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Our New President And Renewable Energy

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  • #31
    The minds of babes.

    Just wanted to say thanks for putting this video up.
    It's always nice to see these people come forth who were involved.
    I had watched a movie some time ago, something about dialectic proxy, where the changing and the manipulation of words serverd as a big tool to envoke these social and moral changes.
    I.E. My young niece had brougt some homework from school, and it was all questions about "how do you feel about.. " giving different life questions.
    Issues that such a young person should not be developed enough to answer. Basically swinging their mind before they are able to decide for themselves. I was pretty pissed about this and sat her down to talk to her, my sister didn't appreciat it.. lol.. On the movie they showed an experiment where they had 10 people write down the name of the first president. A few of the people were planted and were told to share thier answer of Abraham Lincon. The certainty they implied this with made all the others write down the same answer. Little studies like this. Very interesting. Sorry I can't find a link for the video, it's been a long time.
    Anyway, thanks again.
    And Ash, really nice section of information there. Keep up the good fight.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      Thanks Randy! I'll have to check that out.

      They Live is one of my favorite bad-acting films!

      But the point is that it certainly is an incredible analogy of the world we live in! I hope everyone gets a chance to see it. It is at most video stores.
      We don't need the sunglasses, we just need to open our eyes to what's going on around us.

      We have prescription pills for everything from peeing too much to not peeing enough. Happy pills, sad pills, red pills blue pills...

      Overfarming has led to food with little nutritional value causing people to eat more and become obese. Hey we have pills for that too...

      Prepared foods use nitrates, nitrites, high fructose corn syrups, mega doses of sodium and a whole host of chemicals to preserve them. Not one of them is good for us.

      The government wants to irradiate fresh produce, meat, nuts, spices, etc. to keep us from getting sick with e.coli, and other harmful diseases. I wonder how the irradiation of food will change what little nutritional value is left.

      The truth is, we live in a society that is closely regulated to keep us like sheep. They claim it is in the "public interest" for what they do but I know better.

      We buy foods with little nutrtional value, destroy what remains by irradiating it with microwaves, wash it down with fluorides in the water and mega doses of sugars and acid in our sodas. We don't eliminate toxins properly, don't replenish vitamins because the doctor said we're just wasting our money and eat more food because our bodies crave the nutrition.

      We talk constantly on our cell phones, pollute the air and water with toxic chemicals, flood the skies with electromagnetic radiation and then wonder why we are sick.

      The sad truth is they do not want a healthy, free thinking populace. The goal is to keep us hooked on junk food, take a pill for what ails us and obey their will.

      I think the Obama regime will institute a lot of policies that will forever change the planet we live on, and not for the better. While he talks a good game, remember, he is still a politician. The way he came out of nowhere two years ago still scares me. Is he a polical lackey for the Bilderberg Group or Tri Lateral Commision? I don't know for sure but my guess is yes. Obama will be nothing more than a puppet to appease the masses.

      All the talk about alternative energy is something I don't think will ever come out of Washington. There is no money in it.

      Please put some more fluoride in the water, I still have some more irrational thoughts left.

      Sorry for the rant.


      • #33

        DavidE pay attention to what Seph is saying
        kucinich or Ron could of saved all of us.
        Reread my post, where did I say that I didn't support Ron Paul?

        Ron Paul failed in his bid Presidential bid. Why?

        His vision never made it above the threshold of belief for Americans.

        A politician will "save us"...


        • #34
          David, in this case Ron's policies he had would of, he could of made key changes over night, which have not been over thrown since the founding fathers days. So i don't think he did too badly considering.
          He didn't fail to educate America, Only in THIS election. Allot jumped on board,. even the troops, its perfect to keep sending his info to every one to help educate others. This is a good start unless you have any better ideas and can carry them out I would still like to see some one email (i can't as i am a non American resident) email/write to Obama and ask him to put the solar panels back on the white houses roof that Regan took down Maybe get a poll and online sending vote to do it as a measure of good "faith"...gotta keep em honest!

          Last edited by ashtweth; 11-19-2008, 03:14 AM.

