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The Great Global Warming Swindle

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  • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    When will people wake up? I actually enjoyed listening to Air America Radio
    while Bush was in office but I laugh at the propaganda now that
    Obama is in office. It is just a big three-ring-circus of media & political


    It pains me to see good people being taken advantage of on both sides
    of the front. For young people to deny global warming caused by co2
    simply because they come from a republican family, etc.. that is sickening
    to the stomach. And for anyone to believe man made co2 causes global
    warming just because their own circle of influence are fairly liberal and
    believes it...that is an atrocity on its own. Satan is supposed to have
    dominion of this world according to scripture and every day I see more
    evidence that I shouldn't argue that viewpoint.
    One thing is certain: people are waking up!
    Don't think you and me are the only ones that woke up the last few years, the internet makes a huge difference, but it takes a while.

    Since you mention the scriptures, another thing I would never have thought I would believe even a year ago, do predict very accurately what's happening and what will happen soon:

    Read King James Version Online Bible - Revelation, Chapter 17
    "And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast."

    So, there will be a world government, and it will reign for one hour. Since in profetic time, each day counts for a year, we would be talking about something in the order of two weeks. And then these ten horns, these ten kings or kingdoms, will apparantly wake up and revolt:

    "And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the ***** sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the *****, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled."


    • Marathon radio Argusoog radio

      This might be interesting for you all. Argusoog radio, an independent Dutch internet radio station, will hold a marathon radio show about the “The Copenhagen Treaty”, which will be mainly in English with in between short abstracts in Dutch:

      Argusoog Radio: Project Copenhagen

      In a climate of suspicion, “The Copenhagen Treaty” is an obvious attempt at world control. Argusoog Radio will be covering the event in a special broadcast. This effort is bringing together individuals in various fields to discuss this effort by the ruling elite.

      The broadcast will start 7am eastern time on Sunday, December 13th.


      * 1st hour Introduction by Argusoog Radio host Désirée Rover

      * 2nd & 3rd hour Chemtrails, Monsanto, and more by Argusoog Radio hosts Arend and Nexus

      * 4th & 5th hour Health and Copenhagen by Argusoog Radio hosts Désirée Rover and Dr. John Waterman

      * 6th & 7th hour Global Monetary impact and Economics by Argusoog Radio hosts Micha Kat and John Consemulder.

      * 8th & 9th hour Roundtable discussion by hosts and guests (by Argusoog Radio hosts Mike Donkers/Wouter Hendriks)

      Several guest interviews have been scheduled by the hosts. There will be breaking news reports throughout the day from events occurring at Copenhagen.

      For embedded player for event contact Hans at Argusoog Radio via Skype name “argusoogradio”

      To listen go to Argusoog Radio: Start / Home


      Another thing that came up is that it looks like Copenhagen may be looking at 21 cm of snow at the end of the coming week. calls this the Al Gore effect:

      Keeping my thumbs crossed...
      Last edited by lamare; 12-10-2009, 01:40 PM. Reason: added Al Gore effect pics


      • Whatif - Its only about Money

        They are mostly only more debatting, if the Duties are shared fair or not,
        the Voices, what say, that the hole Story is a big Hoax are more quiet.

        Figure what they had could do with all they Money they did take till yet.
        But mainly, it been used from every Country for other Things, but not for ie. build up new Woods.

        Right now few Countries offer Help for developing Country, to 'prepare for Climagate'
        UK 883 Billion, Sweden 800 B, Spain Netherlands Finland each 300 B, for 2 years or each?
        And where do the Money come from? Sure, from the Bank.
        Figure, how much from this Money would be needed, to make the Sahara green.

        But its all, to turn the Moneyscrew tighter, when some Countries get some Money, they have to pay or payback. Not really a chance to develope herself, or untie herself from this System.

        And for' You need Peoples scare, that they listen' Hows about, they tell Peoples lesser Lies, sproaded from the Lie Press,
        then probalty Peoples will more listen.

        There been Datas from Couple Centuries back, and the average Temperature
        really did go up and Down, and down, means way below 'average'.
        The High Temperatures Times been like a Spike,
        and guess where we are ?
        At the beginning from such a Spike again.
        So we probatly shall pay for a Nature Cycle, never get the Chance, that the Temperatures Drop really
        and blamed, that we cause Global Warming.

