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The Great Global Warming Swindle

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  • US astronaut Walter Cunningham appeared as a speaker at the UN's global warming conference in Warsaw yesterday, and had this to say:

    “Their climate models have never successfully predicted anything and besides, don't forget, models are not data. Since the scientific method does not support the hypothesis they have dreamed up, they resort to so-called consensus science. Realists appear to be winning on the scientific front, but the real battle today and where the realists appear to be losing, is on the media front. The media plays the most influential role in shaping public perception, and to some degree with the politicians. True believers in human-caused global warming cannot be reasoned out of their position, because it wasn't reason which got them there in the first place.”
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • The Aussies have found the "source" of global warming;
      Australia Rejects UN “Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism”
      The U.N. is the bastion of socialism so,
      Global warming exposed as UN-funded fraud | Zero Hedge
      The U.N. has been very transparent that global warming is to be used as a transfer mechanism to move wealth from rich countries to poor countries. The rich countries are resisting this;
      The Daily Bell - Global Warming Turmoil: The Meme Abides


      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
        The Aussies have found the "source" of global warming;
        Australia Rejects UN “Socialism Masquerading as Environmentalism”
        The U.N. is the bastion of socialism so,
        Global warming exposed as UN-funded fraud | Zero Hedge
        The U.N. has been very transparent that global warming is to be used as a transfer mechanism to move wealth from rich countries to poor countries. The rich countries are resisting this;
        The Daily Bell - Global Warming Turmoil: The Meme Abides

        Hi Danny, You think he might go renegade and require liquidation like Kennedy ?

        Who knows, if he does what he says (Abbott) he might get re-elected. I think
        he's wrong to label the carbon taxes and the like as Socialist, they are more
        like fascist. Democratic Socialism in a republic is just fine and dandy if my
        understanding of the terms is correct.

        We could claim independence and become a Republic, then we could vote in a
        socialist party democratically. I think socialism is not communism, socialism
        can be a society with businesses and so forth just like there is now, but with
        fair or very basic taxation and more rights for the people and fairer (less) wages for the
        government employed public servant politicians and better oversight and
        control/punishment of corrupt police and politicians alike, along with a new
        constitution, and printing our own currency "debt free" it sounds good if it
        could be made to happen.

        First step tell the IMF the WB and the UN to shove the global warming
        agenda. The "Climate Change Commission" is gone it was a criminal
        organisation setup by a criminal gang.

        If he screws us over as well I'll be personally peeved and may call him a nasty name and throw a vegemite sandwich at him.

        Go hard Tony, do not be afraid, do the right thing for the people, be the first
        politician in donkeys years to have a set of gonads and make a stand, almost
        all of Australia would back you if you out them. You don't want to be the one
        the people finally turn on when pushed too far, Fix it man.

        Cancel the CHOGM. There is more important work to do than entertain scum and scheme evil.

        Quote from previously linked article.
        According to an official document outlined in The Australian newspaper, the new government plans to remain “a good international citizen” and is still “committed to achieving a 5 percent reduction” in CO2 emissions by 2020. However, the document, reportedly produced after a cabinet meeting last week, noted that authorities will not agree to any international “climate” agreements that involve squandering more taxpayer money or levying taxes.

        Australia “will not support any measures which are socialism masquerading as environmentalism,” the document also states. The new government, led by conservative-leaning Prime Minister Tony Abbott (shown), also explicitly declared that it would not make any payments or accept any liabilities as part of any potential new UN global warming agreement. That means Australia will refuse to play “any role in a wealth transfer from rich countries to developing nations to pay them to decrease their carbon emissions,” the paper reported.

        With rulers of poor countries demanding $100 billion per year from taxpayers in wealthier nations to deal with alleged man-made “climate change” this week in Warsaw, the Australian decision represents a potentially major blow to the UN-led extortion effort. The new leadership also refused to send senior Australian officials — Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop — to the ongoing UN summit. Predictably, climate alarmists and wealth redistributionists were up in arms. Analysts and commentators in Australia and other Western nations, however, celebrated the move.

