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Pulse Generator

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  • #31
    In my circuit it says 100 ohm sorry but its wrong.
    The one I'm using is brown black red If I'm right it should be 1000 Ohms or 1 KiloOhms.


    • #32
      Slayer007 Energy Booster---My replication

      This thing works good!! I put a CFL side circuit on it and that also worked. Good job. Thanks for the circuit.

      YouTube - Slayer007 Back Energy Booster---My replication




      • #33
        Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
        This thing works good!! I put a CFL side circuit on it and that also worked. Good job. Thanks for the circuit.

        YouTube - Slayer007 Back Energy Booster---My replication


        Very Nice Video Lidmotor Thank you for posting it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by slayer007 View Post
          I just uploaded another video showing the current and voltage after load.
          For the load I just used a 110v night light.

          The BEMF right off the transistor took about 10 mill amps for the light.
          After going back thru the coil it was 20 mill amps.
          And the voltage left on the light was twice as much.
          This was done without taking in any more power to.

          YouTube - Pulse Generator BEMF Amp Test
          Hi Slayer007,

          Unfortunately, I still do not understand your circuit, how it works.
          With one switching transistor and with a (primary) coil in its collector, and with the reed switch in its base, it is ok for me.
          But when you refer to the second coil which is bifilarly wound with the primary coil and you say this: "If you have a coil with more than one winding you just run your BEMF back thru your coil. Going back in the positive then coming back out the negative. ... The more coils I run it thru the stronger it seams to get. The current and voltage anyway and uses no extra power. " Here you completely lost me.

          I tried to make the schematics of your circuit after Lidmotor latest video on your circuit and attached it below. Please tell me if it the same you used in your latest two videos? (not considering his CFL load because he mentioned it was an extra load and you did not use it I know)
          He has not mentioned if he used the two transistors placed next to each other or used only one.
          My other problem if you use both transistors and switch them on and off at the same time by the reed contacts, then how can bemf current flow through the secondary coil (because bemf is created at switch-off but then the second transistor is also off, hence no current can flow through it).

          All in all, many thanks for presenting this very interesting circuit and first I would like to understand its operation, then possibly replicate it because its feature of doubling the current and the voltage in a load without extra input consumption is very attractive indeed.

          Attached Files


          • #35
            Hello Gyula

            In your drawing both collectors on the transistors should be together.
            The ones just a slave transistor, you could allso use just one.

            With mine I didnt use a rectifier eather I just ran it to my capacitor.
            Then for negative you can use eather the + or - of your source battery.
            I like to use the negative.
            Then I put a diode in between the battery and capacitor.


            • #36
              Hi Slayer

              Have you ever made any connection between back emf and the "Sprites" seen by the astronauts when watching thunderstorms from above???




              • #37
                Hi Mike you first Post and its a cracker

                I was thinking the same if the first strike is the meeting of postive and negative potentails which i see as the make connection, then the break will happen and we have a discharge of some energy repeatedly, a bit like Slayer007s setup.
                This can be into space or into ground tesla said the planet has a almost set ground charge.

                One thing!!! Its not BEMF its TIME, Bedini called it BEMF to get it aggreed with the patent office.

                YouTube - Bodkins 39 Time.AVI


                • #38
                  One thing!!! Its not BEMF its TIME, Bedini

                  From the images I've seen the sprite may just have more energy than the "Strike" ---- like it is releasing pent-up energy??

                  I am so tired of the general run of the population of the planet ---- they cannot believe that there might be more to the universe than what is in their own heads!

                  Thank you for the welcome, am still working on the learning curve, piloting around the forum's format

                  I generate my own power with a mini hydro and a converted Fischer&Paykel washing machine motor, half a dozen solar panels and a windmill,

                  Once again thank you and keep smiling



                  • #39
                    Welcome Mike

                    Originally posted by Tassie Mike View Post

                    From the images I've seen the sprite may just have more energy than the "Strike" ---- like it is releasing pent-up energy??

                    I am so tired of the general run of the population of the planet ---- they cannot believe that there might be more to the universe than what is in their own heads!

                    Thank you for the welcome, am still working on the learning curve, piloting around the forum's format

                    I generate my own power with a mini hydro and a converted Fischer&Paykel washing machine motor, half a dozen solar panels and a windmill,

                    Once again thank you and keep smiling

                    Welcome to the forum Mike. There is tons of information and help here on energy related topics. The people here are great. It sounds like you have a real good handle on power generation. I hope that you will share some of your designs.
                    Slayer's circuits work really good. This latest one had me confused and I had trouble understanding the coil hook up. It puts out huge back end energy. I ran it yesterday using a pulse wave modulator circuit instead of the reed switch. I also tried it with the diode instead of the bridge rectifier. Both worked but I found that the full wave bridge rectifier was better than a diode. The PWM circuit I used to make a tesla coil type circuit and the video of it is over at the Imhotep thread. It makes big noisy purple arcs. Gary has asked me to post the circuit and I will. It is just a 555 timer, one 2n3055, a few resistors and a cap.




