglomeration and that's not such a good thing. In some tests I did on the yeast and bacteria cultures I didn't find any difference between ionic silver I produced by using small constant current and by that produced using inductive collapse voltage spikes. And it was PITA keeping impedance of solution sufficiently high in order to keep the current to the minimum.

    The way I produce ionic silver is by using round, closed loop pure silver electrodes (99.999%) with laboratory grade distilled water. The constant current source (programmable laboratory power supply) is set to 1mA and a fast fluid stirrer is used the whole time of the process. I use PWT tester as well as laser method to test for the concentration and possible signs of aglomeration. I was able to produce ~23ppm concentration, with almost no aglomeration and all the while the solution remained perfectly clear in the appearance. Concentration and composition in that particular case was tested by professional chemistry lab.


    • #3
      I have read and heard John himself state radiant energy can be use for healing, but i never found out what exact system he was referring too and i still cant find it, maybe he was talking about his Rife stuff i don't know.


      • #4

        when you say round, closed loop electrodes, do you mean two and not one electrodes though? I would assume you mean two U shape electrodes each connected to one end of the source PSU.

        How long are your electrodes for 1mA of current and what voltage do you apply/keep (are you keeping voltage constant beside current)? Do you have any current to wet electrodes length ratio/figures?

        Have you ever thought about nebulizing the solution and inahling it for the most immediate effect/distribution to the body? I got me a nebulizer but never tested it because somehow I'm never happy with my solutions (conductivity wise or strong Tyndall)


        lighty is absolutely right about colour (or lack thereof) in the solution. Gold signifies that the particle size is way too big, and whilst that might be useful for oral application I would not ingest it since it has large clusters that probably will have no effect and will just go through your body.

        There's lots of talk about the colour and most say that it should be colour-less to a slight tint of blue, with a fade Tyndall effect when a laser is shone through the solution.

        Here's what Peter Lindemann says about the colour in one article (Colloidal Silver: "A Closer Look")

        There has been a fair amount of controversy in the public literature concerning the appearance of the "yellow" color. A lot of well meaning people have told me that "yellow is bad", "silver isn't yellow", "yellow is sulfur contamination", "yellow is iron contamination", and lots of other things. I finally found what I believe to be the answer to this question in a book titled Practical Colloid Chemistry, published in London in 1926. In the section on the "Colours of Colloidal Metals", sub-section on the "Polychromism of silver solutions" on page 69, I found the following statements: "The continuous change in colour from yellow to blue corresponds to a change in the absorption maximum of the shorter to longer wave-lengths with a decreasing degree of dispersion. This is a general phenomenon in colloid chemistry illustrating the relation between colour and degree of dispersion." This section goes on to describe the colors that show up in a wide variety of colloidal metal solutions. Interestingly, they ALL have a yellow phase. For true "electro-colloidal" silver, the particle size range that can appear yellow is .01 to .001 microns (10 to 100 angstroms) because that is the size of silver particle that best absorbs the indigo light, leaving only its inverse color, yellow, to be observed. The final transparent-yellow appearance only shows up after the particles have become evenly dispersed.
        Ideally, a TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) could determine the particle size, which really should be on the level of 1-10nm for the particles to have real effect on bacteria/virii (if we consider the theory that they "choke" them by binding to a specific proteins the beforementioned use to "feed").

        Other theory is that energized silver particles interfere with the DNA structure of the bacteria/virii by resonating on the same frequency. This one sort of goes along with what Lakhovsky was talking about in his research, that DNA strands form tank circuits which have definitive resonant frequency, depending on their lenght. They did not know about DNA at the time, they only saw fibers that coiled around inside the cells.

        I'm not sure which theory is right, but I'd love to find out...maybe there's some medical paper on the subject, just that we mortals don't have access to it because its locked on some pay-per-view science site.

        Lastly, here are two books that could be useful in the process:

        Colloids in health and disease (1920)

        Practical Colloid Chemistry (1926)
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #5
          Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
          I have read and heard John himself state radiant energy can be use for healing, but i never found out what exact system he was referring too and i still cant find it, maybe he was talking about his Rife stuff i don't know.

          The system he is talking about is not the Rife system as you may think you know it. Based on my research as well on discussions regarding obscure Russian systems I engineered several simple devices using RE for healing and I got significant positive results. I discussed and shared my thoughts with Bedini and he engineered his slightly different version. At the moment he is taking his research in a direction which is most interesting indeed. He is not ready to go public with this system and I respect his wishes so that's all I'm going to say on a subject at this time. Suffice it to say that people using Bedini SG for healing are doing their bodies a great disservice.