        Abbott has also spoken out forcefully on international schemes that involved extracting funds from taxpayers to buy “permits” from a scandal-plagued system supposedly aimed at cutting carbon emissions in foreign countries. According to news reports, the new Australian government blasted the policy based on official forecasts showing that the anti-emissions regime would eventually end up costing $150 billion per year. “This is by far the biggest wealth transfer from Australians to foreigners that's ever been contemplated,” Abbott was quoted as saying about the controversial scheme.
        “You've already voted on the carbon tax but now it's the parliament's turn,” he said in comments apparently aimed at extremist lawmakers seeking to ignore the will of voters by keeping the taxes in place. “This is my bill to reduce your bills.... Abolishing the carbon tax will reduce the average household's cost of living by $550 a year.” Also on the new ruling coalition’s agenda is scrapping a massive tax on mining profits and scaling back taxpayer-funded handouts to foreign governments.
        The article even says it's a UN-led extortion effort. Correct language.

        Don't just scale back handouts stop them.

        Last edited by Farmhand; 11-22-2013, 05:11 PM.


        • Nolly Prott

          Farmhand,,, cheers right back at you.
          If you do a search on population reduction , you find claims that warming is part of a larger depopulation plan. Nolly Prott has written quite a bit.

          Green holocaust;
          Green Holocaust | nollyprott
          Corporate plan;
          The Corporate-Nazi Arch Plan for the UK Agenda 21 ! | nollyprott


          • Planet X

            Planet X, A Brown Dwarf, Second Sun, BlueBonnet:
            Knew this would eventually come out with some better insights as to what is about to happen:

            Planet X/"Nibiru"/Brown Dwarf Twin Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis

            Had to blame the erratic Weather on something and what better than Planet X.
            Like the man I talked to the other day who said the Weather was not normal and most irregular and could only agree.
            This may be the reason why the Sun is quiet and the other influence in our skies is taking hold but as yet we cannot see its surface or even know how active it really is.
            I keep saying that I don't see a connection between the Sun and current severe Weather like another named Blizzard for the US and an Atlantic Storm about to hit the UK and Europe and the sheer intensity of Haiyan rolling through the Phillipines.
            Would very much like to know how Piers Corbyn (UK) is predicting the Weather as I doubt it is from the Sun but is probably from a Cosmic Ray Detector (CRD - I have one built) and this may be why Eric Dollard is interested in such and you will also note that he states the exact same in one of his videos that the Sun has gone quiet and is 'dying' - might be a little more to it than just that.
            Jupiter, as our current second Sun could also be changing its energy patterns.

            Last edited by David G Dawson; 12-14-2013, 05:31 AM. Reason: spelling


            • Gotta love it!

              By now I'm sure that most of you folks have seen news reports of a Russian research vessel trapped in sea ice near Antarctica. The vessel became trapped Christmas morning, and all efforts to free the vessel or rescue the 74 crew and passengers aboard have so far failed.

              What is interesting to note about this story is that the Russian vessel, Akademic Shokalskiy, was chartered by a group of global warming research scientists headed by Chris Turney, a professor of "climate change" at the University of New South Wales. The purpose of the research endeavor was to study how climate change is melting polar ice caps, but it certainly does not look like the current situation will support that theory. The ship was formerly a Russian ice-breaker, so it was considered appropriate for use in this research endeavor, especially considering the fact that it is currently summer in the southern hemisphere.

              Three other ice breakers (Chinese Snow Dragon, French, and Australian) were dispatched to the area of the stranded vessel, but have been unable to reach it because of surface ice which is now 3 meters or more in thickness. The latest attempt, by the Aurora Australis, was able to arrive within 20 miles of the Akademic Shokalskiy, but the thick ice and blizzard conditions prevented the Australian ice-breaker from going any further. The Aurora Australis is the highest capacity breaker of the 3 rescue vessels, but is only designed to cut through ice up to 1.6 meters thickness, just half that of the current conditions. Unless the blizzard lets up soon and the ice begins breaking up of its own accord before crushing the Akademic Shokalskiy, it appears that the crew and passengers will have to be rescued by a helicopter which is onboard the Snow Dragon.