        And What if, this Cycles are absolutly normal, like Day - Night, Summer - Winter,
        and for the same, the Earth have a colder and hotter Cycle.
        Like, anything repeats, at Microcosm to Macrocosm.
        Then we do shall pay right now for, that it s getting Summer,
        but its sold to us as Global Warming.
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • Oh yes, snow for Copenhagen, please! One time I wish it to pass me by (as usual) and dump a decade's worth on Copenhagen.

          What I wonder, those armed with what they think is a mandate to sign off their country's future there. Do they get any alternative sources presented to them by their administrations? Would even one person in the backoffice be appointed to present the very best arguments from the anarchists, the bad guys, "us"?
          Are especially the poor countries buying the trick of a lump sum from the wealthy, and then yearly disproportionate taxes?

          China for instance, has it's future inbound stream of commodities and crops secure by basically buying parts of Africa, with long term supply contracts. Cuuntries such as Kongo must be noticing that they are not getting any richer, despite digging up lots of copper. Will the wish to believe fairytales once again outweigh their more recently perused pire hunter's (and prey's) instincts?

          If only we could email a link to Aaron's posts here to the supposed world leaders there...


          • Weatherreport says -6C/21F for Sat, -9C/16F at Night for Sunday around Munich,
            Sunday -16C/3,19F Night, 0C/32F Day for Oslo.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • nwo puppet(s)

              Obama said this in his nobel prize speech:

              “The absence of hope can rot a society from within. And that is why helping farmers feed their own people – or nations educate their children and care for the sick – is not mere charity. It is also why the world must come together to confront climate change. There is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more conflict for decades. For this reason, it is not merely scientists and activists who call for swift and forceful action – it is military leaders in my country and others who understand that our common security hangs in the balance.”

              There seems to be absolutely no doubt Obama is a NWO puppet.

              The louder the opposition to the co2 scam screams, the more the white house pushes back with its BIG LIES.

              And -
     - Administration Warns of 'Command-and-Control' Regulation Over Emissions

              So Bush and Obama both destroy our economy, intentionally, and now the white house wants to destroy our economy even more by the epa circumventing congress and illegally applying their gestapo tactics to hurt business in the name of the co2 scam.

              From a "president" that claims to want to restore science to its rightful place. I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day the movie with Bill Murray...except instead of it being the same day every day, it is 1984 every single year!

              They keep pushing the consensus lie - and it is a BIG LIE. It is understood there are actually some warming trends here and there but nothing to do with CO2 as a scientific fact... and Gore admitted in congress that sometimes in the past, yes it is true that the temperature comes FIRST then co2 comes second...
              Al Gore Admits Temperatures Cause CO2 to Increase, Not the Other Way Around | Disinformation
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • The world is COOLING not warming says scientist

                Copenhagen summit: The world is COOLING not warming says scientist
                Peter Taylor - and we're not prepared...
                Copenhagen summit: The world is COOLING not warming says scientist Peter Taylor | Mail Online
                By Peter Taylor
                Last updated at 6:41 AM on 10th December 2009

                Natural scientist Peter Taylor is afraid we are not preparing for a
                global cool-down that could be part of a long-term cycle

                In his provocative book Chill, natural scientist Peter Taylor warns
                that the world is cooling not warming and that solutions proposed at
                Copenhagen ignore the risks of a possible return of the Ice Age...

                Like a magician who fools themselves but not audience, the
                Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW) lobby have identified the wrong
                problem and the wrong solution.

                Global cooling threatens disaster for humanity in the developed and
                developing world alike, yet the media and the scientific consensus
                ignores this peril.

                The Climategate controversy revolves around whether warming has been
                real and why it has not persisted – but it misses the point.

                Cycles are involved, not short-term trends, and many respected
                scientists, especially those in Russia and China, think that a cooling
                cycle is coming.

                The AGW brigade have mistaken the current warm period for a trend
                caused by carbon emissions. But the detailed science says it could be
                natural and part of a cycle.

                Behind the scenes at the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on
                Climate Change there is no consensus – the dissenting views have been
                covered over in the summary documents for policy makers – and among UK
                and EU politicians it’s even worse, and criminally expensive for the
                British taxpayer.

                The real science points to the sun’s magnetic cycle as the key driver
                by unknown mechanisms. Right now, NASA is throwing its hands up and
                saying ‘we’ve never seen anything like it and can’t tell what it is
                going to do next’.

