New Scientific Study Could Destroy Global Warming Theory
New Scientific Study Could Destroy Global Warming Theory
A newly released scientific study published by MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen has the potential of destroying one of the fundamental underpinnings of global warming theorists. The study collected 15-years of long wave radiation measurements from a satellite orbiting the earth.
The study correlates the change in the earth’s surface temperature with the change in outgoing long wave radiation. Lindzen’s study shows that as the earth warms, the amount of radiation being bounced-back into outer space actually increases. This is exactly the opposite result that is assumed to occur in the UN climate models.
The UN models predict that more radiation is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere as the temperature rises. Lindzen’s findings blow a hole a mile-wide in the arguments used by global warming evangelists.
New Scientific Study Could Destroy Global Warming Theory
A newly released scientific study published by MIT climate scientist Richard Lindzen has the potential of destroying one of the fundamental underpinnings of global warming theorists. The study collected 15-years of long wave radiation measurements from a satellite orbiting the earth.
The study correlates the change in the earth’s surface temperature with the change in outgoing long wave radiation. Lindzen’s study shows that as the earth warms, the amount of radiation being bounced-back into outer space actually increases. This is exactly the opposite result that is assumed to occur in the UN climate models.
The UN models predict that more radiation is trapped in the earth’s atmosphere as the temperature rises. Lindzen’s findings blow a hole a mile-wide in the arguments used by global warming evangelists.