              While I do hope that efforts to free the Akademic Shokalskiy, or otherwise rescue those aboard the vessel go well for all concerned, I can't help but grin at seeing this story unfold. The expedition, which obviously was funded by "global warming" alarmists and aimed at further promoting the "global warming/climate change" agenda, will now end up costing multi-million dollars due to the rescue attempts, and is surely a black eye to the global warming propagandists. As one blogger on the Pirate’s Cove website pointed out, "Cute how these warmists who hate fossil fuels take a trip to the Antarctic to show just how horrible fossil-fueled climate change is, then need rescue from their fossil-fueled trip by other fossil-fueled ships and helicopters, which still can’t rescue them.” Of course the global warming alarmists will probably attempt to characterize this as an example of a "extreme weather" event which is somehow the result of "climate change," and some folks will actually believe that.

              By the way, after going through a bitter cold December and then being hit hard by a 3 day Christmas ice storm here in Maine, followed up by a snow storm last night featuring snowflakes up to three inches in diameter, I would gladly welcome a little bit of global warming here if that were possible. The temperature was 10 below zero this morning, and is slated for 20 below the next couple of days. That's a normal occurrence here in Maine at this time of year, so I'm used to it, but will be happy when the annual 'January Thaw' comes along.
              Last edited by rickoff; 01-01-2014, 12:48 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Update on the antarctic "rescue" mission

                A helicopter from the Chinese Snow Dragon icebreaker (a.k.a. Xue Long) was able to pick up the stranded global warming researchers from the icebound Russian vessel, Akademic Shokalskiy, and transport them to theAustralian ice breaker,Aurora Australis, but it now appears that the Snow Dragon, China's premiere ice breaking vessel, is also trapped in the 3 meter thick pack ice and is unable to move.

                It looks as though the researchers were glad to leave the Russian vessel, since food supplies were getting low onboard. The crew of the Russian vessel opted to remain onboard at least for the time being, in hopes that conditions may improve and allow the vessel to be freed. The crew of the Chinese Snow Dragon is hoping that tidal conditions tomorrow morning will help them to escape, but for now it is a wait and see scenario.

                The Australian ice breaker is standing by at what their captain considers to be a cautious distance, in case it is called upon to attempt to help free the Snow Dragon. It would be quite ironic if all three vessels end up becoming icebound, thus stranding the global warming researchers for an even longer time. Actually, even if the Australian breaker does not become trapped, it may be quite a while before the researchers can go home because the Australian vessel was on a supply mission which it must complete before heading out of the area. Even then, a course to Tasmania, where the researchers will be dropped off, is expected to take about two weeks.

                It is quite telling that most all of the major news outlets who are reporting this story only refer to the global warming researchers as "passengers," as if they were simply on board the Russian vessel for a scenic journey.
                Last edited by rickoff; 01-03-2014, 09:59 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • I doubt the Australis will get stuck, they've got work to do.

                  My concern is if the stuck ships get crushed they will foul the water/environment
                  with their fuels and oils.

                  I think it's about time all these climate researchers begin to use wooden boats
                  with sails, at least then if they get stuck and crushed the environment will suffer less.

                  Simple language, just like the Seinfeld soup Nazi. "You are climate alarmist - No fuel for you, go away, no fuel for you".

                  When we see a vehicle with climate alarmist stickers we ought to shove a
                  potato up it tail pipe to make sure it doesn't pollute, better still would be to
                  weld a steel plug in the tail pipe. Instead of using fuel they should be walking
                  or riding bicycles.

                  Electric vehicles are a joke if they get charged by a coal fired power plant or
                  by a nuclear power plant. Some people don't think past their car or their front
                  door or their wall outlet.

                  Last edited by Farmhand; 01-03-2014, 10:48 PM.


                  • Climatic Extremes

                    Climatic Extremes:
                    The 'scientists' and tourists and others aboard the Akademic Shokalskiy are going to be in for a hard time when they eventually land in Hobart.
                    General consensus here is that these people are a rich pack of idiots and deserve the full force of the law to be imposed upon their ill-prepared misguided adventure.
                    Same goes for the Arctic where several rich and their yachts were caught when the North West Passage suddenly closed after being opened due to an over thaw that only lasted for a brief period.

                    As I do a daily World Weather download I believe what we see happening here are current extremes being created that affect only a certain location on the Globe - BUT
                    What you will also see are other extremes in another location that are probably causing the first extreme.
                    This can only be related to an imbalance in the normal Aether spread across the Planet which appears to be severe at this time and may be the Nuclear/Oxygen phenomena at a climatic peak.
                    What bothers me is that, is this a peak or does it simply continue on or do we now get the backside affect and to where?

