The original thought (Single) projected as GLOBAL WARMING centered around the idea that MAN is wrecking the earth with various pollutions generated by the populous.
By Produces such as "To many eater so to much waste" should I name the waste. "Wasted everything" and showing entire groups who are wasteful to back up claims.
All of the gasoline burning up and endless reasons why even farming the land for so many people was destroying the entire planet.
And since this is the west making these claims that has the biggest war machine, yeah why not do away with a bunch.
A warmongering machine who's economy flourishes off of killing other people. So yeah CO2 gas.
So the global controller/liars claim everything and the people watching the one eyed cyclops, lick it all up like good little lap dogs.
Mean while these same planners who have the masses horn swoggled with their propaganda machine go around behind the backs of many good people, push their weather buttons.
Push this button push that one and out pops any hurricane anywhere in the world. Of course they come out with a news report that it is global warming.
I could go on for hours wasting my breath on this ignorant throw away generation of yuppies who hate the honest truth.
Believe what you want, do what you want and leave me out of it when it is your family who is next in this process of elimination.
Go ahead all you young men who want to shoot guns to do away with the BAD people of the world. Kill them all for all I care, you won't listen to reason.
CO2 is what it's all about so "Hail The Fuhrer".
Your commander and Chief sleeps with a transgender so trust him it you want, not me.
These elite are polluting the planet with DU weapons while they say CO2 gas.
Pay more money to these people and you won't only just see chem-trails and weather changes from their machines, it will be a dead ocean with radiation in the water so bad the people will die from that poison while the young people shoot each other in the field.
It's already here.
bought and paid for by USA dollars.
Or drill into another Ocean volcano deliberately so oil ruins the ocean. Oh but it's CO2 Gas.
You trust them, I'm not.
The CO2 gases comes from these hot air machines like CNN,ABC,NBC and it is gas trapped in the attic.
Good Day
The original thought (Single) projected as GLOBAL WARMING centered around the idea that MAN is wrecking the earth with various pollutions generated by the populous.
By Produces such as "To many eater so to much waste" should I name the waste. "Wasted everything" and showing entire groups who are wasteful to back up claims.
All of the gasoline burning up and endless reasons why even farming the land for so many people was destroying the entire planet.
And since this is the west making these claims that has the biggest war machine, yeah why not do away with a bunch.
A warmongering machine who's economy flourishes off of killing other people. So yeah CO2 gas.
So the global controller/liars claim everything and the people watching the one eyed cyclops, lick it all up like good little lap dogs.
Mean while these same planners who have the masses horn swoggled with their propaganda machine go around behind the backs of many good people, push their weather buttons.
Push this button push that one and out pops any hurricane anywhere in the world. Of course they come out with a news report that it is global warming.
I could go on for hours wasting my breath on this ignorant throw away generation of yuppies who hate the honest truth.
Believe what you want, do what you want and leave me out of it when it is your family who is next in this process of elimination.
Go ahead all you young men who want to shoot guns to do away with the BAD people of the world. Kill them all for all I care, you won't listen to reason.
CO2 is what it's all about so "Hail The Fuhrer".
Your commander and Chief sleeps with a transgender so trust him it you want, not me.
These elite are polluting the planet with DU weapons while they say CO2 gas.
Pay more money to these people and you won't only just see chem-trails and weather changes from their machines, it will be a dead ocean with radiation in the water so bad the people will die from that poison while the young people shoot each other in the field.
It's already here.

Or drill into another Ocean volcano deliberately so oil ruins the ocean. Oh but it's CO2 Gas.
You trust them, I'm not.
The CO2 gases comes from these hot air machines like CNN,ABC,NBC and it is gas trapped in the attic.
Good Day