          • #6

            Yes, you're correct I'm using U shaped round electrodes. Any other shape or geometry will cause severe aglomeration and will produce various silver oxides which will contaminate solution in the sense of rendering it unusable. Also, silver used for the electrodes must be pure to at least second decimal (99.99%). Length and surface of electrodes doesn't matter too much if you use constant current source.

            As for the water- the best water for producing ionic silver is the water for injection because it's completely sterile and it is a real distilled water (it's not merely de-mineralized water).

            I use constant current source to limit current to as small value as possible (in my case 1mA but that depends on the precision of the current source) because after extensive experimenting I found out that smaller current produces smaller particles (it also lengthens the process but who cares, right?). Nowadays I use constant current laboratory power supply. The voltage doesn't really matter as long as you don't exceed a certain value. I never go over 50V but that fact is only related to the specs of my laboratory power supply.
            You can also make a small constant current source with a couple of cheap transistors and resistors. In the past I made some small devices with current mirror topology.

            Very important part is that one MUST use stirrer to constantly and rapidly circulate solution in order to prevent aglomeration. So it allows for higher concentration of silver ions by preventing their aglomeration.

            As for the controll of the silver ions concentration you can use laser so that in the dim lit environment laser beam (as watched from above) is clearly visible but have a kind of ghostly appearance. You want to avoid "thick" laser beams effect since it usually indicates too large particles. Personally I prefer to use PWT tester to directly measure concentration of silver ions. The error is about 1% for my cheap PWT meter but it's still much more reliable than laser beam indication by Tyndall efect. Perhapse the best way to controll the concentration and quality would be to use both PWT meter as well as laser beam to stop the reaction at the optimum moment.

            Hope this helps.


            • #7
              A word of caution:

              Originally posted by brusers View Post

              Anyone have any thoughts on this? I would like to continue taking it [colloidal silver] and see what the results are.

              Thanks, Marcel
              Hi Marcel,

              I just noticed this thread, and thought that I should post a word of caution regarding silver intake. While very small amounts of silver from time to time can be beneficial, some people have thought that more would be even better for you. Unfortunately, this is not so. You may have already heard about the following story of the blue skinned man. If not, then please take the time to read it.
     - Man Claims Skin Treatment Turned Face Permanent Blue - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

              Best wishes to you,

              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • #8

                I have seen that video, it's unfortunate that things like that happen.
                Sounds like he is getting along fine though.
                I don't plan on going too overboard with it.. lol
                And from what I've studied the colloidal form is easily processed from the body.
                Lighty, thanks for the tips there, I'll give some of it a go when I get some time.
                The healing stuff is what has caught my attention lately, as with school I've only had reading time, no bench time. Which really really sucks.. priorities.
                We are learning about wave modulation and radio freq carrier waves etc.
                So now I'm understanding what Bedini is talking about on his interview about Rife. Very interesting stuff.. There was another interview with Timothy Thrapp where he was talking about using certain pulses enveloped by a high frequency, but he said that envelope was in the Dominant (radiant) energy range. He also talked about Stubblefield produces his fields from the ground batteries, and somehow he was manipulating that for healing.
                Would anyone happen to know what they mean by establishing a flow of radiant energy? Is that just a really fast train of impulses?
                So yeah, the silver experiments will continue, thanks a lot for the inputs.
                Everyone around here in Finalnd right now is catching some bad flu, usually I'm the first to get it when they come around, nothing so far..
                Thanks for the responses everyone!



                • #9

                  IIRC - ionic silver kills bacteria by effectively merging with their sulfohydryl compound groups. Since they are responsible for their respiration process silver ions effectively kill bacteria by suffocating it.

                  No matter what anecdotal cases say I'm highly sceptical as to ionic silver direct anti-viral properties. Yes, it can probably help your immune system by lowering the strain of bacterial or yeast infections hence enabling organism to better fight viruses. So it might help with a flu but I doubt it will cure it by direct action.


                  • #10
                    Fox news is nothing more than senseless corperate propaganda as is CNN and should never be relied upon for real news. This article was intended to scare "everyone" off of colloidal silver which has many benefits ---but as you say in moderation. There is an old saying that if you want someone to do something they claim they would never consider all you have to do is make them afraid. I just read that Afghanistan is producing record amounts of heroin since the americans took power, I wonder if CNN or Fox will tell that story?


                    • #11

                      Thanks for the info. Have you ever measured your particle size with an electron microscope, because I do firmly believe that both particle size of 1-10nm can be achieved and that those sizes are highly effective against any viral agents?

                      Regarding the constant current, have you seen (or tried) the simple circuit using LM334Z, two resistors and 1N4148 and if you have any thoughts about it?

                      Also. I'm puzzled about the use of PWT because my understanding is it only indicates the conductivity of the solution and not really a particle concentration (which is computed by the meter based on the conductivity readings)?