                    What I refer to here are Cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere which are currently most predominant in the Indian Ocean - Athena/Bruce/Christine and now TC Bejisa just off Madagaskar.
                    Bejisa has been sitting off Madagaskar for an extreme length of time and only now forming into a Cyclone.
                    Severe TC Christine now over me but pretty much dissolved is creating Heatwave conditions throughout the East Coast States with Queensland copping it now with record high temperatures.

                    When all of this activity with respect to Cyclones dies down, only then will the conditions change and the Russian ship may then be able to be freed from the ice.

                    Your area of Maine and the Boston coast are really copping it this year and in an ongoing weekly stream.
                    These Storms then traverse the Northern Atlantic and hit the UK and Europe with the same intensity.
                    Meanwhile over in the China area at the same Latitude it looks calm in comparison.

                    Farm Hand,
                    Think you are in Western NSW in OZ at Coonamble (?) and would like to know how you are faring in the consistent heat and how does this year compare to previous years and believe you to be an oldie like myself and how do you keep cool?
                    I am 71 and living in near coastal Taree.
                    I have a cooling sea breeze this morning.



                    • Hi Smokey, I'm in Central Queensland, it is very warm here today will be 40 plus
                      centigrade again, we had a brief shower of rain last night which means
                      today the humidity is up to 70% which is not too bad yet.

                      I seen spray planes yesterday which might explain the rain, but looking back at
                      my crash camera footage I see some plane trails in the last few days as well.

                      I don't mind the heat but it knocks the animals around if there is no green feed.

                      I expect it will hot into next week and beyond but a bit less of a heatwave. And
                      possibly some serious storms as well in the arvo's. But this is kinda normal for here.

                      We have had temps over 48 degrees c here back in 1990. 23 years ago.

                      As long as some rain comes soon all is good. If we get record low rainfall this
                      year, even a small goat herder like me will need to reduce stock, or work hard
                      to feed them, cutting trees and so forth, I try to make sure I don't kill the
                      trees and just trim the ugly looking branches and fast growing trees.

                      Snakes are worry, one came in my hut to escape the heat/look for water, which caused me
                      to vacate and I had to do a lot of work to make sure it didn't stay in here on
                      the floor somewhere. A complete search in the midday heat. It was a brown
                      snake, luckily my dog seen it and attacked and luckier still he couldn't get to
                      it as it was in the corner half in the wall. If he hadn't seen it I would not have
                      known it was in here. I'd rather sweat to death than die in my hut from snake bite.

                      Yeah it's hot alright. But we're used to it here. It's the cold I cannot take.

                      I'm not as old as you a relative youngster at 46, but I'm worn out in the body,
                      I have some serious spine problems, that I will likely need another operation
                      for, I've already had three vertebra fused in my neck, I've got disc problems in
                      my lower back and a thoracic problem as well as problems with facet joints
                      and where the ribs join the spine. Just now I am in a kind or remission
                      because I've done no work for 6 months, waiting to see a neurosurgeon in Brisbane.

                      When it gets real hot I just try not to move or think. I'm on a mountain near Mt Morgan
                      about 30 klm or so from the coast, 270 meters closer to the sun..

                      Before the heatwave we got a lot of strong easterlies for a few days, was nice.

                      I was leaking from every pore before 8:30 this morning. Detox week.


                      Wow the town is on Wiki.

                      Mount Morgan, Queensland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      The Mount Morgan Mine finally closed in 1981, having produced vast
                      quantities of gold during its lifetime. During the mining operation, most of the
                      mountain was mined away, and the town now lies adjacent to a 43 m deep
                      acid-water filled pit
                      Nice huh. Now Rothschild has our gold and we have a big hole full of acid. And a poor (Welfare) town. Nice and fair, most of the workers are dead I guess.
                      Last edited by Farmhand; 01-04-2014, 03:38 AM.


                      • It's 2 pm and 42 degrees C in the shade here or 107 F, definitely summer.

                        However I don;t think the carbon is an issue anymore now we have Fukushima.

