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The Great Global Warming Swindle

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  • Lord Mockton for president! He's been presenting these frauds all along.

    I hope my country doesn't sign this treaty. The way I understand it, no representative of ours could do so on our behalf without a referendum. Europe was a painful delivery, World should be even harder.


    • What i still wonder about is, the Seasons been actually somehow normal around 1970-1980.
      At this time they did start to do all this Atomtests, starting at 1980-85, where the did blow up a lot of Atolls and other Things.
      After that, it did seem, as if the whole Climate did change to a 3 Months delay, everything did come later, like Snow or Summer,
      Around 1998 it did slightly change back, but its still some different,
      and i did ask myself often, if they didnt change the Earthaxis with this Erruptions,
      and now cover up this mess under the Coat of Climate change from CO2.

      Haarp is able to change the Weather enough, that they can stay with her Big Lie
      and set up the CO2 Tax Machine and spray theyr Poison over the Peoples with Chemtrails?
      YouTube - A HAARP Investigation Pt. 1 of 2
      YouTube - A HAARP Investigation Pt. 2 of 2
      Last edited by Joit; 11-21-2009, 08:57 PM.
      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


      • Doubts about Copenhagen Treaty

        Two articles with doubts about the Copenhagen Treaty and is Obama actually saying "no deal"?

        Low Expectations for Climate Summit: Can Copenhagen Still Be Saved? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

        Troubled Climate Talks: Merkel to Attend Copenhagen Despite Deal Doubts - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Perhaps he's going to get a discount and look like A Real American Hero. Gone are the days that almighty USA has to pay for the mess others make, let alone be critized for it's wealth.


          • The recent 2012 movie and the fear of global warming has made many Indonesian TV "entertaining" people with the posibility of global warming make Indonesia sink. It has been a week already. People here like this kind of news lol.

            Related story:
            Rising Sea Levels Could Sink Indonesia - The country's low-lying areas are in danger of being flooded - Softpedia

            Some pshycic also predicted this, even Joyoboyo (a king at around 16th centuries) which mention java will be surounded by metal. If that do happen I don't think it happen because the current global warming issue. Maybe something more like a couple of hydrogen bomb accident at north or south pole. Global warming maybe just an excuse.


            • global warming hacker files

              It seems the hacker files on this "climategate" deal are authentic.

              The emails are NOT being denied as being fake. One or more of the authors
              of the emails are saying what has been posted is "taken out of context."

              So, they're real it appears, which is implied by the fact they the are said
              to be taken out of context instead of being fake.

              The hacker(s) that originally posted the files said it was a "random
              sampling"...that means...if true...that there could be a whole lot
              more information they will post later.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • Someone postet a Vid today,
                where Dr. Tim Ball says, that they did even change the History from the Vikings,
                that the Results match to her Storys.
                YouTube - Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU emails
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • great interview and more reports

                  Great interview Joit!

                  Here are other things in the news listed on an article at the Christian
                  Science Monitor:

                  Also in the news:

                  – “Congressional Republicans have started investigating climate scientists whose hacked emails suggest they tried to squelch dissenting views about global warming,” reports The Wall Street Journal.

                  – Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) announced that he would probe whether the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.”

                  – In Britain, former chancellor Lord Lawson, a global warming skeptic, called for an inquiry into data “manipulation” about global warming, as a result of the e-mails.

                  – Climate scientist geochemist Thomas Crowley, a professor of geosciences and director of the Scottish Alliance for Geosciences and the Environment at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, criticizes skeptics and the press in an e-mail interview with The Washington Post’s Andrew Freedman.

                  – Professor Phil Jones Director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, says that charges of conspiracy over climate change are “rubbish,” reports the Guardian.

                  – Security experts say the hack could lead to future attacks, reports ChannelWeb, which adds that there could be “… more malicious attacks down the road, as hackers use cybercrime to further political agenda.” Also, the individuals whose e-mails were exposed now have some of their private information in the public domain and could be subject to phishing or worse.

                  – The University of East Anglia. which had been criticized for its tepid response to the extensive e-mail theft, announced that plans to launch a review of the incident.

                  – In an analysis of the impact the e-mails might have on the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen and on a possible US climate bill, Reuters says they aren’t the game-changer that skeptics hope.

                  – But many think that the credibility of climate scientists and climate science have been damaged.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • CRU homepage

                    Here is the link within the University's pages to the homepage for the CRU:
                    Climatic Research Unit

                    Climatic Research Unit
                    School of Environmental Sciences
                    Faculty of Science
                    University of East Anglia
                    Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

                    This is from a Washington Times article:
                    The global-cooling cover-up - Washington Times

                    For global-warming advocates, there is an additional problem: The aggregated data appear to have been constructed to show an increase in temperatures. CBS' Declan McCullagh finds that the computer code contains programmer-written notes addressed to themselves or future people who will be working with the program. The notes include these revealing instructions: "Apply a VERY ARTIFICIAL correction for decline!!" and "Low pass filtering at century and longer time scales never gets rid of the trend - so eventually I start to scale down the 120-yr low pass time series to mimic the effect of removing/adding longer time scales!"

                    So, notes to other future people working on the project to apply very
                    artificial correction for the decline in temperatures. LOL...and they want
                    to continue with the propaganda that exposed emails were "taken out of
                    context." Yeah right!
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Just baffling. And this is data that is presented to an audience of 7 Billion.

                      How does one life with oneself? Misunderstand of what the powers that be will do with this? A strong conviction to refrain from having any offspring?

                      The shame! If I would wake up being one of those frauds, what would I do? I think I'd take my own life before the rabid crowds, or my very disappointed employers (that it got out) would get to me. But what do they do? Damage control! Would they have been promised new levels of richdom to make the best of the exposure?

