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CSET (Conversion Switching Element Tube)

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  • CSET (Conversion Switching Element Tube)

    You wrote:
    >I don't know but the way how it was charged wasn't based on current
    flow. To understand how it is possible we must comprehend the true
    nature of electricity , because surely it's not a flow of electrons.

    >The key question is : why Tesla patented system of electrical conversion
    , patent no 462418 as a way for powering devices, not just an oscillator
    for electromagnetic waves production as we use today. Anyone would tell
    that it's just a simple DC-DC converter but I think there is something
    important and different here which I cannot yet understand.
    I'm quite sure however that oscillating discharge of capacitor obtained
    by Tesla was not an electrical arc! That's the simplest explanation of
    obtained results.

    It appears that your correlation between Tesla's patent on converting
    electrical energy and Ed Gray's Power Conversion Tube is accurate. As
    is your belief that electricity doesn't have a current, at least not
    with normal electricity.

    Regular electricity is vibratory energy. The movement of the
    electrons, or the electron drift, is very slow compared to the reverse
    positive potential which pulls these electrons. This positive
    potential propagates through the wire at the speed of light, which is
    around 100,000 miles per second in the dense medium of copper. The
    potential almost immediately sets up small regions of electron drift
    all along its path, producing the illusion of a current. However, the
    electrons themselves only move at around 3mm per second, at normal
    voltages. Then, when the direction of the potential keeps reversing
    rapidly (with AC), the electrons end up moving back and forth only
    around 1/20 of a millimeter, rather than flowing on through the wire
    like a current. Still, this vibration has enough movement to generate
    heat in the circuit and the load. With DC, the vibrations are in the
    same direction, and additional positive pulses are constantly passing,
    producing more vibrations.

    What Tesla was proposing in his patent (#462418) was to increase the
    frequency to the point that the electrons don't actually drift at all,
    just vibrate in place, generating a longitudinal electrostatic wave.
    This would increase the efficiency by eliminating the component of
    electricity which produces heat. And since the electrostatic wave is
    longitudinal, the energy is radiant. It's as if each electron gives
    off an electrostatic pressure wave along the wire each time its
    vibration changes direction. And since there isn't any electron
    drift, the heat is absent.

    Tesla specified using a circuit's own inductance and capacitance to
    produce the high frequency effect, but Leroy Buttolf later reduced it
    to practice by patenting an actual device which converts the
    electricity into this type of radiant energy. Buttolf used two grids
    around a mercury arc, with the grids separated by a dielectric and the
    inner grid connected to one of the central electrodes through the
    mercury. This tube was in series with the load, with a tuning
    inductance connecting the outer grid to the other spark gap electrode.
    This inductance can be as small as a straight wire, slightly bent.
    This tube is only about 1% efficient, since the frequency isn't high

    Link 1861621

    Ed Gray, Pavel Imris, and myself have also patented tubes which
    convert electrical power into this type of electrostatic energy. The
    Power Conversion Tube CSET patent (Conversion Switching Element Tube)
    is the newest, and in some ways is the best approach, since it's also
    a switch. Unfortunately, this patent's prior art citations doesn't
    include these prior tubes, or Tesla's patent. Hence, the mystery
    surrounding its operation.

    Gray used one or more grids separated from the second arc electrode,
    and each other, by a gas dielectric, with the load connected to the
    grid, and inductance in the form of jumper wires interconnecting the
    capacitances of the grids, when multiple grids are used. The patent
    states that the grids don't have to be round, but can have other
    shapes. (Such as triangular.)

    Efficient electrical conversion ... - Google Patents

    Imris uses a triangular grid separated from the second arc electrode,
    for High Voltage operation, by a quartz dielectric and connected to
    the adjacent electrode, with an additional grounded cylinder outside
    the whole tube, separated by more dielectric, with the tube in series
    with the load. The ions around the arc electrode also serve as a
    capacitive plate, similar to the mercury in Buttolf's tube. The solid
    connective path between the end of the grid and the discharge
    electrode serves as a high frequency quarter turn inductance. This
    tube generates a broad spectrum of electrostatic pulses up to 10^23
    per second. Energy from this tube will decrease the resistance of an
    arc, or corona, when the tube is filled with xenon. With neon, the
    resistance is increased. The patent states that electrostatic pulses
    have different properties than regular EM. The shape of the grid
    allows the higher frequencies to be resonated. A grid can be used
    adjacent to each discharge electrode. This tube's efficiency can be
    over 100%.


    My tube uses a grid around the arc electrode, separated by a quartz
    dielectric, with the plasma acting as a second plate, and with a
    resmod tuning element connected to the grid, and includes the outer
    conductive envelope. The load is either in series with the tube or is
    connected to a grid around the second discharge electrode. For
    frequencies lower than those of light, an inductive and capacitive
    tuning circuit can connect the grid and the electrode. This tube can
    generate specific frequencies of radiant energy and can be tuned to
    produce up to six different frequencies, or colors, at the same time.
    It can also be used as a filter, to remove unwanted frequencies. In
    the patent I use the term Electric Light, which is how I understood
    radiant energy at that time.

