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rife machine

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  • rife machine

    Hi ,

    this is probably the wrong section for this ..

    Does anyone have any info redgarding the raymond rife machine ..

    he used it to heal cancer in the 1930-40's

    Theres a youtube clip YouTube - Royal Raymond Rife Video Documentary - 125 Minutes


    "the secret cure for all diseases"

    YouTube - The Secret To Cure All Diseases 1 of 8

    he used it to cure cancer and alot of other diseases in the body .

    He aparently was a genius and teamed with carl zeis to make one of the most powerful microscope of that time.

    I wonder if anyone has managed to duplicate the machine .


  • #2
    Reply to samemf:

    There is quite a bit of information available at the following website link:

    Royal Rife - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • #3
      Extremely interesting!

      Just watched all 8 videos + the primer...

      This is very exciting information. Especially the results from the 1934 experiments using Rifes High Frequency electrical pulse and carrier wave to cure cancers and other diseases.

      It seems that lawsuits from AMA types and other political influences which certainly include pharma company's have stopped this for their own agendas.

      Great post
      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4
        More rife info

        Already has been a subtopic on this you may want to check out this thread. seems to be a major hub of info on this.

        Also I found another forum that is HEAVY into this here.

        The Rife Forum

        I took a minor look at this forum and it looks very very good.

        It is hard to know which rife machine is reliable and works, you can get people's opinion but would be better if we had microscopes that could show us the work.

        There is a google video of a rife machine killing a organism,

        Rife-Bare Plasma Experiment Destroys Microorganisms (June 28 '07)

        I love the internet the info is getting out.

        Also on youtube there is lyme video about rife.

        YouTube - Rife machines to treat Lyme Disease

        Cheers !

        See my experiments here...

        You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


        • #5
          ~ Raymond Rife / Wilhelm Reich ~

          Originally posted by Samemf View Post
          Hi ,
          Does anyone have any info redgarding the raymond rife machine ..

          I wonder if anyone has managed to duplicate the machine .

          Hi Sam,
          Do a search for Cloud busting or cloud buster, this is another fascinating area where he was able to alter/control clouds and weather and also affect plant growth. That should raise more sources for information on his lifes work.

          You can reproduce the cloud buster easily with a length of 4" soil pipe, or copper tubing and a water hose! Truly incredible stuff.

          this looks very interesting
          How to Build A Cloudbuster to disperse Chemtrails and Improve the Weather

          Ooooops... sorry, got the names mixed up!

          ~ Raymond Rife / Wilhelm Reich ~
          anyway, both were brilliant and I'm sure you won't mind the links?

          (I blame it on old age, or fluoride ;-(

          By Jove!
          Last edited by byjoveoldchap; 10-30-2008, 01:42 PM.
          "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
          ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


          • #6
            RE: cloud busting

            >Hi Sam,
            >Do a search for Cloud busting or cloud buster>
            , this is another fascinating area where he was able to alter/control
            >clouds and weather and also affect plant growth. That should raise more
            >sources for information on his lifes work.

            I am not sold on cloud busting. Have you done this yourself? I believe someone was just playing with photoshop on the screen. I could be wrong but from what I have seen there is far less science in cloudbusting as compared to Rife.
            See my experiments here...

            You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


            • #7
              The same technology can be utilized to program at distance, disease... and that is why it will not soon see the light of day.

              For those interested, Tom Bearden has also spoke about the source of such capacities.

              While the upside of such technology for the individual would be monumental, the cost to current economic infrastructures would be catastrophic.

              This subject sits on the same shelf as "wireless free electricity for all."

              You want the beach? Quietly assemble one grain of sand at a time, then we can talk.


              • #8
                Re: Suppression

                Originally posted by wpage View Post
                Just watched all 8 videos + the primer...
                It seems that lawsuits from AMA types and other political influences which certainly include pharma company's have stopped this for their own agendas.
                Yes W, suppression of Rife technology definitely occurred, and it's just the kind of thing we would expect from the AMA and Pharma companies. They are perfectly happy with their cut and burn technologies for treating cancer victims at huge expense, which of course equals huge profits. If I had cancer I would definitely be inclined to give rife technology and diet first stab at a cure.

                Speaking of Rife suppression, here is a good link to some very interesting details concerning that factor:
                SQUAREWAVERESEARCH.COM - Use Rife machine frequencies to shatter cancer, bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • #9
                  Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

                  Originally posted by theremart View Post
                  I am not sold on cloud busting. Have you done this yourself? I believe someone was just playing with photoshop on the screen. I could be wrong but from what I have seen there is far less science in cloudbusting as compared to Rife.
                  I can undestand your scepticism theremart, the cloud busting idea does not seem logical or scientific, but it is the man and his work that is of real value to us all.

                  This is the basis of his life long study...

                  What at first appeared to be only "bioelectricity" was later clarified by Reich as a much more powerful bioenergetic force -- a form of life-energy at work within living organisms, expressing itself as emotion and sexuality, but also directly observable in the microscope as a bluish-glowing field around living blood cells and other substances.

                  This bluish-glowing energy, which he eventually called orgone energy (to preserve its relationship with living processes), was later observed as a blue-glowing aura-like phenomenon around organisms, trees and even mountain ranges. The blue orgone also exists in a free form within the atmosphere -- Reich wrote about an "envelope" of blue-glowing energy surrounding the Earth long before the first satellite photos confirmed it.

                  Reich's experiments in these directions led to even more controversy: new methods for ending drought and greening deserts, and new approaches to the problem of nuclear waste detoxification.
                  During the course of Reich's investigations, he developed a special metal-lined enclosure which attracted a high charge of orgone energy inside itself, directly from the atmosphere: the orgone energy accumulator . The orgone accumulator was proven to charge seeds and increase garden plant growth, speed the healing of burns and cuts, and there are a number of physical experiments which demonstrate anomalous phenomena inside the accumulator.

                  Reich observed that certain kinds of low-energy illness, such as cancer, would symptomatically yield to careful application of the orgone accumulator. After he moved to the USA, he treated people experimentally with his combined emotional/orgone-energetic approach. Within a few years, however, he was attacked by US Food and Drug Administration, which was at that time (1955) in an all-out "war" against natural healing methods (the repression of natural healing methods has always been a major agenda of the FDA). The FDA obtained a court injunction which ordered the banning and burning of Reich's books -- any book containing the forbidden word "orgone" was ordered destroyed, even his classics on human sexuality which only mentioned orgone energy in the preface! The FDA factually burned Reich's books and journals on several occasions (most recently in 1962), while Reich was given a 2-year jail sentence for a misdemeanor technicality, dying in prison in 1957.

                  this site provides more info and background

                  Who was Dr. Wilhelm Reich and why has history tried so hard to erase him?

                  Before dismissing what you are about to read, consider that the FDA did everything in its power to eliminate the knowledge of orgone energy from the world because, it claimed, "it doesn't exist." If orgone energy does not exist, it is, therefore, not a threat, is it? Rather than ignore this thing that does not exist, the FDA effectively sentenced Dr. Wilhelm Reich to death and, for at least a decade, actively pursued a campaign to destroy all the books, notes and research papers it could find containing the word "orgone."

                  Judging by the government's actions, orgone energy does, indeed, exist.

                  Who was Dr. Wilhelm Reich and why has history tried so hard to erase him? by Jerry Morton
                  Last edited by byjoveoldchap; 10-31-2008, 01:15 AM.
                  "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
                  ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


                  • #10
                    Man's Right to Know - Reich & Priore

                    Priore's methodology might be interesting to you if you're interested in Rife.
                    The Tom Bearden Website

                    Here is a free vid on Reich by the way:
                    Internet Archive: Details: Wilhelm Reich - Man's Right to Know
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      Priore's methodology might be interesting to you if you're interested in Rife.
                      The Tom Bearden Website

                      Here is a free vid on Reich by the way:
                      Internet Archive: Details: Wilhelm Reich - Man's Right to Know
                      Thanks for the video link Aaron. I had no idea he had designed motors around his discoveries! Hmmm... his orgone box is an accumulator... blue orgone energy... attracted to steel and absorbed by organic materials... aether, chi, prana, life force.
                      "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
                      ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


                      • #12
                        Hi All
                        I became interested in Rife because my brother-in-law was dying of cancer to the liver. I did scrape some money together to buy a machine referenced by John Bedini The BCX Ultra The Rife machine that you know works.( actually the Ultra is the improved version) It does what it says at least as far as I can tell. My brother refused to use it which I don't understand he died last Aug.