                        Now that is a real problem, but no one wants to deal with that.
                        How will we survive if the ocean dies, I think we are all toast anyhow
                        it's just a matter of time now. Writings on the wall.

                        The hippies were right, it's all about mother Earth not money.

                        We better start enjoying the flowers and the sun while we can.

                        Joan Baez Where Have All The Flowers Gone - YouTube

                        Blowin' In The Wind - Joan Baez - YouTube

                        People have been fighting and protesting against pollution and waste for many years but it did not much at all.

                        When will people learn. It's not the carbon it's the poisons, toxins and now
                        unrestrained radioactive material release into the ocean. OMG. What have we done.

                        36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast ~ RiseEarth

                        Will people continue to chase profit when they get cancer, how can all the
                        victims be treated. Won't happen. No one will clean it up and to me that says
                        shut the rest of them all down now. While it can still be done.


                        This Aussie sounding woman tells it how she sees it.
                        Dr Helen Caldicott - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster- You won't hear this on the Main Stream News. - YouTube

                        Last edited by Farmhand; 01-04-2014, 04:29 AM.


                        • Well here at my home today, Valencia, it is 21c, 70F, last week it was 5c, tomorrow we have a forcast of high winds and 5c again.

                          It is climate change of very quick big swings in temperature. Global warming are the wrong words, but climate change is right and we are seeing it on an ever increasing scale from one year to the next. Last week Argentina saw 50c, yes you heard that right, you could not go out in the street, it brought down the power system, never been seen before.




                          • Radiation

                            Thankyou for the videos and more below.
                            Dr. Caldicott made one error in that we have not produced a replication of the Sun in Nuclear Energy as the Sun is NOT a working Bomb and is actually cold and hollow inside.
                            The surface is a display of burning Hydrogen which is manufactured by the Sun and burnt on its surface.
                            Eric Dollard calls it an energy 'Transformer' or 'Converter' using the energy from another Dimension or 'Counterspace' and more here:

                            The Sun is Not What we We Have Been Told Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun - YouTube

                            Patrick Flanagan on Fukushima:

                            WTFUKU? What the Fukushima?! - YouTube

                            Interesting as he has a solution to radiation and would suggest it is associated with the Aether (Wilhelm Reich) but not too sure exactly what that would be.

                            Does anybody know what the solution is to neutralise radiation?

                            A good read of Reich would probably reveal the solution but not that deep into his disclosures as yet.
                            Walter Russell also of note in applying a dual field at the source at a certain angle would create transmutation into something other than the base Plutonium - another project in the wind at this stage as well as the dual Cone Coil experiment.

                            At this point we all need to know how to reduce the radiation as that is where we are now going.
                            Leuren Moret is saying that Fukushima was engineered to depopulate the World so we have something of a task ahead for us all.

                            Have just completed a Geiger Counter Kit from Oatley Electronics (K305B) and is working OK first up but notice they now have a 'C' and need to know what that entails.
                            Also have a 1950s RBM Long of Sydney Counter and uses a 1S5 and 2 x 3S4s and looking at a replacement power supply as the 45 volt batteries are no longer available.
                            Would still like to have it for mobile use.



                            • Patrick Flanagan & PESN

                              Responding to my own question:

                              Patrick Flanagan (Tesla II) says He Knows How to Neutralize Fukushima



                              • Europe Back-tracking on Climate Policy

                                Hey Folks,

                                Take a look at this article from the BBC

                                BBC News - 'Burnt out' EU likely to curb climate goals

                                "Binding national targets on renewable energy are expected to be dropped from new EU proposals due to be unveiled on Wednesday."

                                I guess 16 years of NO WARMING plus the advent of cheap "shale gas" as a means to lower "carbon emissions" is finally going to be reflected in EU Climate Policy changes. Why bother spending a fortune on Wind and Solar when cheap shale gas can lower emissions much more and produce base-line power 24/7, which Wind and Solar can never do?

                                Mind you, I am "not for..." cheap shale gas, but it is a reality in the market that is gutting investment in clean, alternative energy technologies, even more-so here in the USA, who just recaptured the title of #1 producer of Natural Gas in the World.

                                It's not too hard to see why the world is so screwed up!

                                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets

