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The Great Global Warming Swindle

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  • quote in quote

    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
    I was confused by it for a bit myself. In my opinion it should not be allowed.
    I don't think the software can prevent that. It doesn't happen very much
    and I think all we can do is just mention that we prefer for people to not
    post comments inside of someone else's quote when they do.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      No prob -
      . And by the way, I knew a German woman that was a customer
      at my health food store when I used to have it (she died several years
      back) - she was in Germany during the war and witnessed many things
      including being detained on a hillside by a group of guards in interesting
      uniforms and they identified themselves as the Igigi

      Not sure why it did stop but would be interesting if the oil spill actually
      did have something to do with it.
      Aaron, i'm pleased to see you take no offense to my remarks. Sometimes I find it so hard to explain in words my true intentions, without it being mis-understood by others. I'm afraid i had a little chuckle over a statement you made, which illustrates how our words can be mis-read, or imply the opposite of what was intended.

      I knew a German woman that was a customer at my health food store when I used to have it (she died several years back)
      - oh dear. Sorry, but it did tickle me

      Mathew Simmons was one of the most knowledgeable and outspoken people against BP and the gulf oil eruption, (I cannot consider it a spill). One of his claims was, during a July 15, 2010 interview with KPFK – Pacifica Los Angeles,[14] Simmons asserted that the relief wells and the capping process on the Macondo wellhead are publicity stunts and that the real vent is up to ten miles away. He said that an enormous pool of crude is accumulating below the sea floor, releasing poisonous gases and waiting to be whipped up by a hurricane. He was found dead in his bath on Aug 8th. 2010. Accidental drowning?

      From research, an indication as to how oil could interfere with the current, is suggested by a common physics demonstration. Both warm and cold water in a glass beaker are seperated by what is called 'the boundary layer'. Adding oil into the solution, removes this boundary layer. My understanding of this would suggest that the warm current normally 'rides' over the colder, denser current. However, with the addition of oil the boundary layer is destroyed allowing friction? and mixing of the two currents. My thinking is that the two currents combine, slowing the warmer current and possibly creating a thicker medium which is sluggish to movement. This is my own understanding, I have no physics training. However, remember that Corexit and other highly toxic dispersants have been used, which has caused approx 90% of the oil to sink, therefore 90% of the oil is hidden underwater, so who knows what is really going on down there?

      The Igigi story is interesting, i had no idea it was another name for the Annunaki. I'm open to all ideas, I believe its the only way to discover the truth for yourself.

      Thank you for raising James McCanney and his Plasma/electric universe theory, this sounds interesting.

      By the way, after having just read some of The Kulbrin Bible, it confirms what I believe, thanks!
      "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
      ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


      • global temperatures dropping sharply, by as much as 0.3C

        The Telegraph Uk

        We have lately heard much of the claim that 2010 will turn out to have been “the hottest year on record”. No one has done more to promote this belief than Dr James Hansen, head of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), responsible for one of the four main official global temperature records.

        As reported by the US blogs Real Science and Watts Up With That, in a post headed “GISS temperatures out of line with the rest of the world”, the GISS record has in recent months been diverging wildly from the others. While three have shown global temperatures dropping sharply, by as much as 0.3C, the GISS figures (based, despite the link to Nasa, on surface temperatures) have shot up by 0.2C.

        It's 'the hottest year on record', as long as you don't take its temperature - Telegraph


        • The Telegraph Uk

          We have lately heard much of the claim that 2010 will turn out to have been “the hottest year on record”. No one has done more to promote this belief than Dr James Hansen, head of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), responsible for one of the four main official global temperature records.

          As reported by the US blogs Real Science and Watts Up With That, in a post headed “GISS temperatures out of line with the rest of the world”, the GISS record has in recent months been diverging wildly from the others. While three have shown global temperatures dropping sharply, by as much as 0.3C, the GISS figures (based, despite the link to Nasa, on surface temperatures) have shot up by 0.2C.
          Maybe thats where the warming is actually concentrated.

          But seriously if we push Nature it may take a while to respond, but you can rest assured Nature will push back. The question is how hard will she push back a gentle push or a full fledged shove ? If we try to warm the planet Nature will try to cool it, It has no other choice.



          • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
            But seriously if we push Nature it may take a while to respond, but you can rest assured Nature will push back. The question is how hard will she push back a gentle push or a full fledged shove ? If we try to warm the planet Nature will try to cool it, It has no other choice.

            A nice thought Farmhand, & I agree, just from a slightly different perspective, I just struggle to see that Nature would see one of the most common elements in the Universe as such a threat, I don't.

            The spraying of aluminium oxide in our sky's, sodium fluoride added to the water supply, oestrogen, industrial waste, the real pollution problems from oil, drilling deep holes in the Earth, depleted uranium weapons with a half life of 500,00000000 years atomically polluting land air & water, genetically modifying crops & animals are but a few things I feel mother earth would be pissed off about, not the naturally occurring carbon dioxide, but thats just my opinion


            • I just struggle to see that Nature would see one of the most common elements in the Universe as such a threat, I don't.

              The spraying of aluminium oxide in our sky's, sodium fluoride added to the water supply, oestrogen, industrial waste, the real pollution problems from oil, drilling deep holes in the Earth, depleted uranium weapons with a half life of 500,00000000 years atomically polluting land air & water, genetically modifying crops & animals are but a few things I feel mother earth would be pissed off about, not the naturally occurring carbon dioxide, but thats just my opinion
              Oh yes I agree with you Karl, I am no expert in these matters but in my opinion Carbon is easily dealt with by Nature, that is why it is so usefull to us and nature, it is easily transmuted or transformed for energy gain. Well thats what my intuition tells me maybe i'm completely wrong.

              You can hear the hawkers sometimes say that by putting a price on carbon they will have an impact on other pollution as well, but why do it that way why not tax the other pollution ? I could think of quite a few straight off the top of my head. One of them being if they create a tax on say, mercury it would draw attention to how much of it was polluting the environment, think about it they want us to look up not down, we mustn't get distracted, if we dwell they twist and turn, like snakes.

              Anyway didn't anyone ever tell them about the boy who cried wolf.



              • Newfoundland Frozen Waves Video


                • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                  G'day Ash, That is amazing, who would have thunk it. The ocean is trying to put ice back onto the land. Hahahaha

                  Thats pretty wild even the water surface further out is frozen like it was when it was liquid. WOW

                  Thats what i'm talkin about Nature is pushing back. Thats a bit scary when you think about it. Did I hear of snowfall in Australia yesterday ?

                  Oh my


                  • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                    What makes this clip more bizarre & contrary to Global warming is that (if My geography is correct) Newfoundland is just above the gulf (stream) & this clip is four years old


                    • I've seen that on Lake Erie before. It happens when the conditions are just right: Probably when there is thin sheet ice forming close to shore, and the wave action still exists out to sea... so there is pressure pushing the water up into a very cold atmosphere, cold enough for it to flash-freeze. I guess it would require a rapid and very cold snap to happen while there was not pre-existing sheet or pack ice.

                      I remember one very cold January night, driving home from night school in downtown Cleveland at about 11:30 p... and seeing a huge magnificent 14-point Buck run out right in front of me (this in the downtown area of a major city)... the poor guy had come over the ice 70 miles from Canada, heading for the glow of the lights, probably looking for food. I later read, sadly, that he died by running into a plate glass window. This happened in the 1980's.
                      Last edited by jibbguy; 12-21-2010, 02:23 PM.


                      • Paul Watson today discussing Global warming, You could almost think he has been reading here the past few days with the articles he covers

                        skip to about 8.00

                        YouTube - Paul Watson: "The Stazi Crypto East Germany Decaying Banana Republic" - Alex Jones Tv 1/2


                        • Guys may be of interest

                          UK “conservatives” betray freezing Britons to carbon madness.Oh yes, the planet’s heating up, right now as record snow falls blanket the UK!
                          Did someone puncture a hole in the “Greenhouse”?Meanwhile UK’s “Conservative” Energy Secretary Chris Huhne (“the Eco Loon”) wants to force up the price of carbon (the stuff plants live on and that you and I exhale), Huhne: the final nail in the coffin of Cameron's lousy Coalition? – Telegraph Blogs to about $41 a tonne from currently 7c a tonne! Lots of silly Australian politicians want to do the same thing here – and they’re already forcing up the price of electricity.