                      Last but not least, could you please talk more about those healing devices you have engineered using the RE, anything you can share with us (publicly or privately) that we can build and test?
                      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                      • #12

                        I have friends at the chemistry institute so they tested the solution for me. I can ask them to use precise particle measurement next time because I'm really not sure what methods did they use.

                        As for the constant current circuit I would have to look at the schematic you're suggesting. I used ordinary current mirror topology, to be more precise it was usually Wilson current mirror because of it's stability. The only thing you have to do is to match BJTs.

                        As for the PWT you're correct, however TDS meters are using the same principle. The only reason to use PWT is that they usually have better accuracy. Don't forget that conductivity of the water for injection is an order of magnitude lower than that of the tap or even demineralized water. So basically when you take initial reading as a reference and you have a callibrated instrument with a definite conductvitiy, geometry and distance of the probes then you can directly correlate conductivity of the water to the concentration of dissolved solids or in this case of the silver ions. Of course this method is not ideal but it's the chepaest if you don't want to do several hundreds of USD tests every time. So TDS and PWT meters are perfectly fine for home use. Also, if you think that's imprecise then you forgot that laser pointers are far from ideal laser source so by the same token one would have to buy callibrated cohherency and wavelength lasers and use photodetectors in the controlled light environment. I don't think that's realistic for home production of ionic silver.

                        As for the viral infection effectivity I already said I highly doubt it even exists. There are very well known mechanisms of ionic silver suffocation of microbes and yeasts, however because of the differences between microbes and viruses there are no know mechanisms with which silver ions could affect viruses. Not everythnig is in size of particles- there are simply no sulfohydryl compounds to be neutralized (or rather blocked) in the viruses.

                        As for the healing devices, as I already said I'm not ready to share info publicly or privately for various reasons which I won't go into at this moment. Sorry. Things are a bit more complicated then they seem at the first glance. I'm sure Bedini will release his findings when he's ready. Same goes for me. I do however share some of the concepts with Aaron because I got to know him in more than one way him and I trust him not to misuse shared info.
                        Last edited by lighty; 10-30-2008, 03:53 AM.


                        • #13
                          radiant vs positive

                          So when running these radiant spikes through the water is it taking some other kind of charge? I understand the ionization. But I have heard, for example, of running raidant energy through a coil around a gas line adds radiant energy to the gas helping the combustablity. I'm sure there is a little more to that, but it was also said that it is not your normal ionization that is going on.. So I was wondering if there was a difference with the fact that it is a negative energy.
                          Like I said before, the positive energy tasted offensive. Like burnt whiskey. And the color was a dirty yellow. This batch is basically clear with a light golden tint. And it is actually clear for the first day or so.
                          And lighty, this does take a bit longer to make as well, I have to run it for around 8 or 9 hours, where before it was around 90 minutes.
                          I have about 40 volt pulses coming out of that fan, nothing too major. And I buit it so the cap can be switched off, so I can use it for different experiments, so minus the transduction there. And the fact that it is a potential I would believe would fulfil the no current requirement. I understand that there is a little current developed in that circuit as the spike is triggered, but I believe it to be negligible.

                          Thanks again for all the info, and thanks for the pdf's amigo.. finally got them off of that site.. lol

                          Last edited by brusers; 10-30-2008, 07:04 AM. Reason: forgot something


                          • #14
                            OK, let's clarify some things regarding RE. When you take RE discharge, regardless of the method used to get it, and push it through a load of some definite impedance, some amount of RE gets converted to current. Depending on the voltage and capacity (or better yet quantity of charge) of source and impedance of load more or less RE will get converted and you will get lower of higher current in the load. Things are more complicated in the real life but let's just stick with this simplification for a minute, we're discussing ionic silver production after all. So, because impedance of your silver solution will vary with concentration of silver ions you will get progressively rising current which will result in the bigger particles of silver. You would continuously have to adjust output voltage levels to compensate for the lowering impedance of the solution.

                            It seems to me that you were using higher current density to produce ionic silver in the first place (bigger particles and pronounced aglomeration) and when you started using RE pulser you simply got lower current density because you got lower current at some low frequency. So, why not simply use constant current source of some predefined (low) current value? It's much simpler and more controllable. That's IMO, of course. You're entitled to your interpretation of course.


                            • #15
                              To kill virus, bacteries, parasites and others:

                              Hello everybody,

                              I'm sorry about this post that is not about colloidal silver, but it's also about killing deseases, so I go ahead;

                              The hotest killer of diseases is Chlorine Dioxide, and now it's changing this world, after breakthough by Jim Humble.

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                              You will NEVER experience flu anymore !

                              Good luck,

