I hope Obama follows through on his promises to lead America into Energy Independence. This past year the high cost of gas has strained our economy and damaged our society.OPEC just cut production and gas will be rising again soon. WE have spent trillions on bail outs and stimulus checks. Our nation needs to invest in renewable energy and strive to become energy independent. Wind,solar and electric cars could replace a huge percentage of imported oil. We could produce cheap electricity and at the same time create millions of badly needed jobs. Renewable energy would be a win-win situation for our nation. Jeff Wilson just wrote a book called The Manhattan Project of 2009 Energy Independence NOW. I highly recommend this book for anyone concerned about our economy and our dependence on foreign oil. http://www.themanhattanprojcetof2009.com
No announcement yet.
Our New President And Renewable Energy
Hi, I would ask one simple question. Why does one need money? lets assume we all have our excess energy devices, and devices to make all our food, clothing, shelter, water and waste disposal why then would we need money, presidents, politics and governments. The fact is even with high energy prices which are more related to greed and fiat currency that has no intrinsic value, people would be doing much better than is the case, and why, mainly because they have to pay rent which is indirectly fraud and theft by bankers and mortgages which is fraud and theft by bankers. Then income taxes, property taxes all of which are fraud and theft by governments, although voluntary, most people are unaware of this. registration fees, etc. etc. etc.. so i think the real problem should be obvious. So when the blockages which represent suppression are removed then we will have all the technology that already has been invented for use by the we the people.
peace, love, light
Unfortunately Obama will not deliver on the energy front. His major campain sponsors are banks and oil companies. The energy crisis will never be solved by politicians. It will take the combined efforts of private citizens.
I'm not American so please feel free to ignore me but .... what happened to Ron Paul?!"Theory guides. Experiment decides."
“I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
Nikola Tesla
Ron Paul
Ron Paul ran to become the Republican candidate but John McCain got it so Ron Paul was out of the race at that point as every other Republican that was running for the same party.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io
wow, really? They were pretty different candidates. But Ron Paul sounded like he would have made an excellent president. He wanted to eliminate income tax, the federal reserve, the North American Free Trade Agreement. He opposed Iraq, national ID cards, the Patriot Act...
It seemed he wanted America to be what it was meant to be and to turn it around from what it has become. He wanted to reestablish the rights of the individual and make freedom more than just a word.
As I said, I'm not America, but he could have set an example the rest of the world could follow.
Shame."Theory guides. Experiment decides."
“I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
Nikola Tesla
Ron Paul's idealistic vision of America was rejected by enough American's that he has been relegated to that of a footnote.
Its like standing on the California shore and declaring we will swim to the Hawaiian islands. Once we arrive on the island, we will join and be one with the promised constitutional nirvana. A high quality of life, a re-claiming of foundational principles. A perfect union.
What do you mean you are worried about the swim?
If leaders wish broad support, they must espouse achievable visions. Achievable in the minds of the common citizen. I didn't say easy or simple to achieve, just potentially conceivable...
DavidE pay attention to what Seph is saying
kucinich or Ron could of saved all of us.
What 2008 Presidential Candidates are part of the CFR? What are they trying to accomplish?
Fred Thompson
Rudy Giuliani
John McCain-------------------<
Mitt Romney
Jim Gilmore
Newt Gingrich
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama-----------<
John Edwards
Joe Biden
Chris Dodd
Bill Richardson
Who Opposes the CFR?
Ron Paul
New World Order
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 11-06-2008, 02:35 PM.
Unfortunately Obama will not deliver on the energy front. His major campain sponsors are banks and oil companies. The energy crisis will never be solved by politicians. It will take the combined efforts of private citizens.
McCain who NO LONGER MATTERS, receive 1.1 million dollers the exact DAY before he changed his policies on off shore drilling. He also continued to receive money via the RNC from oil.
Most likely we will have a slightly modified Al Gore plan put into place over the next ten years. 100% Renewable energy for Grid power, and Carbon neutral or better for auto power.
The politicians have to deliver green energy despite the the outside influences of big oil or anybody else for that matter. With out the new Jobs provided in green energy under a Roosavelt type plan this country can not get out of the hole its in. They have no choice but to go in the direction of renewable or watch the country fall into a far greater ruin than even the great depression.
Myself I am not concerned with that at all. I will be independant from retail energy with the next 3 years. We also have to do OUR part as individuals.
ASH whats the CFR?
MattLast edited by Matthew Jones; 11-06-2008, 02:55 PM.
Don't forget DK on that list
Ash, You forgot Dennis KucinichAnd there is no question that he is NOT a shill for the new world order lol.
Obama is unfortunately not a friend of free energy, at least yet... The only technology he even specifically mentioned so far besides wind and solar is corn ethanol. Now most here know that corn ethanol is a very bad idea... It actually takes more energy to produce than it generates. And it raises the cost of food, which hurts the poor most. And the only ones to benefit from it are big agg corps such as Arthur Daniels Midland.. The corps who have managed to steal all the water rights, get huge amounts of government "corporate welfare", and who can produce it much cheaper than independent farmers because of the corp's economy of scale (they can buy Diesel much cheaper on the spot markets). In fact, a big rush into corn ethanol will be very bad for small family farmers: It will raise the cost of corn, but this will be followed by a crash as ethanol is discovered to be too expensive and land-intensive to compete. So the general demand will have been lowered for food as the price rose, and then then bottom will fall out of the corn market... Getting rid of ADM's independent family farmer competitors. Corn Ethanol is a deadly trap for family farmers.
Meanwhile, the corporate mainstream media refuses to report on oil from Algae... Which produces 8 times the amount of energy per acre than corn, and this is an acre of WATER not land (so it steals no food from our tables). It is actually cheaper to produce and refine than ethanol, as well. M.I.T. has a very successful project on this, and in Alabama the first commercial "farms" are now coming online.
