Originally posted by BroMikey
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Bro Mikey,
And WHO ARE "THEY"?...Who control WHICH "AGENDA"?
I mean, besides making out of this debate a "Democrat-Republican" "USA NATIONAL Scenario"...which IS DEFINITIVELY NOT, since this issue is beyond the National USA Politics...BUT A GLOBAL SITUATION.
NOW, once we all have clear this is beyond America's Scope...then what else could it be that is an INTERNATIONAL (GLOBAL) INTEREST...where actually there are absolutely NO FLAGS, NO PARTIES AND NO IDEOLOGIES BUT THOSE ABOUT MAKING MONEY OFF OIL INTEREST$....Meaning, Russian President could easily stretch hands with the now Trump's Admin ex EXXON-MOBIL CEO...Tillerson...and so on this "Fairy Tale Story" could go back to WWI...Where American Standard Oil (Rockefeller's owned then) sold the required "fuel additive" to the German Reich for Fuhrer´s planes could be able to get off ground...to bomb American's Troops and their allies... fighting the Nazis...
Originally posted by BroMikey
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BUT WHEN YOU SEE AN ACTOR AND A HOLLYWOOD DIRECTOR who claims they needed to actually buy Trucks Loaded with ICE...to be able to make believe "a cold winter"...walks out in public and tell people...there is no manipulation here...
And so there is also a "John Doe" who spends what he does not have...to make a Documentary about GLOBAL WARMING SITUATION...
AND...I could go on and on like the Energizer Rabbit...

But I won't...have other ways to make a better and safer world...besides posting all this REALITY which you do not want to believe...as many others.