Here is a new circuit based of my roter less pulse moter.
This is a differant way of reusing your back emf to run the ignition coil for the cfl.
You can then collect the back emf of the ignition coil.
I found this way I get a LOT more power and use way less power.
You can allso use more than one coil or try differant coils.
You can allso disconect the negative side of the ignition coil but still leave the negative side of the cap. and diode connected to +
and you still get a lot of power for 10 to 20 mill amps.
This is a differant way of reusing your back emf to run the ignition coil for the cfl.
You can then collect the back emf of the ignition coil.
I found this way I get a LOT more power and use way less power.
You can allso use more than one coil or try differant coils.
You can allso disconect the negative side of the ignition coil but still leave the negative side of the cap. and diode connected to +
and you still get a lot of power for 10 to 20 mill amps.