Obama received more corporate money for his campaign than any candidate in history... Why?
All of you have touched on some great points!
1 Thing I would like to point out about Obama, is at least he is "Willing" to SEE and learn about Alternative Energy.....Which is a far better Mind set than "Drill BAby Drill"
One other thing about Ron Paul..... Unfortunately politicians that speak like that are labeled as "Wack Jobs" in the U.S.. Most voters steer away from people who think that they can Fix Every problem we have. And to do the things he is saying would take the support of Congress and The Senate, which someone like him will NEVER get. It takes a Politician that is well liked by both Parties to get things done, or like or present Administration he could just Bully everyone into following him!
This is going to be a VERY interesting Administration.....I hear Obama is going to put Both Parties in his Cabinet! That should help a Bunch with actually getting things accomplished.
(psst...Don't Tell Anyone, But I'm Really Not Mean!)
Obama is unfortunately not a friend of free energy, at least yet...
Anybody who says energy can be freely made is usually looked at as wack job... Happens to me often.
And Obama is not in power yet. I think you'll see alot of the restriction on patenting government funded, private sector project lifted and removed.
Thats the problem with getting some research money from the government they will patent your device out of your hands.;
Oh and another point. Have you shown a free energy device thats easy to understand, to Obama or Someone like him? Don't expect they will just run out and adopt this stuff without first seeing several undoubtly working devices. And you better have solid engineering test results to show them as well.
Have you wrote any letters to your local, state or federal representatives outlining free energy and showing a device?
Making yourself and your knowledge availible to them, when and if they call on you?
You can't just jump out and say where anyone stands on this stuff based on who gave him money or what he said or didn't say.
Most people (with no engineering background) when approached with a working FREE energy DEVICE embrace it and want to use it or support it. But if just told these thing exist they laugh and wont even bother to educate themselves. They only know what they see. And they dont see these Device we build or play with.
And why would you think Obama is any different from any other joe smith on the subject.
I would think we could write on collaborating events to promote this stuff or campaigns to educate. How better to get the word NOW why thing are about to change instead of after they have. Or how too start influencing policy makers in the right direction. How to fight the suppresion of knowledge we live in. How to promote truth in a society that consumes lies.....
These would be better things to discuss as opposed to making ASSUMPTIONS on where some one stands
MattLast edited by Matthew Jones; 11-06-2008, 06:31 PM.
I saw a Video last Days ' The Truth abouth BRD'
The Speaker says there, it doenst matter, on wich side a Politican stands, left or right.
Its only, to confuse you. But they will all go the same Way.
I think, its even more worse in the US, because you maybe trust more Peoples/Politicans, when they promise something.
But under the line, they will go the same Way, the one from the Left or the right side.
Dmitri Medwedew did right now place some more Rockets at a Border(forget where, lol)
and postulate, that the Western World shall renew theyr Financiel system.
Do you think, that will ever happen?
Do see anyone Efforts to have high efficient Machines anywhere?
Anywhere in the World?
The only one, what are build are from Researcher, but nothing commercial.
There are still some Engines made in Germany, or old Ex-DDR.
One is a Waterpump, but 2 Camerateams did suddenly die, as they would publish it.
And another Motor, what is possible, the Stelzer Motor.
FAKTuell* die OnlineZeitung 20.Jahrgang - 2001
It is made from 8 Parts, has Durability from 400% against the Otto Engine,
and has Consumption from 40%- 60 % against normal Motors.
But there is no Intrest from the Side of the Politicans, to make it public.
I dont trust any of those Guys anymore.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
Actually Matt, i fully agree with your suggestions (i personally have a body a work to prove it. And even before i started writing about FE aimed at new, unknowing people in the political world, i wrote my Congressperson, Senator, and others telling them about these technologies (as well as "letters to the editors" to the local papers).. Usually getting no reply but sometimes getting a form letter reply.
That's when i decided to target liberal political blogs... Because it is fact that politicians and their staff do follow those closely (among millions of regular citizens). Besides this, people in Congress are often briefed on military programs, many of which use aspects of FE; and many have heard from their constituents who were inventors that got screwed by the military gag orders.
I do not believe that politicians' ignorance of F-E is the worst problem here
So far to date, the only responses i have had are from a pol i am not allowed to name because of a Non-Disclosure (i did some work for their campaign), and Cynthia McKinney... Who appears to be clearly knowledgeable and informed about FE (she was the Green Party candidate). This is the problem an "honest" pol faces: To come out for F-E technologies without anything concrete to back you is political suicide; and inviting a fun-fest of derision from the other side. It must come from us the PEOPLE in a grass roots way, and imo, via the Open Source community first. To quote an old phrase from FDR when discussing the Civil Rights issue with a committee of African Americans (back in the 1940's when there was little chance of real progress): "...You are all right and I fully agree... Now go out and make me do it!"
We can "know" that the energy cartels are out to stop it; but it is much more subtle and complicated than that. It is also systemic of our society that technology must be released by the "High Priests" who guard the gates, in order for it be accepted in the mainstream. To change this perception is difficult; and getting the priests to accept new doctrine is even harder
But we will KEEP TRYING!!!
hoodwinking of America
This video is a very clear description of the process that has been hoodwinking American's for years as the same method has been used in many other countries for years.
Colleen Hammond: 1985 Interview with KGB Agent--WOW!
The average person is in denial that this is happening but that is the whole point for them to not even know it is done to them.
By the way, Kucinich is aware of free energy technologies or at least the concept of it. It is bad enough for him politically that he tells the truth about a lot of matters but becoming a "perpetual motion nut" would make it even worse.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
Books & Videos https://emediapress.com
Conference http://energyscienceconference.com
RPX & MWO http://vril.io