                      Many of these are Americans, right? What federal laws would apply to such fraud? Could the people make a lawsuit against them, and anyone commissioning the data, even if the proof was obtained illegally? It was after all admitted. And tapping phones is more popular in the US than it wever was in coomy countries anyway?

                      Serious, how do we organize ourselves to turn the tide on this? The warmers have so much momentum (I was one until recently), that they won't be able to think clearly the first coming months.

                      The big picture needs to be made public. YES we need to rid of fossil fuel exhausts. OF COURSE. But we should tax it, for taxes sake, we should put serious effort in employing more renewable alternatives.

                      Riddle me this : even evil overlord NASA has had its rocket running on a water derivative since, well, forever. And this world's leaders are pushing new alternatives away, so they can tax the last drops of oil left on this globe? If they disallow self-made fuels, this global population needs to take to the streets. If its clean, no tax!


                      • massive public outcry

                        Originally posted by Cloxxki View Post
                        Serious, how do we organize ourselves to turn the tide on this? The warmers have so much momentum (I was one until recently), that they won't be able to think clearly the first coming months.
                        I think just like the anti-vaccine movement and the movement to audio the federal reserve. It has to be a massive public outcry.

                        Not sure about other countries, but for the US, we need to call and hound all our our state representatives so that the Copenhagen treaty is NEVER signed by our country. I feel sorry for any other country that takes it on.

                        There are only weeks left so flooding all our state representatives and the white house with email nonstop. I'd even hound the tv stations to give it exposure because only really FOX (right wing propaganda arm) is talking about it on television that I know of. ABC (left wing propaganda arm) I don't believe is going to give it much notice. And I don't know about the other mainstream media. The papers are talking about it but we need the television audience to be fully aware of it as well.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • Aaron,
                          Sounds liked we're forked, huh? Do we need Charlie Sheen, again? Don't we have anyone else, but a distinquished blue blooded Englishman who was saying this all along?
                          We need someone, no, AN ARMY of celebrities, to make this public. Get it in the teenagere magz, get it on twitter. I did my part, for all of my 7 followers. I can do better than be arrested for protesting at the city hall by myself.


                          • contact your representatives

                            This is setup by Americans for Prosperity, which is a republican "grassroots"

                            Don't Use Climate Change to Hide Tax Hikes! | Americans for Prosperity

                            It is the only thing I could find that is an automated way to contact the
                            representatives by filling out a form relating to the cap and trade.
                            Anyone can edit the message to include spelling out saying NO to the
                            Copenhagen Treaty.

                            I watched quite a bit about them (AFP) on cspan and some of the heroes
                            the members look up to have a very scary and alarming mindset. They also
                            think Regan ecomonics was the best thing since sliced bread and was
                            responsible for the economic success in Clinton's years, etc... completely
                            and totally delusional.

                            However, they go have a good membership base that could put a stick
                            in the spokes of this copenhagen deal.

                            I don't know how effective this kind of stunt is:
                            Hot Air Tour: Exposing the Ballooning costs of Global Warming Hysteria

                            I think it is more effective to put energy into completely and totally
                            dominating the representatives with mountains of emails and letters.
                            Many people think these things don't work but they do. This is how
                            NY was forced to allow health workers to refuse the h1n1 vaccine without
                            getting fired. Overwhelming public outcry about the federal reserve and
                            pressuring the reps about auditing the fed, etc...

                            When GMO (genetically modified organisms) was a big issue and the
                            grassroots movement to get labeling requirements was going was
                            headed up by Craig Winters. I met him a few times and he had setup this
                            email activism method and it got the biggest public outcry with letters
                            sent to the representatives - it had the highest number of protesters
                            in US history only second to the protests of the Vietnam war. That is
                            a very profound fact. Just found out he died several months back from
                            The Campaign - Grassroots Political Action

                            Anyway, grassroots efforts absolutely DO work. The AFP seems to be a
                            group that is built from top down instead of bottom up like a lot of
                            so-called democratic or republican grassroots organizations but in any
                            case, I'm all for taking advantage of what they have setup to oppose the
                            carbon tax ripoff scheme.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • copenhagen

                              No Formal Climate Deal in Copenhagen, Leaders Say - Dot Earth Blog -

                              Global warming: 72 percent of Americans say it’s real, poll finds |

                              Since 2006, democrats that believe in global warming dropped 6%
                              independents that believe in global warming dropped 15%
                              republicans that believe in global warming dropped 22%
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Anyway, grassroots efforts absolutely DO work. The AFP seems to be a
                                group that is built from top down instead of bottom up like a lot of
                                so-called democratic or republican grassroots organizations but in any
                                case, I'm all for taking advantage of what they have setup to oppose the
                                carbon tax ripoff scheme.

                                I have been involved in the grassroots campaign against softwarepatents in Europe. I have written an article about my first steps as an activist back then:
                                Dutch Parliament Considers Revoking Support for Patent Directive

                                It turned out to be a long struggle, but eventually we won...
                                No softwarepatents in Europe.

                                That is, officially. However, we have been saved from much worse.

                                One of my co-activists wrote a book about our campaign:

                                Had a wonderful time, and learned a lot about politics.

                                One of the most humorous moments was when the Council for agriculture and fishery (!) was about to rubbers-stamp the directive. One of our activists, nicknamed Miernik, simply called the Polish Minister on his cellphone.
                                "You have to get here, and make them drop this from the agenda". Or something like that.

                                Well, the minister boarded the next plane to Brussels, and had the chairman remove the rubberstamping of our directive from the agenda, so the responsible council would be forced to actually decide:

                                Poland halts software patent directive • The Register

                                Mierniks comment, when asked if he could really call his Minister?

                                "Sometimes, it works."

