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The Great Global Warming Swindle
If it's so "phony" why is there such a huge melt-off of permafrost, polar ice, and glaciers....? I'm afraid there really is no denying this. And there is historic evidence that it is not cyclic, at least not beyond Ice Age -kinda "cyclic".
See, that's why i spoke up about this video. People WANT very hard not to believe that these things are happening, now, in their life times. Anything they can find to discredit the reasons given they latch onto... However they are missing the point (...or perhaps are conveniently using the controversy to put it all out of their minds).
Do the reasons matter so much; compared to the event itself ? Something, that if ignored, would change the entire planet to a point where 100 years from now, it would be unrecognizable? Where billions die and constant wars are fought over the dwindling supplies of good land, food, and water...
If we started working on this now, we could build gigantic mirrors in space as "shades" to displace sunlight. We could build huge pipelines to bring that melt-off in Greenland and other places to the cities and farms where it is needed. We could build giant desalinization plants and turn deserts into wheat fields. We could pipe in sea water into desert basins creating lakes (which would increase rainfall down-wind from them). Creating all this may not help much; but it could just make the difference in the Balance.
What are we gonna tell our grandkids if we looked at the data, and still did nothing? Are you all willing to risk the consequences of doing nothing? Is it more convenient and comfortable to simply deny it? Are you so afraid of being wrong, that you will refuse to study these effects we are seeing carefully for yourself?
We must all answer those questions for ourselves in order to be honest and objecting about this subject. There are people on both sides who are using this for their own purposes; ignore them. Look at the data, read it and understand that what ever it is they tell you, or claim... There is only one important fact that really matters: The glaciers, polar packs, and permafrost are melting at unheard of rates; and nothing like this has been seen since the end of the 2nd-to-last ice age (..when ocean levels were at least 20 meters higher than now), well over 150,000 years ago.
We are now a "civilized", highly industrialized world for the most part. But our civilization is very fragile and depends on technology; and our technology depends on natural resources. The devastation we would see from 3 meter ocean rise would be catastrophic in the extreme. The oceans' eco-systems would not survive this; the pollution unleashed when most of our major cities are drowned would be overwhelming. If we lose the oceans, we can forget it... we're doomed as a species.
CO2 is the red herring that is allowing the "whale" to be ignored. For whatever reason.. Global warming IS happening.
I read that the artic has increased its ice by 30% last year.
But we surely must do something and that is jailing the criminal gang that govern us. I don't mean Bush or the next puppet. I mean the string pullers: CFR, bilderberg, Club of Rome, etc.
Everything's Cool 2007 DVDRip XviD-VoMiT, global warming
For the past two decades researchers, activists, scientists, and progressive politicians have struggled to rouse the public and the federal government to take action on global warming. Concurrently, naysayers, industry funded think-tanks and lobbyists have worked tirelessly to challenge, convolute and dismiss the issue as hysterical. Everything's Cool tells the harrowing story of what it takes to talk about global warming -- the art of duking it out with collective denial, the struggle to communicate the urgency of the crisis to an indifferent public and a laggard United States government. We follow a cadre of messengers who are passionate, exasperated, driven by fear, hope and a deep appreciation for the ever shrinking window of time we have to stop global warming. THE STORY AS IT IS EVOLVING We take to the road with veteran global warming messenger and author Ross Gelbspan, as he launches "Boling Point" -- his "last" and "final" book on the issue. We are behind the scenes at the Weather Channel for the education of Dr. Heidi Cullen, a climatologist cum television personality, who has the unique and often excruciating task of reporting and/explaining climate change in sound-bites fit for a primetime audience. We film a group of citizen-activists -- ages 18 to 80 - training for their inevitable "elevator speech" - their chance to tell the right story to the right audience at the right time and rouse the sleeping country. They are the Paul Reveres of the next energy revolution. Meanwhile the national NGOs, who have been working on the crisis of global warming for the past two decades -- including National Resources Defense Council, Greenpeace, Environmental Defense, - along with Moveon.org pin their oft-dashed messaging hopes on a summer Hollywood blockbuster. "The Day After Tomorrow" does what they've never been able to do. It fictionalizes every difficult aspect of global warming into a nightmarish, but undeniably compelling message. The impacts are severe and immediate, the rich countries are devastated, the skeptics, the delayers and the recalcitrant feds are taught their lessons, and it all happens in the time-span of a long weekend. For a moment it seems to be working- newspapers have cover stories, news programs devote entire segments to global warming -- the issue is finally in play! Activists, scientists even former VP Al Gore are in almost all the press coverage speaking right on message: "this might be over the top and science fiction, but global warming is real and happening now." But our collective attention span is short. Spiderman 2 and Fahrenheit 911 soon push The Day After Tomorrow out of the theaters. The public discourse moves on leaving the issue profile of global warming essentially unchanged and mired near the very bottom of the issue heap coming into the election of 2004. Now what?