                Many scientists expect a repeat of the Maunder Minimum of the 17th
                century when the Thames froze every winter – and famine spread through
                Europe and China.

                Natural climate change, especially cooling, is already dangerous for
                very large numbers of people who are vulnerable to climate changing -
                the urban poor in the developed world, including the UK, plus the poor
                nations currently dependent on food aid.

                Cooling reduces food surpluses upon which we all depend. The biofuels
                programmes aimed at preventing climate change will expose them to
                greater risk by decreasing the amount of land available and raising
                costs of food, while this problem coupled with peak oil will affect
                everyone worldwide and drive up transport and manufacturing costs to
                levels even the super rich will struggle to afford.

                These threats are real and here now, not in 50 years time.
                ice breaker

                The ice breaker L'Astrolabe is seen in the Antarctic sea. Many
                scientists expect a repeat of the Maunder Minimum of the 17th century
                when the Earth cooled and the Thames froze every winter

                Some dramatic changes are needed but not those proposed the EU, IPCC
                and UK politicians as they try to hunt down the will-of-the-wisp that
                is CO2 emissions.

                Business as usual is not an option since cooling actually does put
                humanity at risk. The apocalyptic scaremongering has made us weary and
                casual about such threats but we need to act if we are to maintain our

                Our human ecosystems are threatened by the world development model and
                unintelligent economic growth. No one yet has found a way to develop
                economically without massive increase in demand for scarce resources –
                soil, water, timber, land and food.

                However, it can be done – with changes in developed economies, and
                restructuring development in poor countries – and it will require

                We need to showcase the projects that work - the unglamorous
                grass-roots initiatives that enhance the quality of life – rather than
                indulge in the theatrical gestures about solving a AGW that doesn’t

                Copenhagen won’t broker a solution – not only has the IPCC hyped the
                warming and misrepresented the science with regard to CO2 and
                ‘warming’ – but it has also proposed a system of cap-and-trade and
                technology transfer that means huge profits for banks and brokers.

                These useless technology sales coupled with a massive global and
                unelected bureaucracy that decides which technology and which projects
                get funded – merely provide jobs for the boys rather than address the

                What we need is the creation of resilience – the rich world is
                unstable and will try to buy its way out of problems, by buying food
                on the world market – the rest of the world is at grave risk of

                Food not energy will be the big issue we urgently need to address in
                the next few years. In the developed world we need to systematically
                restructure and reduce demand and in the developing world, people need
                to stay in communities on the land and not be forced to seek work in
                unsustainable megacities

                Climategate does not just demonstrate the corruption of science and
                peer-review; it also demonstrates the incompetence of specialists who
                do not understand planetary ecology, especially its cycles.

                We’re being fatally led up the wrong garden path by green businesses,
                politicians, the IPCC and their computer geeks with their doctored
                spreadsheets and forecasts. They need to get out more and study the
                real world – not their virtual reality – because, like the asset
                bubbles of the financial crisis, the global warming bubble is about to

                Read more: Copenhagen summit: The world is COOLING not warming says scientist Peter Taylor | Mail Online


                • Where is the openness and transparency?

                  EPA silenced a document speaking to the scam of the co2 scare and refused to consider it when announcing that co2 is a pollutant.

                  NASA has refused to provide data

                  "The fight over global warming science is about to cross the Atlantic with a U.S. researcher poised to sue NASA, demanding release of the same kind of climate data that has landed a leading British center in hot water over charges it skewed its data.

                  Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said NASA has refused for two years to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act that would show how the agency has shaped its climate data and would explain why the agency has repeatedly had to correct its data going as far back as the 1930s."

                  "The numbers matter. Under pressure in 2007, NASA recalculated its data and found that 1934, not 1998, was the hottest year in its records for the contiguous 48 states. NASA later changed that data again, and now 1998 and 2006 are tied for first, with 1934 slightly cooler."

                  Researcher: NASA hiding climate data - Washington Times


                  unrelated but related... CDC refused to release data on h1n1 numbers because they said it was not of significant public interest - most people don't know they stopped taking the #'s!

                  Let's remember what Obama did:

                  I was hopeful when this came out - I actually believed for a moment the man might actually be open to being open with the American public:

                  Seeing this that there might be more openness but it appears Obama is just another W-Bush part 2

                  Where is the openness and transparency?
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • Just think of all the nasty emissions caused by the hordes of global elitists flocking to Copenhagen in their private jets..........