    Selective frequency optical generator - Google Patents

    Here's a picture of some resmods:

    Highly Absorbent Black Silicon Could Lead to More Efficient Solar Cells - GoodCleanTech
    Black Silicon To Revolutionize Solar Cells | Device Daily

    Ed Gray did state that when he decided to develope the CSET his
    intention was to harness Tesla's radiant energy. Just as there is
    more than one kind of electricity, there are at least 3 kinds of
    radiant energy. The kind Tesla was dealing with in his patent was
    different than the positive rays he later discovered, which fling
    straight out when powered by extremely short unidirectional pulses.
    This explains how Ed Gray's tube can operate at only 6,000 pulses per
    second, or even a single pulse. It generates a different kind of
    radiant energy than previously considered. It's taken me a long time
    to understand that the CSET patent is included with the others, with
    the other patents being part of the prior art, including Tesla's
    patent and the spark pulse generator mentioned below.

    The CSET patent states that the purpose of the one way energy
    component, or diode, was to protect the arc switch contacts from
    erosion caused by back EMF from the arc. However, the diode also
    performs a different function as well. T. H. Moray showed that this
    kind of energy can be picked up from the earth's environment using an
    L shaped antenna. It can be seen that Moray was using the same kind
    of energy, since a wire in his circuit could be cut, with the ends of
    the wires placed on either side of a sheet of glass, and the circuit
    would continue operating. So, as you say, the energy in Tesla's spark
    gap was not an arc. This same type of perpendicular energy effect can
    be produced with a spark, by T-tapping a High Voltage arc circuit
    between the diode and a preceding cap, and positioning the end of this
    jumper wire close to the arc. The CSET circuit has this T-tap,
    running backwards through the motor to the grids. The T-tap spark
    effect generates an oscillation having an extremely high frequency,
    somewhere between 10 MHz and one GHz, depending on the size of the
    capacitor. The high frequency environment within the CSET may be
    tapping into the "Sea of Energy In Which the Earth Floats" that Moray
    was using. For some reason, NASA stopped monitoring these four bands
    of energy frequencies, back in the 1990's.

    Just as the perpendicular spark breaks up into beautiful tiny little
    violet colored microscopic spheres of radiant energy as it passes
    through the magnetic sheath around the main arc, the battery's
    inductively coupled pulse breaks up into tiny pulses of radiant energy
    as it passes through the magnetic sheath around the capacitor's
    discharge electrode. This radiant energy isn't visible because it's
    spread out through too large a volume. Without the battery, the CSET
    still produces radiant energy as the magnetic sheath breaks up the
    capacitor's energy as it inductively couples with the grid. As you
    say, this inductive coupling is not a current.

    This inductive coupling effect is the basis for the spark pulse
    generator which Ed does list as a reference patent. A cylinder
    attached to a capacitive plate inductively transfers charge to a
    central wire when the capacitor discharges. What Ed did was turn it
    around and couple the central wire to the cylinder, producing radiant
    energy in the process, and eliminating heat from the circuit and the
    motor. This allows the motor to have much smaller wires than normal.

    SHORT PULSE GENERATOR - Google Patents

    The Imris patent includes charts which show that efficiencies above
    100% have been measured at internal pressures between 4,000 and 5,000
    Torr. (Around 6 or 7 atmospheres.) The CSET hasn't been reported as
    including this kind of pressure so its over unity operation is likely
    based on some other mechanism. However, at least we now know what
    kind of energy the electricity is converted into. It might be
    interesting to test the CSET's efficiency when filled with high
    pressure xenon, as well as when surrounded by the grounded envelope.

    Thanks for identifying Tesla's key patent and posting it. This helped
    me clear up my own understanding. Ed Gray's statement that positive
    rays directed through a super conducting grid could work as a space
    drive caused me to incorrectly correlate the positive rays with the CSET.

    PS: The diode T-tap circuit produces an ungrounded poly phase HV
    component which can produce an environmental hazard, when powered by
    the mains. If anyone is using a CSET circuit powered by house
    current, you should check for this poly phase component by turning on
    a faucet in the sink and seeing if you get shocked by the running
    water when the circuit fires. The best bet is to always power this
    type of diode circuit with an ungrounded battery inverter. But don't
    touch the inverter!

  • #2
    Gray circuit explained?

    Having no electrical background other than what I've taught myself, and viewing the net on my phone (small pictures, can't see at same time as text), I confess I can't follow what this guy is explaining. Maybe someone else can..

    Efficient Power Supply Suitable For Inductive Loads
    Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


    • #3
      More on Csets

      Additional Research material supplied by Gary Magratten

      Also, here's email correspondence between two guys working on tube
      Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Inquorate View Post
        Additional Research material supplied by Gary Magratten

        Also, here's email correspondence between two guys working on tube
        Actually original topic is my corespondence with Jerry Volland, inventor of electrostatic field generator. To put it here using shortest possible explanation : electromagnetic force is a like a little worm compared to electrostatic fields. So , instead of charging capacitor for example you can build it i special way to charge dielectric in different manner - from inside of the dielectric.


        • #5
          cop claim >1, spark gap tests

          these guys getting good results if claims true. Not even using collector plates to capture RE, but personally I think their high inductance transformers are doing the job for them.

          Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.