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More Recent Info
Great archival stuff. What a great list of high powered folks pushing the message of Global Warming.
Here's a recent article that looks at the science and the data more closely. The article is called "Is the Earth Getting Warmer, or Cooler?"
Is the earth getting warmer, or cooler? • The Register
Atoms move for free. It's all about resonance and phase. Make the circuit open and build a generator.
[QUOTE=jibbguy;36847]If it's so "phony" why is there such a huge melt-off of permafrost, polar ice, and glaciers....? I'm afraid there really is no denying this. And there is historic evidence that it is not cyclic, at least not beyond Ice Age -kinda "cyclic".
Its not phony, the part that is phony is that man has something to do with it or is causing it. thats the phony part. if that part was true that man has somethnig to do with it then it would not have happened in the past. Climate change is real but its not our doing. And that is the whole point of the argument. What people always do is present the argument and when somebody refutes it they point to the part that is real and say hey how can you refute this, and ignore the part they also presented as being its cause. Its a typical bait and switch operation and immediately exposed the perosn trying to make the sale as not so honest, or trying to run a manipulation game. Its old news. the rational can not argue with the irrational, because the irrational can't or won't stay on point.
I used to be one of the skeptics of all man-made global warming (cooling) theories. I used to believe that the climate of this planet is affected by the sun only. But after reading Sai Baba's comments on natural disaster, I changed my mind completely.
Sai Baba is not a scientist, but he warned of the danger of the climate abnormality in 1992 --- five years before the Kyoto treaty. Here are the literature sources of his warning:
The Ramala Centre - Newsletter March 2000
".... In an interview that Ann and I had with Sai Baba last February Swami told us that the Earth was sick. He said that the hole in the ozone layer was getting bigger and that as a result the Earth was heating up. He also said that the Earth had a high temperature, a fever, and that she would have to cleanse herself of this fever. What form this cleansing will take I do not know, but I believe that we are witnessing the first symptoms of this fever in the extremes of weather that we are now experiencing all over the world."
Go Veg, Be Green, Save the Planet! : For Scientists and Engineers
"Adoration of Nature: Students! The progress of modern technology, by polluting the atmosphere with carbon dioxide smoke, is causing threat to the life on earth. The smoke has already created a hole in the ozone ring above the earth which has been serving a protecting cover against harmful radiation from the sun."
"The Ozone layer above the earth faces great danger owing to atmospheric pollution and intensive afforestation is essential for controlling this pollution and safeguarding the ozone layer."
"Because of the advance of technology, several factories have sprung up, causing emission of harmful gases in the atmosphere and resulting in the ozone layer becoming thinner. If this goes on unchecked, it may have disastrous consequences. Scientists are trying to stop the breakup of the ozone layer but are unable to find a remedy. The cause of this situation is that more carbon dioxide is being let into the atmosphere. Normally, plants and trees absorb and assimilate the carbon dioxide and supply oxygen by the natural process of photosynthesis. But because there is deforestation to an alarming extent, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has considerably increased. The remedy for this situation is intensive afforestation, growing more trees everywhere, and protecting the existing trees without destroying them for other purposes. The relationship of man, nature, and God is very intimate, which scientists may not be able to realize." - Sathya Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi 36, February 1993, p. 45.