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • solutions?

                      I believe it's possible to have both sides come together peacefully.

                      The co2 believers, they want emissions down and the ones that
                      believe in natural warming effects want clean air and clean water as well.

                      How can that be accomplished so it pleases both sides?

                      I think that if those that believe that man-made co2 is causing a
                      catastrophic global warming that they should be allowed to play their
                      carbon trading game.

                      But it shouldn't be forced on anyone.

                      However, I think it would be wise to implement other "yardsticks" for
                      gauging progress or not. Maybe certain ppm's of whatever in the water
                      by the plant. Or something like measuring current production for current
                      pollution - at a plant or whatever.

                      Then, over the course of time, they
                      can chart that they increased production WITHOUT increasing emissions,
                      then they should be given credits like carbon credits or a tax credit
                      with the IRS...have to work with the system we got for now for practical

                      If there are 3-4 different things like this, there is no monopoly on the
                      environment. If there are 3-4 incentive options (carbon trading,
                      production:emission ratio, etc... it is just a matter of creativity),
                      and was OPTIONAL...I'm sure it isn't too hard to figure out that everyone
                      that wants to play the carbon game will. And the ones that don't
                      believe it won't get penalized for not playing the carbon game, yet several
                      options exist that really give them huge incentives to show efficiency
                      or other progress.

                      IF it was proven that man made co2 caused a catastrophic global warming,
                      I'd be all for slashing co2 but it hasn't been proven and the claims
                      aren't scientifically justified. So it isn't right to force a mandate on the
                      planet for an opinion. Therefore, if anyone wants to volunteer to
                      play the co2 market, they can lead by example and anyone on that
                      vibe is free to follow.

                      If anyone wants to do other "earth friendly" things and be rewarded,
                      then there are other options for them to be included without being forced
                      to be ruled under the co2 idea. If a car maker went from 100 cars
                      associated with x pollution to 110 cars associated with the SAME pollution,
                      that is a 10% increase - a virtual 10% or so drop in emissions and should
                      qualify for credit/reward/tax incentive, whatever. But if they don't do
                      anything, they don't get penalized - they just don't get to deduct as
                      much or take x credit or whatever...the earth steward tax credit...

                      There can be incentives for doing different amounts by certain dates to
                      give incentive to act quick.

                      If the rest of the world wants to be ruled under a co2 dictatorship, let

                      America can still contribute to a cleaner globe, which I think we should be
                      leading this world in the effort, and do it without being subjects of the UN.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Latest poll

                        Latest poll:

                        43% Favor Urgent Action Against Global Warming, 43% Say Not So Fast - Yahoo! News
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • IF Co2 was the real cause of global warming, governments should immediate plant forrests everwhere they can. Fast-growing, CO2 hungry trees.
                          And, now for climate reasons, irrigate the Sahara. Build some rain forrests and of course crop fields.
                          Super-tax meat, as building crops is a more usrface-efficient way to feed the world, while absorbing CO2.

                          Sadly, those reasons don't exist. It's all about money, the climate is a just a popular topic no-one understands, yet everyone cares about.


                          • rock dust

                            With planting trees, what causes poor growth thru forests, etc... is that the minerals are depleted from the soils, not just in over farmed soil but in natural forest lands, etc...

                            A solution is ground rock into dust and spray across the land. All the growth of plants, trees, etc... will explode on their own.


                   (check out the 4 pdf's in the first post on this thread)
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Interesting!
                              I recently read that trees take most of their mass from the air, through CO2, not from the soil. I'll not contest that soil can be over-farmed and depleted of resources. Trees in their natural habitat though, provide their own food and other lifeforms' food through compostation of leafs, don't they?


                              • trees

                                That is interesting if they get their carbon and whatever from the air
                                more than soil. If that is the case, wouldn't surprise me.

                                Schauberger and Grander point out I believe that healthy trees contribute
                                water to the ground pulling it out of the air.

                                The mineral connection in some theories is that lack of minerals
                                has less plant life on the planet, then less co2 can be taken from
                                the air. So with more co2 in the air, there is some warming that will
                                evaporate more moisture, which gets pushed to the cooler climates and
                                causes more snow building back up the snow/ice pack and we get pushed
                                into an ice age. Glaciers grow thick, grind on mountains and this glacial milk
                                mineralizes all the land and the cycle repeats.
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

