US astronaut Walter Cunningham appeared as a speaker at the UN's global warming conference in Warsaw yesterday, and had this to say:
“Their climate models have never successfully predicted anything and besides, don't forget, models are not data. Since the scientific method does not support the hypothesis they have dreamed up, they resort to so-called consensus science. Realists appear to be winning on the scientific front, but the real battle today and where the realists appear to be losing, is on the media front. The media plays the most influential role in shaping public perception, and to some degree with the politicians. True believers in human-caused global warming cannot be reasoned out of their position, because it wasn't reason which got them there in the first place.”
“Their climate models have never successfully predicted anything and besides, don't forget, models are not data. Since the scientific method does not support the hypothesis they have dreamed up, they resort to so-called consensus science. Realists appear to be winning on the scientific front, but the real battle today and where the realists appear to be losing, is on the media front. The media plays the most influential role in shaping public perception, and to some degree with the politicians. True believers in human-caused global warming cannot be reasoned out of their position, because it wasn't reason which got them there in the first place.”