                          Huhne the Eco Loon’s plan would force UK power bills up to 2500 pounds or $3900 Australian dollars a year! Why? So power companies can build highly inefficient windmills… to make power generation more expensive!Wondering why Queensland power bills have risen 50% in three years?This madness is globalism at work

                          Huhne: the final nail in the coffin of Cameron's lousy Coalition? – Telegraph Blogs

                          Agenda 21 And The Wildlands Project: How They Can Steal Your Land


                          • Solar Cycles, NOT CO 2
                            Solar Cycles, Not CO 2 , Determine Climate - global warming
                            by Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

                            'Get out the fur coats, because Global Cooling is coming!'
                            A world-renowned atmospheric scientist and mountaineer,
                            who has excavated ice out of 17 glaciers on 6 continents
                            in his 50-year career, tells how we know.

                            extracts from pdf doc.

                            "Since 1997, each of approximately 2,000 American climate scientists (only 60 of them with Ph.D. degrees) received an average of $1 million annually for research on a world scale, the annual budget for climate research runs to $5 billion. (2003/4)

                            In 1989, Stephen Schneider advised: “To capture the public imagination . . . we have to . . . make simplified dramatic statements, and little mention of any doubts one might have.. . . Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective and being honest.”

                            hmmm, so being honest and truthful is not important, but if you were paid $1,000,000 per year, would you do as you are told?

                            NOTE: This report was released in Winter 2003-2004

                            click to read pdf
                            "I say that if a TEN year old can do this and win, what the **** is wrong with the whole World?"
                            ~ John Bedini ~ 8 Mar 2000 -


                            • Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                              Hi Ash,

                              I watched the video with enthusiasm, expecting to see the shed get lifted and moved by the rising ice, but it didn't happen before the video ended. This sort of thing is a natural and common occurrence in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and along the coast of Maine where I live. All you need is some relatively thin ice, some wave action to break it, a rising tide, and a wind blowing toward the shoreline.

                              This also frequently happens during spring runoff at the lake where my cottage is located, in Downeast Maine. The rapidly melting snow causes a water surge through all inlet streams, and can raise the lake level by two to 3 feet very quickly. The already thinning ice cover on the lake starts to break up, and if it is a windy day then the ice starts piling up on the shore much as in the video. As the ice accumulates, it can do a lot of damage to the shoreline, and to any structures close to shore. About ten years ago, the ice built up so fast that it pushed my boat house 3 feet shoreward and off its foundation. Once it starts moving, nothing wil stop it.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • I have noticed a lot of talk lately about the Gulf Stream current stopping. To my thinking, this is just more globalist climate change alarmism at work, but to find out the truth of the matter I contacted my cousin Martin, who is a civilian oceanographer employed by the US Navy at the US Naval Oceanographic Office. Martin runs physical models of ocean/meteorological analyses for Navy customers, and also occasionally makes products for other agencies and universities. In simple terms, Martin describes himself as a sort of underwater weather man, and he is constantly taking readings and compiling data to assess present conditions and forecast future trends. I asked Martin if there was any truth to the rumors about current stoppages, and this is what he said:

                                Hm! I'd think we'd know something about that, since we measure it all the time. Everyone would know it if it actually happened, because Europe would be in a deep freeze, the entire North Atlantic would be devoid of life, and we down here on the Gulf Coast would be living about fifty feet under water.
                                I also asked Martin what his thoughts were on the validity of global warming/climate change, and the effects of CO2. His response:

                                A lot of it is like a pyramid: the basis decreases the higher up in the analysis you get. The evidence is pretty good for increasing climatic variability. Time scale is subject to interpretation but it's there. Evidence is somewhat less good translating that variability into global temperature increase; and even less good attributing such an increase to CO2 levels. Finally, near the top, the evidence is very sparse as to whether human activity represents a major contribution to CO2 levels, and at the point of the pyramid, whether there is any practicable way to control human activity sufficiently to control CO2 levels. There are very, very few absolute facts in science, and virtually none in climatological science. Nearly everything we do here is based on reliable guesstimates.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