(Note: 1) In many of his teachings, Sai Baba constantly mentioned carbon dioxide smoke as a source of problem rather than carbon dioxide. This "carbon dioxide smoke" may well be a ozone depleting chemical which he failed to describe in scientific language. I think his translator might have removed the word "smoke" to avoid what was to him (the translator) a misunderstanding. 2) Sai Baba did not say the climate abnormality will definitely come in the form of global warming. )
Another warning from Sai Baba is about our excessive expliotation of the nature, which, he believes, was the cause of the Tsunami in Indonesia that killed 294 000 people:
"Then Sai Baba warned us that Man was extracting far too many minerals and too much oil from the Earth for short term financial profit. He said that the Earth was hollow and was becoming unbalanced. He held his hand up, in the shape of a clenched fist, to look like a ball, and then he turned his hand sideways. What this portends I do not know, but it seems to me to imply that there will be a shift in the axis of rotation of the Earth. ... "
If Sai Baba's comments are worth something, the present recession (or even economic depression) is probably a blessing in disguise for the humanity rather than a curse.
(Disclaimer: I am not a follower of Sai Baba, but like most of you, I am also a member of scientists' community.)Last edited by anut; 12-06-2008, 09:30 PM.
Anyone aware of HAARP and its capabilities?
What if.........
At one point in time I remember having read a statement that the American Government that controls HAARP can heat up or cool down a particular Area. Being TESLA Technology, I am convinced that this can be done.
Why not keep the Arctic Ice free? It is a very much disputed route for shipping and exploration.
Of course when you heat or cool off an area opposite to what Nature has planned ,you cause major changes in ocean currents which in effect influence the entire weather pattern.
So if they muck around with the weather for economical reasons it would be understandable that the real reason would be hidden from us and we would be fed the B.S. Story of Global Warming due to Mankind's Pollution not to say there is none and not to say that it has some influence.
What happens when pollution from a major earthquake covers the upper atmosphare ? Right.... remember Krakatoa the earth entered into a small Ice Age.
The Ozone hole yes it is real and it affects the UV Radiation and all the other Higher Energy levels to harm Life on Earth but would it change the Temperature? I don't think so.
Infrared Radiation does. I know what someone will say Xrays will cook you yes so does Microwave but the Energy level would have to be very High.
This is not something that we are seeing right now.
Nabiru yes it is scary from what I have read about it and Nasa is keeping a close watch on it.
I am sure we are not being told the real truth although which is known to our Governments. They have their spot underground we don't.
So why should they Care?
@Peter Lindemann,
This is what happens when you attack one's religion.and I believe the global warming/carbon credit religion is infecting many otherwise objective thinkers.
The answer to this can only be discovered by an OPEN SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY where all of the data is considered dispassionatelyWanna know the future? GOD Wins !!
Thanks for that Peter and V, that reading saved me a lot of time, well i will do my part and promo them from the Panacea side for all. Thing is ill have a message that emissions are still harmful and we are better off with out them,. The carbon credits can be changed to help make people adapt more environmental solutions (I'll mention these on the page) and not not just taxing over mis represented scientific research.
Thanks for the info guys.
AshLast edited by ashtweth; 12-09-2008, 03:23 AM.
Made it onto Panacea
Such great info on this forum as always such a shame to let it die down in the threads, well not any more
Evidence of Concern
Any fixes needed let me know, well done guys.
Who says it's a "Religion"? Prove your statement.
The assumption that people who believe in the fact of global warming are "religious fanatics" is patently, utterly, and disingenuously false.
Our opinions in this matter are based on two things: science, and observation. We can observe glaciers melting, we can see that millions of acres of tundra has thawed, and we can see that the ice packs have shrunk considerably over the last 30 years. I realize some peeps here don't like to hear that (..because it is the only irrefutable argument of this entire matter), but that's just too bad.
So such comments are really meant to be ad hominem attacks; not arguments of fact of reason at all. "Attack the messenger instead of the message" is a good tactic when you have no viable argument; and i've run into it a thousand times. Unlike most "we're better then them, just ignore it", "polite" Progressives and Liberals.... I never been able to put up with it for a second, and will call them on it every time.
I don't take kindly to being accused of being a "religious fanatic" when it comes to defending the reality of global warming. If someone has arguments against mine i am happy to answer them, but when the debate leads to ad hominems (as this topic alway seems to...), then there really is no debate.Last edited by jibbguy; 12-10-2008, 07:19 PM.
Recent News on Global Warming Dissent
Hi Guys,
Here's a recent article showing that the "Global Warming" dissenters are starting to gain some momentum. It's about time!