                    • #40
                      Hello All and Merry Christmas .This is My first post . Slayer007 could you possibly post your exact schematic of your latest and last "Voltage Amplifier" for me to try an experiment .including the coil hookup Please? I was thinking of taking that output running it thru another circuit to change the hv dc that you got to a higher pulsed frequency with maybe a multivibrator then running that back thru two more windings on the same coil with a neo core ???????? .maybe 5 or 6 wires 1000 turns twisted no.16 on a one inch core filled with neo magnets . I have the wire and magnets . Could be your may have discovered the path like magnacoaster did . I already have a Bedini sg that is recharging itself and lights a 110 bulb on the output plus the discovery of lots of parts in burnt out computer power supplies thus the "PowersupplyBedini". look at these vids. thanks and again Merry Christmas every one .YouTube - PowerSupplyBedini.wmv
                      YouTube - how to build powersupplybedini.wmv


                      • #41
                        Welcome fusionchip !!!

                        What a whopper of a first post!

                        Great to have you on the forum.. You're the first person I've come across besides the man himself who has a bedini system working overunity..

                        Well done.
                        Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by fusionchip View Post
                          Hello All and Merry Christmas .This is My first post . Slayer007 could you possibly post your exact schematic of your latest and last "Voltage Amplifier" for me to try an experiment .including the coil hookup Please? I was thinking of taking that output running it thru another circuit to change the hv dc that you got to a higher pulsed frequency with maybe a multivibrator then running that back thru two more windings on the same coil with a neo core ???????? .maybe 5 or 6 wires 1000 turns twisted no.16 on a one inch core filled with neo magnets . I have the wire and magnets . Could be your may have discovered the path like magnacoaster did . I already have a Bedini sg that is recharging itself and lights a 110 bulb on the output plus the discovery of lots of parts in burnt out computer power supplies thus the "PowersupplyBedini". look at these vids. thanks and again Merry Christmas every one .YouTube - PowerSupplyBedini.wmv
                          YouTube - how to build powersupplybedini.wmv

                          Hello fusionchip

                          There is some what of a diagram on page 1 down by the bottom of the page.
                          Its not to detailed if you need a better diagram I will make one up for you.

                          But the + on my coil is the start of my coil and the - is the end.
                          So the BEMF goes back in the start or(+) of your coil then just comes back out the (-) or end of your coil.

                          I'm in the process of making another coil that has an air core.
                          One winding 23ga. over a thousand turns.
                          Then I'm going to put a 20 ga. only about 200 turns on the outs side of it.
                          And then send my BEMF thru the 20ga. winding.

                          I was going to try putting some small magnets in a tube and put that inside the core to.
                          That way the magnets coild spin with the core on the inside of the core.

                          If it works ok I'll post a new video of it.
                          Last edited by slayer007; 12-19-2008, 01:51 PM.


                          • #43
                            thank you but it was an accident but not that hard to do you need big wire and long fat coils and an extra piggyback coil . When you get a Chance please post the Complete Schematic Of Bemf Booster.. I know its Christmas ,Im a single daddy of a 6 year old girl and believe me i still have lots of Christmas stuff to do but the spare time i have i am using it for free energy research To Share . Of coarse the Goal is for a small unit to power a house . I have a 1100 pound 24v forklift battery i bought at a local junk yard for 100 bucks and restored it completely with a Bedini and some solar panels . 2 5500 watt trace inverters that i use when the real power goes out and some PMA Alternators and wind generators . I want what everyone else wants . A small but powerfully self powered home generator . I'm Close in that My Extra Coils piggy back produce way more voltage and current than the primary Battery uses . I do this with long welding rods protruding from the coil core out of the back and slide a coil on there with some neo's at the tail end and a shield i made . I'll Get A schematic drawn or a pictorial here in a bit of the Complete setup however i have an unknown Variable and that is the piggyback coil i am using was pre made off a large mercury relay and i hate to tear it apart to see how it is wound now that i have a self runner i don't want to mess it up I want to use your solid state Bemf booster like i said in previous post . thanks for the welcome ..I'm new at youtube stuff so i have a lot of AHHs . im working on it .. Ill post the 110 volt light video today with an SCR cap pulser running on one of my my Bedini replication / modifications .Good Day !
                            Yes Slayer when you got time (like me)
                            to draw complete schematic with a picture of the coil and its wires so i don't have to guess at it . thank you ..
                            Video is Up : YouTube - 110VOLTLAMPSCR
                            Last edited by fusionchip; 12-19-2008, 04:33 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • #44
                              Thats an interesting idea. let the mags roll around inside of a container inside of the core .. yea . go with it . . I think my next core Geometry will be rectangle and try that with the new circuit like i said . I already changed the Geometry on my self runner . its core is extended beyond the Main coil to add more coils on the same core thus making it longer and stronger
                              Last edited by fusionchip; 12-19-2008, 05:25 PM. Reason: againg too fast ... Spelling


                              • #45
                                Sorry bad reading.
                                Last edited by slayer007; 12-28-2008, 03:37 AM.