                        I used it on my sister for a migrane headache. She ahd the the headache for three days then used my machine in desperation and in a couple of hours the headache disappeared. She doesn't ( neither do I ) know if it may have been psychosematic.

                        I had a lung infection and used the machine before I took anti biotics and the flem ( yuck) change from yellow to white. So it seemed to work.

                        The other machine that I would suggest a friend of mine got was the GB4000 Rife Machine and GB4000 Frequency Generator Comparisons.
                        It doesn't have ray tubes which the Ultra does and it seems to be more prone to possible short circuit than the Ultra. It also doesn't come with Ray tubes. The tubes are import in my opinion because it can deliver interferometry better than pads and Rife only used Tubes never pads that was the idea of others.

                        The mystery has come off a lot of this tech. thanks to the work of John Bedini and the makers of GB4000. I studied this a lot and these two seem to be the real deal. The GB has a little more versitility ( ie more power= Mhz which may be important, more than 3 frequencies, and sweeping mode, but doesnt come with tubes, check out my posts here: One could get you in trouble with FCC using tubes with this unit but it is better than dying! Tubes can be bought for the GB4000 at then it would be almost he exact "Rife " machine.

                        Good luck


                        • #13
                          "The Royal Rife Story"

                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Priore's methodology might be interesting to you if you're interested in Rife.
                          The Tom Bearden Website
                          Here is a free vid on Reich by the way:
                          Internet Archive: Details:
                          Wilhelm Reich - Man's Right to Know
                          Just came across some more excellent information on Rife and his microscope.
                          I'm sure this will be an insightful read for anyone interested.

                          "The Royal Rife Story"
                          Below are MP3 Audio Clips from the MPEG Video Documentary.

                          Produced by AAA Production © 2002
                          336 East 200 Sq Price, Utah 84501 To order video call 888-436-4420

                          1. The Early Years
                          2. The Benefactors
                          3. His Work Begins
                          4. His First Microscope
                          5. He Receives Recognition
                          6. Dr. Johnson, Dr. Kendall, and the K-Medium
                          7. Viruses and Mutation
                          8. "The End To All Disease"
                          9. The Cancer Virus
                          10. The Universal Microscope [ The "Ergonom Series" of Modern Light-Source-like Ultra-Microscopes ]
                          11. Dr. Rife's Laboratory - Isolating the cancer virus - Injecting the cancer virus - Growing cancer virus - The very first pictures of the cancer virus - Showing dead cancer virus after using ray tube instrument
                          12. Dr. Johnson's 1934 Clinic
                          13. The Rife Ray
                          14. The New Method – Audio Frequencies On A Carrier Wave
                          15. 1930's Beam Ray Corporation
                          16. Antibiotics vs. Frequencies
                          17. Life Labs: The New Instrument
                          18. A Great Loss And A New Interest

                          click here to visit website
                          "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
                          ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


                          • #14
                            Looks like there is not much interest in this technology, even though it is thought provoking. Yesterday I stumbled across some intervieuw with John Bedini with Jeff Rense at YouTube:

                            YouTube - Jeff Rense Radio - John Bedini's Work on Royal Raymond Rife 1/13

                            Very interesting. John and his colleagues managed to actually kill some bacteria, etc. using modulated EM waves....

                            Seems to me this stuff could actually work. It's a petty this has been almost "forgotten" today..


                            • #15
                              I see lots of activity regarding Rife machines on the Net.
                              There are several people selling them as well.

